Submitted by Thatfatbastard00 t3_10cryt4 in television

'Rick and Morty' co-creator Justin Roiland and voice actor faces domestic violence charges.

The show itself often deals with themes of deep nihilism, depression and anxiety, hedonistic culture, atheist culture and Godlessness, but also themes of incest, adultery and cuckoldry and under age sex.

Often these themes and jokes are just made for humour and comedy, but it makes you wonder if the writhers of this show are really in the right frame of mind?

The people who really get too into it are often not right in the head. It makes you wonder, is this a bad show to watch?

I know I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this



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tr3v1n t1_j4hme6o wrote

> I know I'm going to get downvoted to hell for this

You are a one month old account that posted this to three different subs.


Arkanial t1_j4ht3ex wrote

Watch, it’s someone from adult swim anonymously asking the community if they should keep making it.


WordsAreSomething t1_j4hfbki wrote

>The people who really get too into it are often not right in the head. It makes you wonder, is this a bad show to watch?

>but it makes you wonder if the writhers of this show are really in the right frame of mind?

I wonder this about you TBH


FridayMcNight t1_j4hhj3m wrote

> atheist culture and Godlessness […] Often these themes and jokes are just made for humour and comedy, but it makes you wonder if the writhers of this show are really in the right frame of mind?

Lol. Godlessness is just an observation of objective reality. Resisting collective self-delusion isn’t a culture, it’s just critical thinking.

And while we’re at it, religious zealots use the word Godless to connote evil or unwholesome. Meanwhile, organized religion is the cloak under which most of the worlds abuse and oppression thrives.


Deserterdragon t1_j4ipcu6 wrote

Including the quote and the fact it's in a Rick and Morty thread, this might just be the most reddit comment of all time.


PlaguesAngel t1_j4hjh0t wrote

First and foremost thing; currently at those time you are discussing allegations. The facts are not publicly available, and what is available is incomplete.

Second you are talking about entertainment media. The show is nothing but artistic storytelling for consumption of adult, mature audiences.

I’d wager you are very much projecting insecurities into the media that’s a reflection of yourself.

Stories that contain depictions of taboo behavior do not make deviants in & of themselves. Rick & Morty tells a superfluous & improsperous tale of a broken, dangerous, self depreciating family. Their story is not one of overwhelming success & happiness. They’ve destroyed their own lives, killed their family & friends; destroyed their home, neighborhood, town, world, solar system, galaxy multiple times over. It’s a story of sadness, loss, self depreciation, self harm, addiction, substance abuse, poor impulse control, moral failings & consequence. The inter-dimensional theme only acts a plot device to reset the stage whenever the characters ruin their lives yet again, but reinforces the concept that their behaviors are neither healthy or good. That their behaviors always lead to destruction, conflict & turmoil. It’s told with humor, as sugar helps a bitterant more tolerable.

Is Rick & Morty an idealistic show with healthy normative themes fit for the consumption of anyone? NO! But it’s certainly unfair to equate its production staff & fanbase as being sick in the head. Just because some media makes you uncomfortable doesn’t mean it’s promoting and glorifying unhealthy themes. If Rick & Morty seems to be influential, I think many themes are being missed.


kittentarentino t1_j4itrzp wrote

Ding! Ding! Ding!

This is the take. I think instead of projecting onto the show and questioning it’s morality, you should be questioning your own experience and why you’re uncomfortable by it.

I watch Rick and Morty because it’s a funny sci fi show. I recognize the characters as caricatures of negative traits to explore and represent ideas or discussions to relate to through a sci-fi lens. My experience…kinda ends there. It doesn’t make me really question anything, I’m just there to laugh. Their negative traits are there to fuel comedy.

If you find those traits or ideas uncomfortable, or think it goes beyond that, instead of asking the show “why”, I think it’s more better for you in the long run to ask yourself “why”. All of our experiences are unique and subjective, you’re the only one that can really decipher why you feel a negative impact from it.


SeasonGullible616 t1_j4hzrn7 wrote

Why do people post these types of things


KYWizard t1_j4jppq8 wrote

It's an ego trip. A whole group of people are consumed by projecting some superior objective morality.


badyams t1_j4j3ngk wrote

Some people want to troll. A few people genuinely want to start a dialogue about a topic that they find important. Sadly, everyone jumps to conclusions and automatically assume it's the former reason.


50653 t1_j4jqtno wrote

The root cause is boredom. It makes people go searching for drama.


PPQue6 t1_j4hrpng wrote

If you enjoy the show, then watch it.

If not, then don't.

It's really that simple...


AtlJayhawk t1_j4hxcuq wrote

Joss Whedon is a POS, but you'll have to pry Buffy from my cold dead hands.


Sabrini_Fur t1_j4kegnf wrote

I swear to god the damage he's done behind the scenes and throughout his life will not sully the positive parts of Firefly and Buffy pushing forward both narrative and gender equality for the fantasy tv genre.


I-melted t1_j56ydhy wrote

This is my wife’s view on Buffy, her Potter books, and her Smiths albums. She’s had a bad run of heroes.


I-am-that-damn-good t1_j4hdjvz wrote

If you don't like it, don't watch. If you a concerned parent, maybe don't let a screen look after your kid. If you like the mindlessness of it, watch it.


What_A_Good_Sniff t1_j4icweo wrote

Lord, please keep OP in your thoughts.

Nothing wrong with him, he's just stupid as hell.


ratiganthegreat t1_j4jy4gx wrote

Sigh. A show like this involves the hard work of many many people. Stop viewing these things as the product of one person.


LethoWinch t1_j4hmtds wrote

The artist and the product are two distinct thing, don't be stupid.


The_Real_dubbedbass t1_j4j6c8h wrote

It’s not stupid to lump them together. When you consume art it supports the artist. Ex: If you buy a Lostprophets CD you’re financially supporting a guy who raped a one year old.


LethoWinch t1_j4jnnbb wrote

Then again if you like his music there is nothing bad either, he didn't hurt no child to make his music, so the product is legit and so is the buyer in my opinion.


The_Real_dubbedbass t1_j4k7u6x wrote

Yeah you can have that view. That’s an opinion you can have. But you can also decide you don’t want your money going to a guy who rapes literal babies. That’s also a fair position to take.

My issue with your prior statement is that you said they were two separate things and that it was stupid to not separate the art and the artist…but again it’s completely valid for a person to not want to support pedophiles. Just because you don’t have a problem with it doesn’t mean that people who do are stupid.


LethoWinch t1_j4khc1s wrote

You are right, both those opinions are valid. I was getting aggressive because i am use to meet fierce resistance when expressing my opinion on that matter, my apologies


sleepyotter92 t1_j4ja546 wrote

when you support the product you're supporting the artist.

people tried doing this shit with kanye a few years ago when he started saying dumb shit. people kept separating him from his music because they liked his music too much to stop listening to it. now the dude is literally praising hitler. do you really wanna keep listening to the music and therefore supporting the dude that's literally praising hitler?


LethoWinch t1_j4jndcx wrote

As long as it's music doesn't explicidly praise Hitler then yes


goatjugsoup t1_j4judmp wrote

Yes. I can like his music and still think someone needs to give him a swift kick to the nuts. Im also not about to let jk rowlings crap ruin my enjoyment of harry potter


rocker2014 t1_j4he0g3 wrote

I don't know much about that, but the answer is always separate the art from the artist. I watch the show because it's funny, but I don't take it too seriously. I had to leave the rick and morty subreddit years ago because of how insufferable the fanbase is and I've enjoyed the show much more being away from it.

Plus, Initially I found the show because I liked Dan Harmon's other show Community. He was the draw for me, not Justin.


_Dreamer_Deceiver_ t1_j4hpjz9 wrote

I used to say I separate art from artist but I still can't listen to lost prophets


KYWizard t1_j4jp9vu wrote

If you think it might be bad for you, then you are right.

Me, I can separate art from artists and enjoy what I enjoy.


illini02 t1_j4l6xo7 wrote

I mean, this depends on how much you can separate the art from the artist. Can you watch a Kevin Spacey movie knowing what he did? Can you listen to an R. Kelly song?

Personally, I can enjoy a show/movie/song even if the person who made it is shitty. Everyone can't do that.

So Justin Roiland's personally life doesn't really impact my own enjoyment of the show. But the same may not be true for you.


HardlineMike t1_j4id1iw wrote

No I don't think the allegations against Justin Roiland make Rick & Morty any better than it was before.


goatjugsoup t1_j4ju6qf wrote

Yeah nah fuck off m8. The show is good, beyond that you are just shit stirring


Eyelash_Viper13 t1_j4k0j2j wrote

One of my favorite tv shows of all time, still.


Assassin_by_Birth t1_j4kmqqp wrote

Watch whatever you want. You don’t have to tell people you did.


Fearless_Shake_6568 t1_j4i8pg6 wrote

show is amazing, it’s masterpiece like creativity that was put in that show is really cool and it makes you think how can people think about something like that… they are not crazy they are really smart


37Schmeckles t1_j4iehse wrote

Honestly, if the catholic church made hilarious televisions starring a bunch if convicted paedophiles, id still watch it.


IAmTheClayman t1_j4jca1o wrote

So we really shouldn’t be engaging with this argument, because the “Godlessness” already implies the OP has drawn a very pearl-clutching conclusion, but for the sake of argument I’m gonna wade in.

Rick and Morty is a project made by many people. There are two major showrunners between Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland. They head up a writers room that changes from episode to episode, but generally consists of about a half dozen people each episode. Different directors come in to work on episodes, with some repeats but lots of one-and-dones. And then there’s the voice actors, who appear to also contribute to last minute dialogue choices.

While Justin’s voice is obviously a major part of the show given his role, it’s just a part. He’s not secretly slipping in messaging that at least a dozen other people in the production pipeline have missed. Everyone involved has signed off on what is being made. What’s more, most plots are the brainchild of Harmon rather than Roiland by the duo’s own admission, and in recent seasons they’ve handed more of the reigns over to their senior writers.

Is Justin Roiland not a great guy? If the allegations are true, yeah he’s definitely got issues to work out and I’ll have lost a significant amount of respect for him as a person. But Dan Harmon also has a lot of baggage between his history of alcoholism and unwarranted sexual advances, but he is supposedly much better now and has made amends with those he harmed.

But overanalyzing the show in light of this news is just silly. If you don’t want to like Justin Roiland the alleged domestic violence would be reason enough, don’t go reaching for more reasons when you’ve got justification right there


Avd5113333 t1_j4jpju2 wrote

Is this post meant to inform a decision you make in your life? As in, if the consensus is “yea its okay to watch”, youll then feel okay watching it? And if not, wont watch? I truly struggle to understand the point of posts like this. Stop thinking so much, just watch some fiction to entertain yourself. People have way too much time and few problems on their hands


ZsMann t1_j4l5m2c wrote

There's a lot more stuff out there about the creators than just these new allegations. Look into the past works and interviews of both creators.


UltimateFatKidDancer t1_j4m19eo wrote

I started watching it for the first time about two weeks ago, after avoiding it because it was so over-memed. It rules! Great show. I think the show actually becomes better the less Roiland is involved with the writing. The storytelling is just incredibly solid and it’s got the right ratio of smart-dumb humor that made me fall in love with Community.


a_fiendish_thingy t1_j4s0n70 wrote

You have to make that decision for yourself. Im all for trying to separate the art from the artist, but you need to decide for yourself where your personal line is. For example: I loved Kanye’s music, and I listened to it for longer than many people did. But he finally went far enough that I couldn’t enjoy it anymore, and I didn’t want my Spotify money going to him (no matter how little it is).

Also see Hogwarts Legacy. I loved Harry Potter when I was younger, but I can’t enjoy it anymore because of JKR’s rampant transphobia. Even if I somehow knew 0% of the cost of the game was going to JKR, I probably wouldn’t get it just because that property puts a bad taste in my mouth. Am I gonna call you a bad person if you get it? Nah. But I also understand if you feel strongly about it. Besides, it would be hypocritical of me to judge; I still buy stuff from Amazon and Walmart even though they treat their employees like slaves. It comes down to where your comfort lies. There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Personally, I’m probably gonna stop watching as long as Roiland is attached to Rick & Morty (and since he voices both Rick and Morty, not likely he would be dropped). He’s tied too closely to the show, in many ways he is the show. If you can look past that and still enjoy it, knock yourself out. But don’t be surprised if you’re in the minority.


[deleted] t1_j4io1i8 wrote

I watched it and couldn’t get into it. It’s just a watered down version of 4 Chan humor .


515042069 t1_j4ik4oh wrote

It already sucked dog dicks, wasn't funny and appealed squarely to nihilistic assholes who like to repeat quotes in lieu of a sense of humor.


sleepyotter92 t1_j4j9uu5 wrote

it was never a good show in the first place


CapnEarth t1_j4jwxoc wrote

You are right. The show is degeneracy on steroids.

I personally can not stand how the little kid sounds like someone that's in pain, but he doesn't know what's causing it or where he is feeling it.

And the burping grand father pisses me off.


BigPoppaPuff t1_j4jx7rp wrote

It’s a bad show to watch because it’s not very good. But if you like it (a lot of people do), just watch it


[deleted] t1_j4i2pvf wrote

It‘s a bad watch if you have a good sense of humour


gtck11 t1_j4hwtp1 wrote

Even if he is found innocent, the amount of DMs he has had and coercion, as well as possible SA with countless underage girls is sickening and that’s not changing regardless of the trial outcome. I don’t think I can watch anymore.


fallingcave t1_j4hdi4m wrote

Yea dude, for the most part rick and morty is neither clever or funny. It's not only a bad show because of Justin roiland and Dan Harmon, it's a bad show because it's only redeeming quality is that every few episodes it might make you laugh
