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mickeyflinn t1_jdzj4xh wrote

>This is a slightly above average but not elite TV show.

That means nothing. It is the most watched scripted show on TV. Yellowstone is a smash hit. Critical reception means nothing, eyeballs on screens do, AKA ratings. I don't like the show at all, but there is no question or confusion as to why it is getting the funding.


[deleted] t1_jdzr3se wrote

Does it do well on streaming though? I feel it's viewership skews a bit older, or it did initially at least.


Prax150 t1_je0ei6k wrote

I don't know if it does or not, but what makes you think traditional cable audiences wouldn't matter? A large cable audience is much more valuable than a large streaming audience. People who are watching cable live and to a lesser extent on DVR/demand are captive and watching way more ads than people on streaming. networks still make a ton of money off ads even though cable subscriptions are eroding. Wiki says the series peaked around 12 million viewers (probably closer to 9-10 live when episodes aired). That 12 million pairs of eyeballs watching Tide and Toyota commercials. There is no other place where you can buy access to an audience like that.


[deleted] t1_je1jmdq wrote

Because these spin offs are going on Paramount+ to entice people to get their streaming service. It's relevant to the topic.


ddbaxte t1_je3qx67 wrote

Yes. Old people watch a lot of TV lol.


mickeyflinn t1_jdzrj3x wrote

I don't know and I really don't care, go look it up if you do. Whoever is funding the expansion of the franchise sees it as good ROI.


bhind45 t1_jdz5gnp wrote

Because of the usual reason a franchise becomes big, a lot of people watch and enjoy it.


lightsongtheold t1_jdz2jid wrote

Paramount green-lit the expansion of the Yellowstone franchise after the original Yellowstone became by far the top rated show, in terms of viewership, on US TV. It seems to have been a smart decision for them to build Paramount+ around the Yellowstone franchise and Taylor Sheridan’s other shows.


RG_Viza t1_je0oilt wrote

People love tv shows about cowboys. It’s pretty simple. A well written show about cowboys is a guaranteed winner.


AlexTorres96 t1_je2ouia wrote

Do they get freedom on Language/content or is it like any CBS/FOX/NBC show where they have to be TV14?

I hear about the show but I wasn’t sure if they have HBO/Showtime freedom.


funandgamesThrow t1_je17vn9 wrote

Yeah its literally the second highest rated cable show of all time. Not exactly rocket science to determine hey we should make some more. Lol


AlexTorres96 t1_je2onpf wrote

How is it that they built the series yet Peacock is benefiting off it? These streaming rights wars is so weird.


Maninhartsford t1_jdz34nm wrote

Paramount plus is going franchise heavy right now. And its a big hit so they're all in on it as long as people keep watching. Also a lot (all?) of the prequels were one offs, so they don't have to worry about multiple season deals.


33c3 t1_jdz51y1 wrote

They are also banking heavily on Sheridan in general. All his shows do tend to attract a certain audience and as long as the viewership holds, Paramount will continue to produce these “average” shows.


Locutus747 t1_je00i5q wrote

Don’t know what you think that certain audience looks like but I enjoyed both Yellowstone spin-off shows quite a bit. I haven’t watched the original.


Roook36 t1_jdzqlry wrote

Paramount decided not to put Yellowstone up on their streaming service (Paramount+) so it went to Paramount Network. Then it got huge. Paramount wants to promote their streaming network but their biggest show can't be on it now. So instead they made spinoffs to air on Paramount+ to ride its coattails


tecphile t1_jdzhmaw wrote

Coz Yellowstone captures a lot of eyeballs. Sheridan seems to have tapped into some previously unexplored segment of the general TV audience.

Yellowstone currently captures more eyeballs than HotD and LoU. On Linear TV at least. Probably gets edged out when combining with streaming.


anasui1 t1_je067hz wrote

isn't the show mega successful? That's the reason


Mainlandempire t1_je2724n wrote

It's like wrestling, it's got a large fan base that might not include you or anybody you know


crashfrog t1_je36whw wrote

Presumably it’s the big fucking piles of cash money it’s making for everybody. “Hey, execs, we found a money spigot, show of hands, who thinks we should open the valve some more?”


feral_philosopher t1_jdz5jmx wrote

Holy shit I JUST tried to watch that show. I put it on, watched two minutes, hated it, switched over to Reddit and saw this question.


RayPingHeaux t1_jdzx266 wrote

its for a very specific demo

think cbs, pickleball, dog parks

you got it


funandgamesThrow t1_je1853a wrote

All shows are for the demo of people who actually fucking watch tv. This guy watched 2 minutes lol.


RayPingHeaux t1_je1vayx wrote

yea all shows are for the same people

its why the succession crowd loves life after lockup
