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kota250 t1_jdeprc1 wrote

OP has no reason to apologize, just because she can’t have kids doesn’t mean everyone in her life can no longer talk about kids. The only one that should apologize is her for the remark she made trying to make OP feel bad and playing victim. There’s billions of people in the world and her problems aren’t at the center of it


pressabba t1_jderkmj wrote

You must have zero experience with miscarriages. If you did, you would feel differently.

Plus they are friends. Personally, if I am insensitive and hurt a friend's feelings, I apologize with sincerity. But that's just me. It might make op feel better too.

This is not meant as an insult, but you have a lot to learn about maintaining friendships.


MysteriousMist24 t1_jdet9rd wrote

Ex friend. We fell out a some months ago and haven't spoken since. This just came up today and thought I'd share it as I still felt a tiny bit bad.


davtruss t1_jdgz8ma wrote

You speak the truth. My older sister had a 13 year old son who was an usher in my wedding. My younger sister had a 4 year old daughter who was the flower girl, and she was pregnant again.

NOBODY knew (for years) that my older sister had just gotten pregnant and miscarried before the wedding, which explained why she sat in the car. If my younger sister had known, it may have avoided years of family discord.

My greatest hope is that people would be both sensitive and to the extent possible, forthcoming about the source of very private problems. And as for friends, well, even good friends suck from time to time.

The best a good friend can do is say I'm sorry in a sincere way and hope you can keep the friend.


kota250 t1_jdet7ff wrote

Nah I don’t have to maintain my friends like they’re some sort of machine that’ll break down on me, my group of friends have been friends for over 20 years. In a situation exactly like this we would all know how much it sucks but none of them would make a remark like this expecting pity from one of us.


Sinusayan t1_jdigfu8 wrote

Your friend group wouldn't be sympathetic if one of them said they'd just miscarried?


dragonema t1_jdf6b91 wrote

>e this and I sympathised with her and everything.
>Then a few days later another friend of mine had a baby and I showed a picture of him to the first friend, completely forgetting that she couldn't hav

Holy shit. You were going hard for the terrible take here, huh? Kudos.