Submitted by throwaway995003 t3_ztgk9o in tifu

I make the worst dating decisions. So I'd been kinda dating this rich dude for like a month and a half. We've both been drunk for most of it as he's an alcoholic and will only spend time with me at his favorite bar.

Well, one night I was drunk and high and was complaining that I want time alone with him. Haven't even slept with him. He keeps avoiding me. So he says we'll hang out tomorrow. Tomorrow rolls around and I just get to see him at the bar and we drink until midnight and then go to an Italian restaurant.

I pick up the shell of an oyster to scrape the meat out of and he freaks out on me. Saying that I can't just pick it up and eat it. Instructs me to use my fork... in the exact way I was about to do. Whatever. Then I pick up my fork and start twirling it and before I can do anything he gets mad again. Says I need to use my spoon with it. I'm a little annoyed and I give him a little shit but do it anyway. But it was not perfect. He continues to berate me. I'm getting increasingly upset. I keep telling him I'm trying and I didn't exactly grow up nice. He tells me that I'm embarrassing him and that he's calling me an uber instead of driving me home.

I disassociate while outside, because of BPD, and I guess I missed the uber so he comes out to berate me again and call me another.

I'm either broken up (again. it's a trend) with or he won't remember and he should be broken up with. And once again I'm reminded why I always avoid rich dudes.


TLDR: TIFU by not eating my pasta in a proper manner and now my alcoholic rich boyfriend is mad and might actually break up with me.


EDIT: He was still mad about pasta today and broke up with me. 23rd



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Greatnesstro t1_j1dfv0y wrote

Sounds like this is more of a bullet dodged then any fucking up on your part.


stanflam t1_j1eio8i wrote

ditto; I wouldn't be with someone who complains about the way I eat pasta lmao


_coffee_ t1_j1dfytj wrote

Explain to me exactly why you'd want to be in a relationship with that person.

Seriously, why?


fliguana t1_j1dhim2 wrote


"Rich dude" was all the description in the post.


throwaway995003 OP t1_j1dhx1t wrote

I just mention he's a "rich dude" because I'm a bit bitter over the rich guys I've attracted in the past. Would rather date someone who isn't. The story proves my point lol.


fliguana t1_j1dpvw3 wrote

The taxonomy if men is wider than "rich-not rich".

There are just as many jerks and alcoholics in the non-rich category. More, actually.

Have you given a thought what you want in a mate, besides financial standing?


throwaway995003 OP t1_j1e8gzs wrote

True. I don't care about their financial standing more socio-economical standing lol. But I haven't had many good relationships. I ideally want someone who doesn't have a substance issue, isn't married, only hit me consensually, and not vanilla. uh.. yeah. That's it.


RetroReactiveRuckus t1_j1fv0g5 wrote

Caring about socioeconomic status is caring about how much money they have and then some. So yeah you do care about financial standing.


throwaway995003 OP t1_j1dgkp9 wrote

That is such a good question. I have issues. Would love someone to want me. But that kinda mindset gets you these guys. Never had a good relationship. Don't even know what that looks like. Guess I'm taking what I can get. Or subconsciously think I deserve.


OriginalName483 t1_j1dh61e wrote

I think the fuck up is dating an alcoholic who only spends time with you at a bar and non jokingly criticizes you for not eating the way he likes.

You should be breaking up with him. Eat pasta however you want as long as you don't make a mess for others to clean up


thehazycat t1_j1dgj0k wrote

please let this man leave you or leave him yourself. i’ve shat turds that could treat you better than that.


remixjuice t1_j1h665b wrote

Those turds of yours... are any of them single?


qawsedrf12 t1_j1dkk3e wrote

also seems like.he is.married


Squigglepig52 t1_j1dzc6x wrote

One, he's a raging asshole, and that attitude doesn't get wiped out by his money.

Two -you have BPD. Could you possibly pick a worse situation for yourself, like, one certain to fuck up a person with BPD?

Your fuck up wasn't your manners, your fuck up is being in this situation at all.

You need to lay off the booze and drugs.


throwaway995003 OP t1_j1e8yb4 wrote

You're right. I was doing well cutting back on drinking and never getting high until I started seeing him. So yeah, that's not a great idea for someone with bpd either.


Squigglepig52 t1_j1efbc1 wrote

I have BPD, myself, I know how easy it is to get caught up in bad ideas.

I didn't intend to sound mean, it was more a "Oh, holy fuck, this is a bad idea!".


throwaway995003 OP t1_j1eyul3 wrote

No, you're good. I didn't perceive it as mean. It is a fucking bad idea haha


threedogcircus t1_j1dl0u2 wrote

I'm pretty sure the problem isn't rich dudes. It's married alcoholic assholes.


LobsterPowerful8900 t1_j1en7di wrote

He not into you. Don’t settle for someone who feels they need to correct you all the time. He sounds toxic


unique_plastique t1_j1dfxmo wrote

I got bpd too babes we know how this goes PLEASE do not see this man again


AcrobaticSource3 t1_j1dxyza wrote

Today he tells you how to eat pasta. Tomorrow he tells you what friends you can have and when you can talk on the phone. Get away from this controlling asshole


Flossthief t1_j1erw1k wrote

People who use spaghetti spoons are lying to themselves

Just take your shirt off and slorp down the noodles like everyone wants to


jmiranda511 t1_j1dlouj wrote

I came to two different conclusions after reading this. Title should be “TIFU by dating an asshole” or the whole post should really be an AITA post, in which my response would be no, you are not. Sorry you had to deal with this douche bag. Don’t fret, you’ll find someone better one day!


jppianoguy t1_j1dvdg0 wrote

It's perfectly appropriate to pick up an oyster to eat it.

In Italy they twirl their pasta without a spoon.

He's straight up r/confidentlyincorrect material. This guy can fuck right off.


jayzuzmayte t1_j1fzwn4 wrote

That's not a boyfriend, it's a drinking buddy.


d4m1ty t1_j1h9lno wrote

Married into Italians.. they don't use a spoon.

That's for uncoordinated Americans.


Skiller0Dani t1_j1hchq2 wrote

I think what you mean is TIFU by dating an alcoholic. End sentence. Break up with him.