
Hanyabull t1_jadfmv5 wrote

It depends on your relationship with your parents, and if the amount of money they take affects you in any way.

Everyone here basically telling you to cut her off, but in my culture, adults often straight up take care of their parents. My relationship with my parents is fine, and I don’t give 2 shits if they take a few hundred dollars from a shared account.

But again, it depends on your relationship, and how much you need the money.


Hanyabull t1_j9vdpey wrote

Recommending therapy to someone can be really offensive, especially if they actually do need therapy.

But I’m also going to assume you didn’t apologize for offending her, and making it clear why you recommended it, and made significant effort to rectify it.

Was it a fuck up? Doesn’t seem like it. I don’t get any indication that losing her as a friend is a big deal. If losing her was, then the fuck up is not taking offending her more seriously. I mean, you offended her, then waited for her to reach back out?

If I’m off base, my apologies. Bring on the downvotes!


Hanyabull t1_j2b26uv wrote

The best advice anyone will ever give you is this:

“It doesn’t hurt to send resumes.”

You got a good thing right now, and that’s good. But there is no way you or anyone else can know if you have the best. So send out resumes. It doesn’t take very long to update a resume, and send them out.

If a place looks good, and you get an interview, by all means take it. Then ask all the questions you need. The easiest time to find a job is when you already have a job you don’t mind staying at.

And maybe you find out that it is as hard to find a job in your industry as you expect, which will give you a greater sense of feeling about your current job.