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t1_j1gm3ep wrote

For Indians, it can take upwards of 20 years of H1B before they get through the green card process. It is not uncommon for them to get married, buy a house, and have kids in this time. It is incredibly cruel to expect them to put their life on hold for decades. H1B folks are equally as qualified as any American worker, I personally work with a lot of them. They absolutely deserve better than the system provides to them today


t1_j1gr3px wrote

I agree with you. I’ve worked with very talented H1B holders.


t1_j1gwi9m wrote

You’ll still work with them, they’ll just be back in their home country


t1_j1gxotl wrote

Where they don't contribute to our economy. We'd be fools not to have them join us.

We should get as many Indians now as we can before they stop being interested in the US.


t1_j1iigg9 wrote

These are folks who will go on to start companies. Some of them will start the next major tech company. America loses soft power by sending them back


t1_j1gybqr wrote

Those are the rules. India has way too many immigrant applications. Hence the wait. Fair is fair.


t1_j1hjomj wrote

The path to legal citizenship for illegal immigrants is shorter than the path for legal Indians on H1B visa


t1_j1gwatu wrote

Just because someone deserves something doesn’t mean others have to give it to them. So many other factors beed to be considered.


t1_j1h4byy wrote

No, those factors fucking don't. If that person has worked for it, earned it, and proved they can keep it - then they fucking deserve it.

Fuck nationalism. Fuck regionalism. Fuck superiority complex. People are people, no matter where they are, and deserve to be treated as people.


t1_j1hqwdl wrote

You are missing my point. I am not saying they don’t deserve it. I am saying, the world doesn’t work based on who deserves what. Wall Street execs deserved to be jailed after 2008. I rest my case.