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MulciberTenebras t1_iu2pczz wrote

"Too much swearing and violence"

In CHARLIE freakin' BROWN?!

Nobody let these block-headed parents find out about some of the actual animated gruesome stuff I saw as a kid.


Belostoma t1_iu3jo8e wrote

To this day, thanks to the violence I was exposed to on television as a child, I have an ongoing problem with strapping myself to Acme-brand rockets in futile attempts to catch a roadrunner.


shf500 t1_iu9aqd5 wrote

True story: I was banned from The Wonder Years (1988) because in the pilot, Kevin "does something that is bad". Yes, in the pilot, he throws an apple into the cafeteria. Which is a very disrespectful act.

Immediately after he throws the apple as in literally the next scene, he is in a meeting the principal with his mother. Let me repeat this: our main character does something that is bad and there are immediate consequences to doing the bad thing. Which is literally a good thing to teach kids: "if you do something bad, you immediately get punished".

I don't know how my mother thought the show was promoting bad behavior. Sometimes a character does something bad but negative consequences happen at the end of the episode (there was a later Wonder Years episode where Kevin starts cheating in class and is he is placed in an advanced class and is overwhelmed at the end of the episode) but this was a case of "character does something bad and immediately faces negative consequences".


Ghostbuster_119 t1_iu3dc37 wrote

Luckily these parents can just put on happy tree friends.

Absolutely no swearing in that show.


sixtus_clegane119 t1_iu3leqr wrote

I see your happy tree friends and I raise you “retarded animal babies” , I still often quite “d is for lysdexia” ahhh, good old newgrounds in the early 2000s


uly4n0v t1_iu3up21 wrote

Look if we’re not going straight to wondershowzen, there’s no point.


Lucycrash t1_iu2tbfa wrote

I remember my mom complaining about the Simpsons, then my brothers discovered mega babies. Suddenly I was allowed to watch the Simpsons lol


MulciberTenebras t1_iu2vik4 wrote

>Mega Babies

Oh God, thanks for reminding me of that show.


Lucycrash t1_iu4ij7k wrote

You're welcome lol. I was around 13/14 when it came out, my brothers were under 10. I thought it was just as gross as my mom did, and naturally they were allowed to watch it. Joys of being the oldest.


MacMac105 t1_iu41jfe wrote

I imagine that everytime a BS Simpson's scandal was pushed, teenage Trey Parker and Matt Stone got just a bit edgier.


shf500 t1_iu8ov53 wrote

> mom complaining about the Simpsons

Anybody who companied about The Simpsons in the early 1990s never watched the show. Was there a scene where Bart told his mom to go fuck herself? No, there was not.


Janktronic t1_iu333pn wrote

> actual animated gruesome stuff I saw as a kid.



Mattjolearyny t1_iu3dc1m wrote

Watching a woman bite off the dudes dick when a demon pops up next to the car he’s being blown in and then they drive off a cliff will forever be etched in my child hood


KumagawaUshio t1_iu6kgdb wrote

The first part happened but they didn't drive off a cliff the car just crashed as the guy/demon crushes the car to abduct the woman.


IrishWithoutPotatoes t1_iu4efl1 wrote



KumagawaUshio t1_iu6kn06 wrote

It's from the 2nd Urotsukidoji OVA series which is 2 episodes long and was also released as a film called Legend of the Demon Womb.

It's more of a horror series as while there is sex and rape it's done more as a 'oh my god that's horrific' rather than erotic way like most hentai does it.


OtakuB3N t1_iu4cxs9 wrote

Classic. I used to have a vhs boxed set.


KumagawaUshio t1_iu6l34q wrote

I got the first two films as a birthday present from my parents when I was 13.

They just knew it was an 18 rated anime and at the time while anime may have been violent there wasn't any porn anime released in the UK so they just thought it was another violent action one oops.


MoobyTheGoldenSock t1_iu42edz wrote

My daughter’s a big fan of Primal. After the fights, she asks the characters if they need a bandaid.


redscareskibum t1_iu4axf0 wrote

Kids: watching the double cartel chainsaw beheading video online

Parents: You ain't watchin' nothin' with swearin', are you?


LeoKyouma t1_iu6mzbr wrote

The intro of the powerpuff girls has buttercup punch him in the face, causing blood and teeth to fly everywhere.

Like, did these people not own tvs before?


OneGoodRib t1_iu5z8kz wrote

I ended up on like a Christian movie review site and it said The Lion King took the Lord's name in vain 3 times. I think Timon does say "geez" once.


OddFeature t1_iu8uyzs wrote

At the risk of sounding super lame—this just feels like active parenting. Parents should be monitoring what their kids watch more than ever. And we probably shouldn’t have been allowed to watch half the stuff we saw as kids. Idk what’s currently happening in Charlie Brown though, just more of a general comment on kids media.