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Ixolich t1_ja1qyes wrote

That honestly would leave me with a bad taste in my mouth. Unless it was literally so much pizza that it clearly had to have been planned in advance, it would strike me as "Oh, they realized after dinner that they messed up on the catering budget and are frantically ordering pizzas to make up for it".

I was at a wedding last year where there was a standard dinner from 5-6, and then at like 9 they set up a table with about 200 sliders from White Castle. Clearly planned in advance, and enough time between the dinner and the second dinner that it was awesome. If pizzas started showing up at a normal pizza delivery time after the dinner, it wouldn't have the same effect.


swoonderfull t1_ja1yt3t wrote

Dunno why this is getting downvoted; a lot of us would think it and maybe just not say it out loud….


UltHamBro t1_ja2nr3r wrote

Last year I went to one where we had a traditional, sit down full dinner at around 9 pm, and then at around 2 am, when everyone was at the dance floor, they started bringing hamburgers. It was awesome.


Aminar14 t1_ja345dp wrote

Depends. When my cousin did it it was on the schedule for like 10pm.