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t1_ixphu2w wrote

Its pretty bad, make sure to rest after a fall like that, i hope u put ice right after the incident


OP t1_ixphyur wrote

A little, but I probably have only iced it for like 30 minutes since it happened. I just hope it looks better than it does now when I go into work tomorrow


t1_ixpqqfe wrote

Sadly, that's not how injuries work.


OP t1_ixpqvpw wrote

When do you think it'll start looking better? Do you think it'll be worse in the morning?


t1_ixprcia wrote



OP t1_ixprgbg wrote

Like just the swelling or the bruising too? I was hoping all the bruising would at least have the decency to stay contained to my eyelid, but I'm worried it'll spread below my eye. What do you think?


t1_ixps3xs wrote

It’s gonna get a tad worse before it gets better, just tell everyone at work you walked into a door as your new boyfriend sits in a dark corner slowly nodding his head


OP t1_ixpsdyp wrote

Haha, not in any relationship right now. I can't imagine having a black eye is going to help my chances either lol


t1_ixqn8nk wrote

Dude that thing is going to go through the rainbow before it gets better.


OP t1_ixqnerv wrote

Well, I've already seen blue, red, and purple. When do you think I'll see orange, yellow, and green?


t1_ixprjid wrote

I had a face injury last year on November. It kept swelling and generally sucked for like 2-3 days, then stayed swelled for like almost 2 weeks, and finally started noticeably going down.

Maybe yours isn't as bad as mine, but it'll definitely still be very swollen tomorrow.


OP t1_ixprvil wrote

How bad did yours look compared to mine? And how long did it last for?


t1_ixqc9s3 wrote

I fell on my face waking my dog and it looked bad for a couple of weeks. Got really swollen. I bought an eye patch so I could go to work without people staring. Got to listen to lots of pirate jokes. Lol. Maybe you could try that?


t1_ixrxivh wrote

About two weeks, you should be down to a nice sickly green color that can be covered with makeup