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t1_ita365n wrote

I had no idea this show existed until I found like three seasons of it on hbo max.


t1_ita3l2g wrote

it used to be on epix so i think that's why more people are finding out about it


t1_itac1at wrote

I knew it was out there, but never knew in what. Have absolutely binged the first 2 seasons. If I had to guess where this show went simply on the premise, I would be wrong a million times over


t1_italjtp wrote

It really feels like Gotham walked so that Pennyworth could run and actually be a damn good show


t1_italgx6 wrote

yeah i was waiting for it to come back i never heard epix saying about it then i found out it went to hbo and yes it's been going so different since it started


t1_itbayjy wrote

I remember seeing commercials for the first season before COVID, then I forgot all about it. Imagine my surprise to then find out that there are now three seasons and the show is also a V for Vendetta prequel as well as Batman


t1_italtjc wrote

Gotham was such a fun show. I love that it never took itself too seriously and really embraced the craziness and violence of the comics. I also think it had some of the best adaptations of the villains I've seen. Ever since I was a kid, Batman Returns has been one of my favorite films, and this series reminded me a lot of that.


t1_itanmho wrote

To me it was the best adaptation of the city. Usually when shows and movies do Gotham they make it depressing and/or corrupt. But they always forget that the town is just insane. It's a homicidal maniac psychopath with skyscrapers. And Gotham, the series, was so good at showing that side of it with just the perfect slice of camp to top it off.


t1_itbcc8k wrote

See gotham season 2 onwards was brilliant. Season 1 I found they weren't sure what show they wanted to be, whereas season 2 onwards was fuck it what random shit can we get away with


t1_itbtsc8 wrote

> Season 1 I found they weren't sure what show they wanted to be,

Gotham starring Fish Mooney.


t1_itbl15h wrote

That's because they got rid of the monster-of-week format after season 1.


t1_itbl5oa wrote

That and they stopped trying to take themselves so serious, season 1 was a lot less wacky and zany than the rest


t1_itbxij5 wrote

Ballon Man was… less wacky?

So glad I stopped watching after about 5 episodes.


t1_itc4y6r wrote

Yes? If you had watched series 2 onwards you'd see it lol


t1_itcfcrz wrote

Didn't think I'd like this Penquin at all, but it's almost his show and it's great.

Meanwhile, Jada Smith killed it for me once she went super.


t1_itahr51 wrote

Ha. He was a swell young actor, but he looked ridiculous as Batman.


t1_itaktsd wrote

Yeah there was no way he was passing as someone almost on his 30s. And then the suit being terrible on top of that didn't help either.

I think he did the voice for the final episode, they should have just done that and kept him as a silhouette.


t1_itbnj4q wrote

‘Best Batman out there.’

I understand having a special connection to your show and it’s cast, but come on now …


t1_itbpgw7 wrote

I mean, Gotham is a pretty clear indicator that he doesn't give a shit about Batman at all, so it makes sense he'd think this


t1_itc9vfn wrote

At first I thought they sounded a bit crazy with all their hyping up of David Mazouz but having watched all of Gotham I think he'd do a killer job when he is older.


t1_itc0uzi wrote

Pennyworth is one of those shows that is somehow extremely entertaining while also flaunting how ridiculous it all is. Hard to say it is "good" but it is enjoyable.


t1_itazaso wrote

So this show is a Gotham prequel?


t1_itb4smp wrote

Yeah Bruno Heller is the showrunner of both shows and he says he considers them to be set in the same universe. The shows have no actors in common (yet) but the tone is pretty similar


t1_itb59lc wrote

I'm aware it's the same showrunner (I'm a big fan) this the first I'm hearing they're in the same universe.


t1_itbm0b5 wrote

It works as a spiritual prequel, but there are some pretty big discrepancies which make it impossible for them to be in the same universe


OP t1_itbp10r wrote

If you are referring to >!Samantha Wayne!<, as I do understand it, she is >!a very loose adaptation of Owlman!< (>!Batman’s older brother!<), meaning >!she should be disappearing / dying sometime soon!<.


t1_itdj1y8 wrote

One difference is the relationships between Lucius Fox and Alfred, with them being strangers in Gotham but meeting in Pennyworth. Likewise, how Thomas and Afred met is different too. There's also the fact that Miami is nuked in Pennyworth but still around in Gotham


OP t1_itdn2q0 wrote

To a point. Their bar scene established that they did actually know each other a bit, just not very well (anymore) — that it had been quite some time since they had last interacted — said conversation also mentioned ‘Onslow’ in Alfred recalling his past, who was later made into a character (along with his daughter) in Pennyworth. On the Alfred—Thomas meeting and Miami points, those can respectively be waved away with unreliable storytelling (some details did line up, if not how one would have expected), and there being nothing in Gotham to say that Miami wasn’t nuked then rebuilt twenty-something years previously. I could see them having there be some Gotham cameos down the line.