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reclusive_ent t1_ixoxhc4 wrote

I've think the concept has some merit (not lethally armed, though). Police consistently use "fear for my safety" as a reason to use lethal force, even in situations it's unnecessary. Using hardware instead of humans would negate that argument. Load them up with LTLs and cameras, and speakers. Use them in any scenario that they feel an officer would be endangered. Barricade situations, hostage situations, high risk traffic encounters etc. If they encounter a sketchy situation, pull back and await assistance. It could be win/win for both police and anyone forced to interact with them.


ZsMann t1_ixp1c8s wrote

That's hoping that the fear for safety part will be used efficiently and not like it is used presently


DoomGoober t1_ixpmi88 wrote

I suggested this idea on the police sub and they absolutely hated it. For suspects that are possibly giving up, have a mechanical hand cuff and have them cuff themselves before the officers come out of cover (cameras, latch that detects it's closed correctly, maybe attached to a heavy ass robot.)

For non-compliant suspects, pepper spray or taser deployed from the robot.

They said the suspects would use the robot as a weapon and many suspects would try to break it just out of spite.

But if it means both the officer and the suspect survive I feel like it's worth it.