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Logical_Ad_1383 t1_it15zv1 wrote

I hate to break it to you but eating out is costing more than you realize. Where I am I drink from chic fil a is more expensive than a gas station soda. And a gas station soda is right around 2 bucks for a medium. You said your out to eat budget is a set amount daily how much is that? Take that amount times the number of days a month you eat out even at 10 dollars a day average for a cheaper meal in a fast food joint. That's 300 a month for me that's almost a months worth of gas and i drive Uber and lyft when I'm bored.


GuanoLoopy t1_it1tiq1 wrote

If you need to buy a soda, at least get it from McD where it's just $1 for any size drink. But still if you're on that tight of a budget, even that should be avoided.


Thrawn89 t1_it22ntg wrote

You can get 2L of soda at grocery store for $1. You used to be able to get 3L at dollar tree for $1, not sure if that price held up.


Pokemom18176 t1_it26k9o wrote

Idk anywhere that sells two liters for a dollar anymore and I'm in a cheap, rural area. Dollar Tree is 1.25 now, but they don't even have two liters in my town.


Thrawn89 t1_it29guu wrote

My grocery store branded soda is still .99c per 2L


Pokemom18176 t1_it34xe4 wrote

Nice! Do you feel comfy sharing the store name? I don't drink generic 2L just never had luck with them keeping carbonation- but just checked my Walmarts Sam's and they're 1.18 here, so not so bad. I buy those 24 packs of Dr. Thunder cuz they used to be cheap. ;)


ArkLaTexBob t1_it2ferv wrote

I was in a Dollar Tree in Longview, TX recently and they had name brand sodas that were 1.25 liter for $1.25.


Pokemom18176 t1_it341t7 wrote

I think this is what my dollar tree has- I'm in a tiny lil town in Arkansas. Really, it's still a good price compared to Wal- Mart 20 oz- think they're well over 2 buck$ these days.


RuaRealta t1_it29cqh wrote

Dollar Tree is $1.25 everywhere now, they've even put out press releases about how their price is going up. My local Dollar Tree also doesn't have 2L, only 16 oz and 24 oz bottles. My local Walmart, the cheapest soda is $1.25 for a 2L and goes up to $3-ish for name brand. Still a lot cheaper than fast food drinks, but not quite as cheap as they used to be.


whorgans t1_it2bumv wrote

That’s what I used to do. I was really broke and soda is my one thing. I don’t drink coffee, don’t smoke, rarely drink. But I love a nice soda. I’d go to McDonald’s to get my $1 large soda. Using the McDonald’s app I could sometimes get a free food item with the purchase of $1. So I’d get my $1 soda and a free thing.


ZeroDaySubber t1_it24u70 wrote

My local McD’s raised their price to like $1.47 for a large drink.


Ok-disaster2022 t1_it3495v wrote

McDs have changed that recently and require an app at certain locations to get that price.


FlowLife69420 t1_it2e9ag wrote

Grocery stores exist.

If you really need soda, which is horrible for you in several separate ways, get it from a grocery store in bulk for like $0.50/bottle; possibly less I don't know I've never bought it.

Y'all need to stop hitting up fast food joints at all.

I make comfortably over six figures just off salary and I balk at fast food prices, might as well go sit down at a restaurant and relax at these prices.


Fine-Mail4400 t1_it2xty2 wrote

You sound extremely pretentious in this reply, not sure you meant it that way. Just an FYI.

Mentioning your wealth and better standing financially on this post is misplaced. The tone and way you are speaking is certainly condescending.

There is NO amount of budgeting that will take away their situation. People who make a ton of money seem to scoff and lecture the lower classes with their "abundance" of knowledge on money. It's not easy and never will be. Society isn't designed to help people in poverty, it's created to keep people in it. No amount of advice or opinions you give this person will change that fact.

They are trying, and god forbid they bought a fuckin soda. Sue em.


cldw92 t1_it3haum wrote

Not sure if you're aware; but data has shown that being poor negatively affects your ability to plan finances in the long term. Because money is so scarce and it money seems to disappear quickly, it incentivizes the brain into spending money the moment you receive it.

I believe researchers hypothesized that it's because we've intrinsically linked money to food; when we are poor this our primary use of money. When someone is hungry all other secondary needs are put on the shelf.

TLDR: It's expensive to be poor, it's harder to make rational budgeting decisions when poor.


AlleyCatStoner t1_it3fmdi wrote

Sounding like a real shithead in this one, not sure if that’s what you intended or anything..


ShakespearianShadows t1_it253vb wrote

My local gas station has gigantic sodas for a buck. They used to be $.79. Way cheaper than any fast food.


richwith9 t1_it2a66o wrote

I can get an X large fountain drink from Circle K for $1.17 tax included


usedTP t1_it2hy5e wrote

Grocery store sodas are less than a dollar.


oregonduckman23 t1_it55xeg wrote

Also this is very inconsequential compared to the other things in this post but soda does not compare to coffee. It has a tiny fraction of caffeine per serving in comparison and all the sugar is going to offset anything you take in and make you crash harder