Submitted by jmcookie25 t3_zv11n5 in tifu

My (27F) husband (26M) is an identical twin. To the untrained eye, they look pretty similar. But to the family, they are clearly different people. Or so I thought...

Last year, their older brother got himself and the twins matching onesies with hoods. When we were packing for the trip to the in-laws for Christmas, my husband packed his onesie.

Friday night, a few of us (my mother in law, my husband's twin's wife, and I) were sitting in the living room. Both twins and the older brother were not around.

So I'm just on my phone, when I hear someone come around the corner into the living room. I looked up and see my husband wearing his onesie. My MIL makes a comment about how these onesies are great and they made her year last year.

Husband passes through the living room and goes right past me into the dining room which is behind me. On the way through, I decided to poke his butt. I would have slapped it had my MIL not been sitting directly across me and would have seen it.

Maybe 10 seconds pass, and my MIL says "uh, are you sure that was the right husband?".

My heart instantly drops. I turn around and see two people behind me in the dining room. The twin in the onesie, and my husband sitting at the table on his laptop.

I had just poked my brother in law's butt.

I was pretty much MORTIFIED. Everyone, including me, was laughing so hard we were crying. I was probably beet red from embarrassment. I SWEAR that I saw my husband's face when the twin walked into the living room. I didn't even think twice because I knew my husband brought his onesie.

It was hilarious to look back on, but I think about what I could/would have done if my MIL wasn't in the room. Like I could have slapped his butt, or something even more inappropriate to do to your brother in law. All is well, at least it'll be a memorable Christmas.

TL;DR I accidentally poked my brother in law's butt instead of my husband's because they're twins.



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AcrobaticSource3 t1_j1mh1ui wrote

It’s also hilarious that the brother-in-law didn’t say he just accepted it and liked it!


fidesachates t1_j1mi68g wrote

I know that by poke, you mean you poked his ass checks and it was probably gentle. But my mind won’t let go of the image you jamming a finger up his asshole and yelling “Gotcha!”


ranhalt t1_j1mttn0 wrote

Was this a poke at the butt cheek or poking the butthole?


Ironwolf7448 t1_j1n1i1n wrote

I’ve done something similar with my wife’s sister and they aren’t even twins. They just look a lot alike when I don’t have my glasses on.


Illithilitch t1_j1n4sfc wrote

I was really hoping for something involving prostate massage gone wrong.


Feeling_Ad_2354 t1_j1ot061 wrote

My fiancé grabbed a random girl at the bar one night thinking it was me. Literally between the legs and scooped her up to have her turn and obviously be very upset. He immediately started apologizing and came running to find me about 5 feet away seated at the bar. He was pale white and said ‘I did something bad!’ He proceeded to tell me what happened and then pointed her out - she was in almost the exact same outfit, boots and all, and from behind would be very hard to tell the difference between us due to dim lighting (she’s redhead and I’m very blonde). Poor guy was mortified! I ended up going up to her and apologizing on his behalf and explaining the situation- ironically we all became friends after this as she knew other members of our group. And that’s how my fiancé narrowly avoided SA charges 😂


get_off_my_lawn_n0w t1_j1p3s9o wrote

yep. me, SIL. Similar situation. Lucky for me, wife and sis in law are aware of their similarity in height and build, and they have now agreed not to wear similar outfits.


joos1986 t1_j1ps54c wrote

Yeah, definitely more mortifying

With the festive season it probably would've gone down without too much awkwardness and just added to the hilarity.


Life's too short.

Facepalms are like a high 5 for the face :')