dieforestmusic t1_ixwuo5s wrote
I was worried that your call was a actually a dream, so this doesn't seem so bad. imo better to be annoying than to no-call-no-show.
SkyScamall t1_ixx1hfy wrote
I was fully expecting OP to have dreamt it and no-showed at work.
i_worstofall t1_ixx25pn wrote
Yeah, I just tapped on this notification because the title reminded me of a time I called out sick, and then settled back into my sweaty, feverish, nightmarish fugue, relieved I’d gotten that out of the way; the next day I discovered I only THOUGHT I’d called out. Accidentally pulled a no-call-no-show. I still cringe about it.
omegatotal t1_ixxlop9 wrote
shit like this is why I call out the day before if I start feeling sick, including text messages my boss, and tell them if I feel better in the morning I'll make it in otherwise, don't expect me.
anytime they say text messages are not 'legitimate' way to call out, I just be like well it's documented that I sent it, and you reach out to me via text give me instructions so..
aasdfhdjkkl t1_ixxty4j wrote
I always call in sick the night before because otherwise I might have to wake up early for no reason. Plus, that way my boss knows I'm not coming in as soon as she shows up to work at the ass-crack of dawn. I work at a daycare so knowing how many employees will be there is extremely important for legal reasons.
superjanna t1_ixybe3k wrote
I can call out via email, in fact it’s preferred so we have written time stamped confirmation from both staffer and supervisor! And I will use “schedule send” in gmail the night before so I don’t have to wake up
Raichu7 t1_ixytxuc wrote
That’s great if you start feeling sick the day before, but if you wake up feeling sick how were you supposed to have predicted the future?
evileyeball t1_ixxpmqu wrote
I've called in sick twice in my life and I would not have the second time if my wife hadn't forced my hand knowing I was sicker than I believed I was (I thought I could do it sick because I work from home and wouldnt get anyone else sick)
harpejjist t1_ixy0ofr wrote
In my case it WAS a dream so I had to keep trying over and over. Kept waking up to realize I had only dreamt calling. It was brutal. I FINALLY called for real. But it took many tries.
I also used to dream I got out of bed, got dressed, etc. Then I would wake up and have to do it all over again for real. Made Mondays suck doubly.
l_Lathliss_l t1_ixy3vqx wrote
I’ve done the same on occasion. Usually I’m running late to work and as I’m walking in I wake up. I have to do the morning over again but I guess I’m on time now, so idk.
harpejjist t1_iy1j9jj wrote
It sucks the worst when it is a bitter cold damp Monday. Who wants to do that multiple times!
omniscientonus t1_ixzsamc wrote
When I was running heavy shifts that I wasn't used to (12+ hours) this would happen to me all the time. My wife would wake me up, I'd very groggily get dressed and then... My wife would wake me up again saying that I HAD to get up or I'd be late. I was on fact, not up or dressed, just dreamed it all.
I-just-wanna-talk- t1_iy0txqo wrote
Stuff like this happens to me all the time when I'm sleepy. I think I already sent that mail, but only thought I did. Well tbf most of that stuff happened back when I had to get up at 6am regularly. Anything before 10am is early for me. My brain just doesn't work before 8am.
dopeyonecanibe t1_iy49bmb wrote
I was thinking he actually called some random other number in his contacts and they were like wtf??
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