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Hanyabull t1_j9vdpey wrote

Recommending therapy to someone can be really offensive, especially if they actually do need therapy.

But I’m also going to assume you didn’t apologize for offending her, and making it clear why you recommended it, and made significant effort to rectify it.

Was it a fuck up? Doesn’t seem like it. I don’t get any indication that losing her as a friend is a big deal. If losing her was, then the fuck up is not taking offending her more seriously. I mean, you offended her, then waited for her to reach back out?

If I’m off base, my apologies. Bring on the downvotes!


Rekno2005 OP t1_j9ve82u wrote

Thanks for your thoughts! Your timeline is a little off.

First, I recommended therapy and she freaked, but we made up. A few years later, after a couple other bumps, she cuts me out specifically citing the recommendation as her #1 reason.

I did apologize and attempt to make up for the first infraction. I thought we were fine. Guess not!


Hanyabull t1_j9vktup wrote

Gotcha. It’s a case of she never forgave you. Ok, I take it all back.

Fuck that, you don’t need the kind of person to lead you into thinking you are good when you are not.