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feedus-fetus_fajitas t1_iy1ueq5 wrote

Dr. Phil will actively destroy someone on live television just to play the part of a savior to his audience of bored, middle aged women that live for daytime TV.

This guy showed up because he had a severe alcohol problem. He was sober when he arrived for the set.

He was understandably nervous and anxious and sobriety on top of it doesn't help when you are dangerously addicted to alcohol.

So, the staff gave him a few Xanax to calm his nerves and put him in his green room to wait for air time.

Oh..... And his green room had a FULL BOTTLE OF VODKA coincidentally sitting in it.

Just one drop in a bucket of fucked up shit Dr Phil has done.


fshagan t1_iy1yhj8 wrote

I have my own Dr. Phil story, and he is a despicable human.


Most_Victory1661 t1_iy22jct wrote

Blame Oprah she made this guy he used to get a weekly show on her show. He spun off from that. Back when Oprah got sued over the mad cow disease thing she reached out to dr Phil for a coaching. He made an impression. He his tv career was launched from her show. Dr Phil almost immediately took shit as he began selling weight loss books. Dudes overweight telling people how to lose weight. His kid was selling books at one point as a teenager. Under the dr Phil banner zero qualifications he’s just selling books giving advice.

Talk shows have always had a sketchy past. They pay the guests w dinners free travel nice hotel rooms. It’s a free vacation for embarrassing yourself on tv. The guests are either willing or manipulated by producers to get results.

Jerry springers producers would often call the same guests with rather leading questions “ do you know anyone who is white married adopted 6 black kids who’s racist ?” If they wanted back on the show the answer would be well I’m white and I adopted 4 black kids and I’m member of the KKK.

Oh we didn’t know that can you do the show

Then they would go on and follow the premise they laid out for vacation.

No matter how many times it made news in the 90s that daytime tv shows were fake the audience grew and grew and people were absolutely convinced it was real.

Dr Phil to me has always been shady but people watch him buy his services buy his books. Really no different from Morton Downey jr Jerry springer or the queen herself Oprah. Martha Stewart created the business model of using daytime talk show format turning it into a infomercial for selling merchandise from her own company. Oprah and dr Phil followed. Remember Oprah had book clubs and magazines?

People also think shows like survivor are real too.


houseofwaldorf t1_iy29hh4 wrote

Yes, television personalities are involved in vertical integration

Yes, he is perfidious and vile


drupoxy t1_iy29x46 wrote

He contributes to the troubled teen industry. One in which kids are literally kidnapped from their homes and then dropped into facilities where they are tortured 24/7, including solitary confinement for 6+ months straight, for years. This is one example of the kind of thing he pushes. There is no way to tolerate such an industry or such a person.


tedfundy t1_iy2b1os wrote

Sometimes it’ll be a really depressing episode and then bam! He starts talking about candy crush, like really?


bool_idiot_is_true t1_iy2iz2t wrote

Even if he had an active license he couldn't give anyone Xanax. He has a PhD; not an MD. He can't prescribe medication. I guess it's possible the studio has a physician on call but if they do that physician needs their license revoked.

Benzos are used to treat alcohol withdrawal because they've got a similar mechanism of action. It's also why mixing benzos and alcohol is fucking dangerous. On their own deaths from ODs are very rare. If you mix them it becomes a lot more likely.


Gakriy t1_iy2k68l wrote

I also have family members that watch it all the time and I just can't stand it. At least with other reality TV everyone involved knows they're there for the drama, Dr. Phil is just exploiting people that want help.


OneGoodRib t1_iy2lsc5 wrote

On one episode he had some lady who fell for the old "online boyfriend I've never met who never wants me to see his face or meet him but I send him so much money". So Dr. Phil is like "yo you're dumb", and the lady is like "Well if my boyfriend isn't real, why did he agree to be on this show?!" to which Dr. Phil replied "You know he ISN'T on the show, right?"

Phil might be exploitative as heck but some people are also just stupid.


feedus-fetus_fajitas t1_iy2myun wrote

Oh, I wouldn't believe for a second it was a legal situation. More like a producer or staff member said, "hey man... You seem nervous - here's a couple Xanax that might help take the edge off."

This is the same crew that took a pregnant heroin addicted teen girl to skid row to score some smak before her show....literally filmed this activity for the audience preview of her situation and how addicted she was.


Mr_Rafi t1_iy2pnks wrote

You can easily judge the quality of Dr Phil's program by the kind of people who attend his shows. Boring and dull middle-aged people filling up those seats means Dr Phil's show is dogshit. Anything beyond that is an additional point for how rubbish he and his program are.


GetGrogNasty t1_iy30ypi wrote

There's a very good Behind the Bastards podcast on Dr Phill that's worth listening to. Includes the green room incident others are pointing out and more on top of that.

The man is ville.


fshagan t1_iy4ubf2 wrote

One of my foster brothers, David, was a victim of severe physical and sexual abuse. He lived with us only a few months after his mother died and his alcoholic father was using him to get booze. My parents begged the state to give him help. He was given to black-out rage and we later learned he was schizophrenic. But the state only locked him up. His experiences in the juvenile institution broke him further. He became a serial killer after attaining adulthood and was executed by Texas in 1999.

His brother Daniel was also my foster brother, and lived with us for several years. He also begged his probation officer to see if he could get David help. His oldest sister Linda and the oldest brother escaped the home and lived with other friends. When David was 18 and arrested for burglary, they testified as did my parents to ask the court to give him psychiatric help. The state just locked him up again.

Years later, Linda was watching Dr. Phil and saw one of the families of David's victims. They said no one cared about their murdered loved ones. Linda was heartbroken. She reached out and asked Dr. Phil to relay a message, that she and her remaining brothers cared, and were very sorry, and if it would help the family she would meet with them.

Dr. Phil's show told her she could come on the show and tell the family themselves. Linda agreed. This was a brave, courageous act of love, to reach out to the family and let them know that we all cared. We all were crushed. We had lost a brother in the worst of ways, with innocent victims who were killed simply because they had tried to help David.

I don't know what the producers told the family, but when Linda got there, Dr. Phil confronted her saying she knew David was killing people and did nothing. She was the reason the family's loved ones were suffering grief, because she could have stopped it and didn't.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Linda had asked for help for him, and at the time of the killings, David had disappeared as far as we could tell. A homeless drifter, 1500 miles away from where we were, we had no clue where David even was. My parents, and his siblings, had tried to get help for David and were ignored.The rest of us were shocked. Dr. Phil traded on the family's grief to get a ratings moment for his show. It was a lie, but a dramatic moment, so perfect TV. It increased the victim's family's grief, but it was perfect TV. It punished Linda for her compassion, and sullied her reputation, but it was perfect TV. The family was devastated yet again, because a "co-killer" was right in front of them increasing their grief.

Linda went on to work with abused children and wrote a book about their lives (ISBN 9781087020518).

So, Dr. Phil is a despicable human being, a man willing to increase a family's grief for ratings. He's willing to brush aside good acts to manufacture bad ones to see people cry. As a fellow Christian I urge him to repent of his judging of others, as that is a foretaste of how he will ultimately be judged.

My parents are gone now, but Linda dedicated the book to them. My mother just died this past June, so I want to end this much-too-long post with what Linda said about her in her book:

>After a year in Nelles ["juvie"], Daniel was free to leave under the supervision of a parent or responsible adult. He waited, but no one came for him. He called Mrs. Hagan, and she rushed down to stand in for his release procedure.

My mother thought one of Daniel's grandparents, uncles or aunts had come to take him, and they just needed a local to sign him out. But one by one they had all refused. Each time the state had gone back to Daniel and told him his grandparents, aunt or uncle so-and-so didn't want him. When my mother arrived at the institution she was shocked none of his extended family was willing to help a 14 year old boy who had lost his mother:


>"No one wants me," he told her.
>There was no time to consult with Mr. Hagan, but she already knew what he would say. "Danny, we want you," Mrs. Hagan said.
>Daniel went home with her and lived with them until he left at the age of eighteen.

Dr. Phil could learn a lot from regular, normal, non-famous people stretching every dollar with 6 kids of their own that answer the call when a 14 year old says "no one wants me."