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DamnImAwesome t1_jdq9l18 wrote

Enjoying it so far but it’s pushing the limits of suspension of disbelief


Pon_de t1_jdqe34b wrote

Same. I would rate it High-Decent. The lady assassin character is weirdly compelling. Weakest link to me is the niece. All around a good watch. I binged it in a night and will be back for season 2.


steeeeeeee24 t1_jdqey54 wrote

I enjoyed it, I don’t think there was anything great about it but it was entertaining. I will certainly watch season 2 if there is one


fiercetankbattle t1_jdqi4du wrote

Yes, loads of fun. It’s a bit silly in parts but very entertaining none the less


ThrillHo3340 t1_jdqko4t wrote

i fully enjoyed this show. I’m a sucker for these types of shows though so i’ll watch every single one


SuspendedInKarmaMama t1_jdqlgr3 wrote

I loved it. I don't really care about suspension of disbelief it the show is this entertaining.


Adenchiz t1_jdqw6qn wrote

I was wondering why I've not seen any threads here on this, I've only seen the 1st 2 episodes but they are enough to keep me going. The series feels like something that NBC or FOX would air on a Monday or Thursday night.


ariesrush t1_jdqympf wrote

I honestly enjoyed it. It's nothing high brow but I thought the pacing was good as I never really felt like it lagged. I ended up bingeing it which I didn't intend to do.


2naFied t1_jdrc8ct wrote

The overall pacing was very well done and it never really felt dull. I enjoyed it.

Gabriel Basso as Peter lacks charisma for me though.


Denton_dx t1_jdrcrj6 wrote

It is by the creator of The Shield which is the best cop show ever, imho.

So I will watch it. But I would prefer to wait when it is complete, with Netflix cancelling stuff without proper closure left and right :(


jjjcam t1_jdrdizk wrote

I read an article by the creator that said even if he is able to get multiple seasons for this show, he pitched the show as each season having a beginning, middle, and end, in case it gets canceled.


billstrash t1_jdrhclg wrote

The Chief of Staff is the worst actress I've ever seen.

And after researching her, apparently I may be alone in my feelings!


im_a_dick_head t1_jdrqrg0 wrote

I just finished the first episode and it was really good


Cantora t1_jdsql32 wrote

Watched episode 1. Many continuity issues and logical inconsistencies - pretty much right from the very start...

I'm going to watch ep 2, hoping it was just the pilot. I liked the concept and I'm keen to give it a go, but not if ep2 has the same problems as ep1


i_heart_platypodes t1_jdsw35z wrote

I have dubbed it "Hallmark 24". It's entertaining enough to want to keep watching, but it's so full of terrible tropes and with such bland action, acting, and directing that it's as if the Hallmark channel produced Jack Bauer lite.


serenehide t1_jdt5kvl wrote

It's fine but it's very much the equivalent of one of those trashy paperback love novels. It's a female fantasy story and the kind of logic required in those stories drives a lot of the action...


jjjcam t1_jdt5pkn wrote

I'm not sure, i'm still watching but the show is pretty good so far. It's not on the level of "24", which I think is one of the best action shows, but it has similar vibes.


caivsivlivs t1_jdtr984 wrote

Same here, was a fun watch. Hope to see our boy Peter in the field doing spy stuff next season lol.


appleturtle90 t1_jdtven5 wrote

I thought it was great, or at least better than a lot of shows in this genre. Fairly grounded in reality. Likeable leads. Some good twists. The weakest part is the actual motivation of the people behind the conspiracy.


dracarys_112 t1_jdtzksh wrote

It was ok. Deffo was a rip-off of the bodyguard. Also the acting of the female lead was quite bad


ddaved76 t1_jdu1m52 wrote

I like it. It’s also wildly different than the book was so future seasons don’t bother me since it’s already veered so far from the source material.


mugenrice t1_jdub7qn wrote

Good they cast asian characters but why give them non Asian names lol Diane Farr, Cisco Jenkins, willet lol


DC4MVP t1_jdue996 wrote

The final episode has a big one lol

Spoilers below....

>!There's a bomb in a small Pelican Case at the retreat. Maybe 3 pounds max. She finds it with 3+ minutes left before detonation. All she had to do is pick up the brief case and chuck it deep into the woods and walk away.!<


Kittenyberk t1_jduehit wrote

I ordered 24 from wish and got the night agent.

Didn't hate it at all, but needs suspension of disbelief set to 11.


BecoDasCavernas t1_jduerjr wrote

I had a lot of fun. A couple of things bothered me, like >!how everyone that helped them eventually died (happened three times, it kinda gets old), and how this tech girl with no knowledge about her uncle and aunt's real job, also with no training, was somehow always able to help in a fight (even killing two assassins), lie and hack every computer or system (this part is understandable since she worked with security but it still feels too convenient).!< but regardless, it never took the foot off the gas and it got me addicted.


Aditya_Kalyanathaya t1_jdupzpz wrote

It was an average show, no twists where surprising enough, I am not saying we need twist to be really good, but just dont add it because its a part of genre.

The fenale lead for some reason looked like a baby to me even though she is 29 years old, maybe its her height maybe its the dialogue's not sure.

A solid 6 in my radar, translated to "fair"


GhenghisK t1_jdv8mf9 wrote

I really like it! Had lots of twists and turns as well as the usual 'wth' moments..


KenKaniffLovesEminem t1_jdweynl wrote

I fucking loved Eve Harlow and Phoenix Raei's characters and their chemistry made the show worth watching for me, but I thought it was overall entertaining enough to watch too and I'd watch Season 2 as well. I felt like there were some really great dialogue lines I remember being impressed by (which I ironically forgot at the moment) but like when the plot was getting serious and heavier than I assumed it'd get (and it flowed pretty nicely in my opinion), it'd be going well... then >!Rose would say some line referencing a different film (like when they said something about "murdering Godfather-style") and it'd just take me out of the immersion :/!<


KenKaniffLovesEminem t1_jdwgtkr wrote

>regardless, it never took the foot off the gas and it got me addicted

I think that was the real reason I just kept watching. There was always something happening that got me "interested" and overall I fairly enjoyed watching it. But yes there were a lot of flaws but I like to just think some stuff are able to happen because it's "motion picture".


myslead t1_jdx2mqr wrote

thought it was watchable... but the casting of the leads were bad, they had way better actors as supporting too


gladykov t1_jdx3gz2 wrote

Didn't know AI now can produce series.


RobotDog56 t1_jdxiznh wrote

Too many things in this show took me out of the moment. I'm usually really forgiving of unrealistic things in TV shows and like to just stay in the moment. It started with the cop sneaking up on her when she was hiding in the house (since when do cops enter houses quietly). Then many little things bothered me. The killers kept finding them all the time and they never thought they might be being tracked. Even just when he hid in a room and magically knew when the SS guy had walked past. Other SS guys talking about the only escape route right where he was hiding. Etc etc.

Amenadiel is great though lol.


spate42 t1_jdxwdww wrote

Does everyone continue being stupid and doing stupid things all season long like standing outside and staring at the intruders until they notice you and come chase you? lol

1 episode in and I've rolled my eyes a lot.


kinda_guilty t1_jdxx1o4 wrote

I liked that aspect (>!when the lead is overwhelmed in a fight, she jumps in with one blow or stab when the antagonists are looking away to tip the scales. Refreshing change of pace from the damsels hiding in the corner screaming while they are saved nonsense in most media.!<)


Ghost_Keep t1_jdy1ex7 wrote

It started off strong. I liked the lead guy and the snarly side kick. But it went off the rails a bit and lost me when the secret agent made the VPs daughter literally walk with a bullet hole in her leg. And when Peter was waving his gun at the corrupt Chief of Staff. The scene where Peter and his cop friend swat the house with the bad guys. Like the cops wouldn’t have called the swat team. I could go on. I get that most of these shows are fantasy. But they are somewhat based on realistic procedures. This one was just comedic at times. The sniper part in the ship yard. Uh. Just stay behind the cargo containers and wait for backup. I could barely get through the last two episodes.


scoobysnack27 t1_jdyca3a wrote

People like this show?!? I guess it's not the worst pile of turd I've ever seen but...civilian allowed to be working with an FBI agent? Dude and his cop buddy busting into a building after some killers without calling for back up? Like one cliche plot twist after the other? Also zero chemistry between the actors? The absolutely terrible acting from the people playing The hired killers? The fact that if you've ever set foot in Virginia you would know that there are absolutely no large mountains just outside of DC? (The Appalachians don't count. They are not large enough and that is not what they look like). You cannot swap Washington State with Washington DC... Ah geez, I could go on.


MathematicianOk366 t1_jdyf6jo wrote

I kind of liked the fact that it was a little ridiculous. I enjoy yelling at the TV at times.

I also - found it laughable that the VP's daughter was just limping around with noone helping her....multiple times. Up and down stairs, when they were going to \ getting off the helicopter.


mgh0505 t1_jdyl8up wrote

So… first scene.. why didn’t he just take the bomb off of the train?… like come on how stupid


Muffin-Sprinkles t1_jdyxllu wrote

Just finished it, it was ok. It felt like a very safe average show. Wasn't bad but nothing to be excited for either. Idk if it needs a second season tbh. Seems like a pretty generic show, if u have nothing to watch and a few days to kill it will be ok to fill the time with.

The male and female leads are kinda meh, the other characters were more interesting. Little sad they killed monks but that's whatever.


Obvious_Word_1231 t1_jdz0ecl wrote

Funny you say that because I saw the trailer and for a moment I thought the lead actor was Richard Madden for a second. Honestly, nothing about the premise makes it seem worth watching. It feels like it should be a mid-90's action film starring Charlie Sheen.


Tawptuan t1_jdzsulh wrote

In episode three, how did they get magically transported to Pacific Northwest forests??

Yeah, suspension of belief necessary to enjoy the series.


oldmanjenkins51 t1_je0bglt wrote

I’m on episode 4 I believe. I’m entertained but the show is very wooden. Acting, writing, directing all wooden.


Delicious-Tachyons t1_je11psu wrote

please tell me it doesn't end on a cliffhanger.

i'm over watching incomplete tv shows


AC5L4T3R t1_je2ku7a wrote

Turned it off half way through the 2nd episode. The writing is awful.


Uncreative_Namer2 t1_je2zbaq wrote

Wait, I didn´t get this wrong, Arrington and Rose are cousins right?...How come it doesn´t get mentioned or anything. Not even a SINGLE interaction with that???Not putting "spoiler" since it doesn´t really spoil anything since it doesn´t do jackshit with the plot.

EDIT: Pretty sure the Aunt shown in episode 1 is Arringtons Mom later on in the show.
Let me know if I should mark this as spoiler, dunno


Safe-Heat-1692 t1_je3jjkw wrote

First episode reeled me in. Strong beginning, first episode suspenseful. But my interest waned as I continued to watch. It seemed almost comic book-ish to me. One annoying thing is that Ellen acts like Alexis Rose on Schitt’s Creek. This annoyed me because it seems like she ripped off that character’s mannerisms and it seemed very forced at that. Anyone else see that? The strongest acting came from Gabriel Basso. The characters lacked depth.


Scaredysquirrel t1_jeb3wg4 wrote

I think it was well written too. Too many shows have so much false conflict and this one didn’t. I also liked that Rose was only as helpful in fights as someone as her ability level could be.


pwa09 t1_jefmuhg wrote

It was quite ridiculous at the end when she was requesting the records for the dead guy and the lady just obliged and gave her the envelope with his information out in an open hallway. Like in what world would that have happened


halomtm t1_jegyl70 wrote

I'm pretty easy to please with knockoff 24 shows. Give me a decent plot, decent chemistry between the leads, decent side characters, and I'm happy.