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Calfzilla2000 t1_j15pl98 wrote

>In the interview, Sheridan revealed that each episode of 1923 can cost anywhere from $30 to $35 million


Do dragons show up?


CorporateSympathizer OP t1_j15py70 wrote

According to the article it's due to all the practical effects and on-location shooting in Africa. Apparently getting thousands of cattle and horses together to run across the country while shooting on a helicopter is expensive. Plus Ford and Mirren couldn't have come cheap.

Makes sense why everything is going CGI nowadays, especially with the pandemic still causing issues.


no_name_left_to_give t1_j16vd7f wrote

Kevin Costner did it for relatively pittance when he made Dances With Wolves. Adjusted for inflation the whole film cost $50 million (22 mil in 1990). The reason 1923 cost that much is that Paramount are willing to literally throw money at Sheridan, and as a result he and everyone down the chain to lowest subcontractor know that they could demand ridicules rates and get it.


ObiTate t1_j16ca72 wrote

>According to the article it's due to all the practical effects and on-location shooting in Africa.

Africa? Why not just shoot on location in Montana? $350M for a season of 1923 is insane.


Spire2000 t1_j16pwnn wrote

A good portion of the story actually takes place in Africa. So it is shooting on location.


lxqueen t1_j1cn30b wrote

On location just means a place outside of a studio set, it doesn't necessarily mean the authentic location it's meant to represent.


lightsongtheold t1_j163qrp wrote

This is almost Rings of Power level budget! Paramount need to get a grip. Could probably have churned out three to four shows like Succession for that budget.


SerDire t1_j15r9dl wrote

The article mentions that he asked for more episodes “to finish the story.” Does that mean these spin-offs are self contained stories or can they keep going. I absolutely loved 1883 and would love more seasons in that world


CorporateSympathizer OP t1_j15rmgn wrote

IIRC 1883 was renewed for a season 2 coming some time in 2023


Tribalwarsnorge t1_j16g7hq wrote


BuzzHuzzFuzz t1_j181xf4 wrote

Ok, I never watched any of these shows, but fucking Bass Reeves show with David Oyelowo as Reeves? Sign me the fuck up!!!!


jickdam t1_j17udr7 wrote

Can you watch 1883 before seeing Yellowstone?


Red4pex t1_j182j1h wrote

Absolutely. Very tenuously linked.


PerfectZeong t1_j25mj41 wrote

Yeah it's better than yellowstone. I feel like yellowstone being the biggest snow on tv gives Sheridan the clout to do the shit he actually wants to do which is 1883 style stories


Neo2199 t1_j16t0hq wrote

Given that Harrison Ford is in the show, I'm planning on watching it.

Question for those who've already seen '1923', do I need to watch the main series/other spinoff before watching this one?


Most_Victory1661 t1_j1932nt wrote

I’m gonna state an unpopular opinion and tell you to skip 1883 altogether. As for Yellowstone I go fifty fifty on it as a show. When this current season I lost interest. I did like the first episode of 1923 but I got concerns


chadmcChudcock t1_j199etu wrote

1883 is such a very different things for supposedly being spinoff. It tries to be a serious historical drama, but fails due to anachronistic woke elements thrown in. Yellowstone is just a fun popcorn munching cheesy soap opera that doesn't take itself to seriously. (Skip all scenes with Monica)


OathOfFeanor t1_j199hsa wrote

IMO you will want to watch 1883 first. 1923 could be considered Season 2 of 1883.

Yellowstone is barely connected and could totally be skipped if you so choose.


Convergentshave t1_j17eo0k wrote

Nah. In fact it’s probably better if you don’t. I’ve never seen Yellowstone, watched 1883 and I’m halfway through the first episode of 1923 and I’m like… yea.. this is just kind of derivative and it feels like the only reason we’re dealing with the characters that Harrison Ford and Helen Mirriam play is… because they were able to cast Harrison Ford and Helen Mirriam. And that’s not a criticism of them, they do a great job. It’s just.., it’s weird that it’s being hyped as “the next generation of this family” but the focus is put on the literal brother of the last generation. That’s weird to me.

Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED talk. Sorry. Lol.


Itstimeforcookies19 t1_j187h95 wrote


CorporateSympathizer OP t1_j19ck2n wrote

He just sounds kinda grateful to be so successful in that interview tbh? He seems to be excited about/interested in a lot of different things which is a trait you want in a writer.

I did find that story about the HBO execs snubbing him kinda funny though


TheHomersapien t1_j19xxyz wrote

He sounds like a massive prick.

>SHERIDAN: They were excited. They only signed on originally for one season. They were so eager to continue it…Harrison made a comment at one point, he goes, Taylor I think I’m making the best thing I’ve made in 20 years. And my response to him was, what the fu*k did you make 20 years ago as good as this? What was that? I missed that one. What was it?

That pretty much summed up his tone throughout the article.


CorporateSympathizer OP t1_j1a4onr wrote

I think you're being too sensitive, but who knows, maybe he is an asshole IRL. A lot of southern guys rib each other like that though.

I guess if it's true the truth will come out eventually, I wouldn't draw a conclusion from just one article.


EndlersaurusRex t1_j1c2iba wrote

It’s arrogant to assume what he’s made here is better than Ford’s filmography. I realize you can make the argument Ford’s most prolific films were prior to 2000, but he’s one of the most well known actors with the among the biggest box office draws for a reason.

I’ve only seen some of Sheridan’s work (Yellowstone, Sicario), and have heard good things about what I haven’t seen. I can say from what I have seen though, that a good amount of Harrison Ford’s work is better than anything Sheridan has written.


Similar-Collar1007 t1_j1bprw0 wrote

He might’ve played it as a joke I’m not gonna read to much into a little comment


Itstimeforcookies19 t1_j19gato wrote

I don’t get grateful at all. He’s full alright though. Of himself. There is no way he talked to Harrison ford or dame Helen that way and to act like he did is out of control ego and wildly disrespectful to both actors. He’s been super successful and it sounds like he has let it go to his head.


CorporateSympathizer OP t1_j19lpv7 wrote

He invited them over to his ranch and served them wine and promised to write a part tailored for them? Is that the part you're talking about?

I'm not seeing it unless you've heard Ford say that he was offended by how Taylor treated him.


[deleted] t1_j18kdwz wrote

30 Mil? it ain't on the screen


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[deleted] t1_j15y5d8 wrote



spikey666 t1_j16d090 wrote

Entertainment has proven to be recession proof to a decent degree. There's a reason the Great Depression was also called the Golden Age of Hollywood. Subscribing to few streaming services is cheaper than taking your family to the movies. And the Yellowstone-verse has been huge for Paramount.