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MeronDC t1_jb9ndlh wrote

Do I need to watch part 1 to see part 2?


Foolie-Brigante t1_jb9riuk wrote

4 episodes in and so far the “Curb Your Judaism” bits are my favorite lmao


PropJoe421 t1_jba5z6p wrote

I did not recognize him as Rasputin initially until they did the Jackrasp thing. Always good to see some of the old Jackass gang together.


Quixotegut t1_jba7jlc wrote

Started watching it last night, saw JK as Rasputin and lost it.

That Jackass has been included in a Mel Brooks associated production warms my heart for the boys.

Seeing Pontius party-boi with an orthodox cap on was hilarious.


cabose7 t1_jbar621 wrote

Swole Mel Brooks is some real nightmare fuel


CosmicLars t1_jbc8ro1 wrote

I enjoyed it, but definitely fell flat in a lot of places. Still happy it was made tho.