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LostMyKarmaElSegundo t1_j1zpe3x wrote

Microwave popcorn bags contain a lot of PFAS, apparently. And the flavoring/"butter" is a bunch of crap.

I make my popcorn in a pot on the stove with coconut oil. I can flavor it with actual seasonings and real butter. So much better than anything I've ever made in a bag.

Soon, I'll be getting an induction stovetop, so I don't imagine my popcorn consumption will a major contributor to climate change.


wufnu t1_j1zqoa9 wrote

I imagine some younger folks would be surprised to know you can make popcorn in a pan.

Or a cannon.


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_j1zq3ez wrote

I have a bag of popcorn from the microwave about once per year.

So, no, none of these things matter to me.

Maybe you all should cut down on the unnecessary carbs instead? :)


LostMyKarmaElSegundo t1_j1zsya6 wrote

Well, I only eat popcorn a few times a year at most. Which is part of why, if I'm going to make it, I want it to be as good as possible.

You're not wrong about the carbs though...


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_j1zwhe6 wrote

To each his own. I was just speaking up for the microwave popcorn contingent. :)


AudioHTIT t1_j1zt50z wrote

So you don’t really eat popcorn, but you’re pretty adamant about how the rest of us should cook it?


lilrabbitfoofoo t1_j1zwe53 wrote

Whoosh goes the point...right over your head.

Hint: You may have noticed that I was only talking about MY popcorn preferences and interests not advocating for anyone else's...unlike the OP article and all of the popcorn pedants posting replies.