MeronDC t1_jb9ndlh wrote
Do I need to watch part 1 to see part 2?
FlannelForLife t1_jb9olj2 wrote
Ok grumpy pants go back to bed
rhgiles t1_jb9onkw wrote
No, nothing that happened in the movie is in the tv show.
kbig22432 t1_jb9p0ar wrote
Not everything can be Bronie hentai or crush videos, as much as you might like it to be.
MechaRon t1_jb9p96l wrote
I mean there is the Hitler bit but really no real reason besides its funny.
rhgiles t1_jb9qzef wrote
I'm sure the hitler bit was brand new and yes the movie is pretty funny.
Foolie-Brigante t1_jb9riuk wrote
4 episodes in and so far the “Curb Your Judaism” bits are my favorite lmao
Skips3000 t1_jb9rnen wrote
Go read your newspaper, old man
Davethisisntcool t1_jb9sctj wrote
because he’s not you
[deleted] t1_jb9vspm wrote
sirbissel t1_jb9w2xj wrote
Which dumbfuck shit?
shadowdra126 t1_jb9z0b9 wrote
I mean you should watch it cause it is a comedy classic
RedditRuleViolator t1_jba4gei wrote
If you're going to put concentration camps in another country, you'd better be flawless on the ice.
RedditRuleViolator t1_jba4jgt wrote
Rasputin? He apparently had magical powers.
PropJoe421 t1_jba5z6p wrote
I did not recognize him as Rasputin initially until they did the Jackrasp thing. Always good to see some of the old Jackass gang together.
Quixotegut t1_jba7jlc wrote
Started watching it last night, saw JK as Rasputin and lost it.
That Jackass has been included in a Mel Brooks associated production warms my heart for the boys.
Seeing Pontius party-boi with an orthodox cap on was hilarious.
kazh t1_jba8h2k wrote
It does look mostly tryhard but there's probably a few bangers.
Elegant_Housing_For t1_jbaaw1g wrote
Even in the original the Jesus bit is classic, “Jesus” “yes”.
Oh God Richard Kind is perfect
Foolie-Brigante t1_jbabbf8 wrote
It definitely is!!! I actually watched the original Sunday night to prepare for this one and I’m glad I did!!!
Elegant_Housing_For t1_jbacpm3 wrote
It’s one of those easy cozy movies
[deleted] t1_jbafb4c wrote
third_door_down t1_jbamzaf wrote
And , like always,cause it's good to be the king
cabose7 t1_jbar621 wrote
Swole Mel Brooks is some real nightmare fuel
RealJohnGillman t1_jbbnjij wrote
I’ve only seen him in Men in Black II and Reboot, and from what I saw of him in the latter I’d say he’s a good actor — it’s a shame he hasn’t been in more things, acting-wise.
garybusey42069 t1_jbbv4rv wrote
Piss boy!
shadowdra126 t1_jbbv6zx wrote
Count de money!
CosmicLars t1_jbc8ro1 wrote
I enjoyed it, but definitely fell flat in a lot of places. Still happy it was made tho.
jbaker1225 t1_jbceqfm wrote
This was probably my favorite line/delivery from anything I’ve seen recently.
jbaker1225 t1_jbcetcm wrote
The beginning part with Hitler skating was footage from the original movie. The announcers and scoring were all new.
Careful_Priority_616 t1_jbcjr6b wrote
This show is fucking terrible.
Key_Point_4063 t1_jbi3vnt wrote
You should check out the ringer, skiptrace, grand theft parsons, actionpoint, and big trouble. I'm about to watch big trouble cause I just looked up Johnny Knoxville movies and that one sounds wild.
[deleted] t1_jbi56mr wrote
Pool_Shark t1_jbkencu wrote
I love big trouble! I remember it used to be on cable all the time and I randomly gave it a shot and talk about an underrated comedy gem
LycheeUnhappy4014 t1_jb9mohb wrote
How is this dumbfuck shit popular?