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wildcrisis t1_j1xsnzb wrote

Oh my god, you’re not our patient, but we had a recent tonsil tonsillectomy patient (M21) turn into a blood geyser around the 4-5 day post op too. Apparently he also had to get cauterized twice, but he had to go under and get the stitches. We saw him today and everything looks fine now, but when he comes in for his next post op appointment IM GOING TO WONDER IF THIS IS WHY HE BLED SO BADLY


Fireblade09 OP t1_j1xtx4s wrote

I almost guarantee it


wildcrisis t1_j1xu726 wrote

I wonder if I can convince the doctor to discreetly tell young men not to whack it for like a week post surgery. I’m showing him this post tomorrow.


Fireblade09 OP t1_j1zg7ii wrote

Lemme know what he says. My doctor laughed his ass off and advised against touching myself for a few weeks


wildcrisis t1_j21tckp wrote

Well, my doctor also laughed his ass off (which was much needed, the end of the year is so stressful and busy for us), and says you definitely need at least two weeks off from those kinds of fun activities LMAO

When I reminded him the 3 tonsil bleeds we’ve seen in the last 6 months have all been males ages 16-25 he shook his head