Submitted by TIFUweggooiaccountje t3_ytpd2q in tifu

This happened last night, and I think it's important to share it here because of how I reacted.
Let's start at the beginning.

I was on a dating app and matched with a nice looking girl. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and we had really nice conversations about all kinds of stuff. That went on for a while and then she/he/whatever asked me to continue the conversation on Telegram. In hindsight that should have been a red flag to me, because nearly everyone in my country uses WhatsApp as their primary texting app. But I was happy to continue the conversation else where since the dating app itself is fairly buggy.
From there on out the conversation slowly graduated from normal to some more hot stuff and before I knew it we were sexting and sending photos to each other. Usually I don't really do this, but my horny lizard brain took over and I did it anyway. I think it's because this person let me feel at ease since it wasn't all sexting, I got images back and I reverse image searched them and couldn't find anything. We had some more nice conversations and somehow I let my guard down and shared my Instagram account with this person.
The next thing I got was a video with me touching my junk, screenshots of my instagram and a headshot and message that I had to pay up otherwise this would end up at all my followers.
Of course I was a bit shocked at this, but in all honesty I should have seen it coming.
My response was one this person didn't expect.
I simply told them I don't care if it gets send to everyone and that my life won't be ruined because of some stupid video. Sexting is something a lot of people do and my only mistake was being too horny getting into it and not seeing the red flags. That can happen to anyone.
They threatened me some more and I needed to send €500,- to let this go away.
I just laughed and told them I'm a student I don't even have that much money and even if I did I wouldn't send it their way. Ended up saying one more time I don't care if they send it to other people because sexting is nothing to be ashamed about and then it went quiet. Haven't heard from this person in over a couple hours and I seriously doubt they send anything to my followers.

TL;DR: Started sexting with a blackmailer, missed some red flags, got blackmailed and told them to send it anyway since I'm not ashamed. The blackmailer stopped replying immediately.



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Send_Your_Noods_plz t1_iw5hmji wrote

You couldn't have handled it better. There's no winning with those people. If you send the money they'll just try and extort you again.

Chances are they won't send them, but even if they do you're the victim here, if your family or friends get your nudes just say you were blackmailed or scammed and it wasn't worth the money to try and stop them. If they still badger you... well they're the ones who decided to keep looking or bring it up


TIFUweggooiaccountje OP t1_iw5j160 wrote

That's exactly what I thought when this happened. Even if they ended up sending it to people I'm the victim. And like I said I don't really care. Sexting, sending nudes to other people isn't something we should be ashamed of. A lot of people do it. So who cares. And if people did get it and start talking about it it's ultimately their problem not mine.

I think it's important to share this story because of this reason. because sending money probably ends up just like you said.


rooktherhymer t1_iw5ka2e wrote

Anyone keeping score on how many of these we've seen here in TIFU?


angroro t1_iw5iojn wrote

They likely sent you images from another victim so that if you threaten to release their images it'll just hurt the other person rather than the scammer while also making the images untraceable for the average person.

These types of scammers are working on an out of date fear. People these days don't care if those images get sent to others since online dating is now perfectly acceptable behavior and just makes the scammer look like more of a POS. Tell the scammer it'll make for a great teaser promo for your onlyfans account.


TIFUweggooiaccountje OP t1_iw5jc73 wrote

Hahaha that's actually a great idea. I might send that if the scammer ends up replying again!


angroro t1_iw5jnkw wrote

Definitely wait for them to reply before hitting them with the OF. Nothing brings more traction to an OF account than controversy, after all.


Ill-Werewolf6896 t1_iw5mfvq wrote

Worse comes to worse you just close your Isnta account and create a new one. Nbd. These blackmailers are stupid.


PaschalisG16 t1_iw69ah9 wrote

Tell the blackmailer "You wanna be charged with revenge porn?"


PM_ur_Rump t1_iw5hcje wrote

Plot twist, blackmailer has been phished before but is super oblivious and thought this is how you flirt.


misaka-8888 t1_iw60um0 wrote

The same thing happened to me a month back, they were like we gonna destroy ur life by sending all the pics to ur ins contact and WhatsApp. LOL,90% of the people on ins I don't talk to at all and the rest 10% really wouldn't care. I told them to add some funny edits if they really have the time to send to anyone.


TIFUweggooiaccountje OP t1_iw6p4t5 wrote

I think these reactions are the best to the scammers. The fun is gone for them and suddenly there is nothing to be gained from their side.


derpmcsterp t1_iw7tvbu wrote

Literal big dick play. Gj

Disgusting that you had to go thru that tho man


jhascal23 t1_iwab3h3 wrote

Do any of the pictures or videos have your junk + face showing or identifying stuff? If its just a dick picture not showing anything else I wouldn't care.


TIFUweggooiaccountje OP t1_iwdnvkn wrote

Sadly it did show my junk and face at the same time. Only for a couple seconds. But I wasn't careful enough. As well as the recognizable tattoos on my body that didn't help either. But in the end nothing happened. Always call their bluff, don't pay up and even if they send it to people; who cares? We're all naked under our clothes, we all do stupid shit sometimes and there certainly is no shame in sexting in my opinion.


betterannamac t1_iw5hhmr wrote

Will expect an update!


TIFUweggooiaccountje OP t1_iw9mq36 wrote

No real update. The person didn't reply anymore and I haven't gotten any weird messages from people on insta saying they received anything. So all in all I believe nothing was send.

But I matched with someone on the same dating app today and the conversation started much the same way and I immediately recognized the writing style and response times. Also again making use of stolen pictures and I just reported and blocked the account after telling them revenge porn is getting heavily charged.


Fire51271 t1_iw5ou8d wrote

I am in a spot where I’ve paid now and I regret it. Nice work staying strong


TIFUweggooiaccountje OP t1_iw6ozbt wrote

wait? did this happen or would you have done that in my place? if it happened, what happened after you've paid them?


RezeTheGreat t1_iw96vhf wrote

Honestly, I’m impressed by how you handled it. You could have avoided it altogether but a lot of people just break down and give in so… congrats?


TIFUweggooiaccountje OP t1_iw9masl wrote

Thank you! Yeah I probably could have and should have seen the red flags from the beginning, but my horny lizard brain took over. Funny thing is that today I matched with someone and the conversation started the same way so I recognized it immediately and reported the account.


RezeTheGreat t1_iw9mpgi wrote

That’s good! Thank Hod you didn’t make the same mistake again!