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Kalse1229 t1_j6gx1i3 wrote

That's actually a common misconception. It was mainly because of toy sales, with the higher-ups being disappointed with the toy sales and deciding to can it based on that. What's ironic is I think if they made stuff like Funkos based on the show versions of characters, they'd probably sell decently.


Hexcraft-nyc t1_j6hknzw wrote

But that's exactly why. They said girls don't buy toys and blamed them, rather than the declining physical toy space in the wake of modern electronics. Kids had phones and didn't want toys, but they blamed the audience.


StreetMysticCosmic t1_j6i44sh wrote

The MCU didn't make a movie about a nonwhite protagonist until Black Panther (movie #18) or about a woman until Captain Marvel (movie #21) for the same misconception. Turns out those demographics didn't buy as many superhero toys because there were barely any that they could see themselves in.

I guess Ant-Man and the Wasp predates Captain Marvel with its woman co-lead but I personally feel like Ant-Man is still the main character of that film.


dragonmp93 t1_j6iachk wrote

And that's why Disney kicked out Ike Perlmutter out of the MCU