Submitted by t3_zze4cz in tifu

This just happened and I need a void to scream into because I am so embarrassed and I feel so stupid lol.

I work at a dispensary in a state that it is legal in obviously, and right now is one of the busiest times. As of writing this New Year’s eve literally tomorrow, and you know people are going to be coming to grab their mary jane for the parties and such.

It’s been a VERY busy day. I had 5 hours or so of sleep which isn’t too bad for me, but not great either. It’s also been a lot because of all the new product we received, which involved watching videos and taking quizzes so we had all the knowledge we needed to conduct sales.

Today I worked from 8:45a-4:45p(keep this in mind) which is what I usually do there because I enjoy having the rest of the day to get errands and make dinner. And at my dispensary we work on a sales floor and call people back so they can view the product and work with an knowledgeable sales person to get the best product for them so they aren’t sent home with something that will give them a bad experience.

During my time on the sales floor today, I took a look at the time and I… /THOUGHT/ I saw 4:40. 😶

I approached my manager during the chaos and asked if there was anything she would like me to do or any extra minutes I needed to do since we were supposed to make sure our position was filled if we were leaving. She said to do the daily cleaning and that was it. Usually we are always suggested to get our cleaning done. I did a check, and all was good. I didn’t think much of it and I’m sure she didn’t understand what I was implying due to how chaotic the store was this day.

At what I thought was 4:45, I went to punch out and proudly claimed “okay goons and goblins, I am out!” to which I joked with my shift lead who was in the room. He even said goodnight. I didn’t even notice the fucking big timer on the computer screen that said 3:45… THREE FOURTY FIVE, NOT FOUR FOURTY FIVE.

I drove home, no one realized I was leaving amongst the flurry of people. I somehow managed to get all the way home not knowing because my clock in my car is still an hour ahead because I still haven’t changed it since daylight savings time.

Said hi to my boyfriend, and then I went to go take care of things around the house. But then I froze in my tracks when I saw the time on the kitchen microwave.

It was 4:14pm

There was no way I left early right? The clocks were wrong, I thought! But I begin to freak out and flew downstairs to me and my boyfriends shared office and asked him what time was it?? He said it’s 4:15pm.

I was instantly in a panic and I grabbed my phone and instantly called my manager over the work phone, while she was also trying to call me on her personal phone. I blurted out what happened and apologized profusely and tried to figure out what to do. She obviously wasn’t pleased but also didn’t sound like she wanted my head on a stick, so for the most part I think this will go down just fine but if I get any discipline I totally deserve it and will take it without issue.

But I hate it! I left my coworkers short on a busy day! I look like a major idiot! I am so embarrassed! I get along with everyone just fine and work pretty hard, so this isn’t going to be my nail in the coffin or anything drastic like that, but man, what a fuck up!

TLDR: I read the clock wrong and punched out an hour before my shift was over and drove all the way home before I realized my mistake.



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t1_j2b4ss2 wrote

Stoner moment.


OP t1_j2b6e73 wrote

I will put it on the record and say right now that I’ve never been high at work, I’m just naturally a goofy ass individual lmao!


t1_j2bnpko wrote

Yeah maybe never high at work, but if you ate one of the brownies it still counts! Lol


t1_j2bijhh wrote

To be fair, they said goodbye!


OP t1_j2bj8f9 wrote

See I totally thought the same thing, like why did they say bye? but also the work place was kinda wild today! When we have a rush it’s incredibly loud and chaotic and everyone’s running around like crazy and running from room to room sometimes too all in a very small building so it’s overall a very overwhelming environment sometimes so they were probably lost in the chaos or half listening haha!


t1_j2c7yoa wrote

I’ve managed and done the rosters for many teams varying in sizes. They likely said bye cause no one knows exactly what hours each staff member is working. Even if the roster is the same week in week out. The issue is just exasperated when you manage the roster for a large team. My staff used to say to me all the time “what time do I finish today?” Bro, I don’t remember the roster down the the minute for 30 staff for a 7 day work week that I wrote 2 weeks ago.


OP t1_j2c9kzf wrote

That’s also what I thought too, I totally know that this was all on me to uphold and do my job for the intended time and that I shouldn’t rely on another person who’s for a million other things to do to keep up with my schedule specifically.


t1_j2c9i7t wrote

If you say bye to someone they’re gonna say it back. I’m guessing your shift lead and manager and coworkers were busy and didn’t think to check the time because… well, I mean it’s a fair assumption to make that someone wouldn’t just walk out an hour early. Be ready for them to double check for the next few weeks though!


t1_j2bo49e wrote

This is what the sub is all about. Genuine mistake that happened today, but that will be easy enough to laugh off or make up for tomorrow. So many stories on here are “I’ve been actively ruining my life for years and my family just found out” or smth


t1_j2bjnjv wrote

Goons and goblins!!!


OP t1_j2dhag3 wrote

This comment is making me laugh a lot everytime I see it. We say a lot of silly stuff at work and have fun conversations because we're all kind of weird so I didn't even think much when I added it to this Reddit post lmao


t1_j2bnqiy wrote

Fwiw did this before. At a completely odd time (like 2:47) because my watch stopped and i didn't check a phone or computer or any of the 37 other clocks i walked past in the bldg.

I only realized it because i arrived at my them boyfriend's house 20 min away 5 min before i should have left work.

My boss initially didn't believe that nobody would've caught it... but nobody did. Boss later found it hilarious.


OP t1_j2dgxsv wrote

And this is why I posted because I was like... I'm sure someone on Reddit can relate because I need to know I am not the only one because I was soooo embaressed!!! Thank you for sharing haha!


t1_j2c5v7g wrote

Having worked at Walmart for 8+ years, I did that shit all the time. Only ever stopped after I quit and got a job that wasn't so repetitive that I'd forget what planet I was on.


t1_j2b4m86 wrote



OP t1_j2b5di5 wrote

I called her within the same 5 minutes I was processing my F up and I offered to come back in and make up for the time lost and continue to help, but she said there was no need.

I also offered over a formal email to work with them if they needed me or to make up the time which was also declined. I’m just gonna be receiving an attendance point which can rack up enough to get me fired but I am not worried about that as I know I am usually pretty good nowadays as far as my attendance goes!


t1_j2cctbb wrote

I was doing shifts in the ER as a doctor. My schedule changed constantly. I accidently left 2 hours early one day... Told everyone goodbye, and went home. It was a couple days before I realized it. We were well covered, obviously.


t1_j2ceopd wrote

Bring in donuts or something for everyone tomorrow. Yikes.


t1_j2c1730 wrote

You better super double check the clock the next time there’s is daylight savings time


t1_j2cbm2j wrote

I think you'll be fine, we don't even do daylight savings where I live and once my old work had to open late because me and 1 other person were the only ones who showed up. Everyone else's clocks were an hour behind 🤣 the only reason I knew to check was because I used to live where daylight savings was a thing


t1_j2dbwvx wrote

OP sounds like a great coworker.

Cares about the job, cares about the coworkers, cares about the customers.

This one tiny f-up doesn't change any of that. So glad the manager was cool about it.

Happy New Year, all!


t1_j2dlz94 wrote

Confidence is key. You were confident you were doing the right thing, no one questioned you because maybe they were wrong instead. Maybe you had told your supervisor that you had to leave early and they forgot.


t1_j2e163r wrote

Lol, my boss yesterday morning (I work in IT): "Ok half the company is offline, It's read-only Friday, and I don't feel like working. Anything urgent? No? Let's all log off. See you guys on monday. Have a great weekend and happy 2023!"

He's a great guy.


t1_j2eps0g wrote

Years ago when I was working for the province, I went out to get some parts for my car. I thought it was 12 noon. When I got back I saw that it was close to 12 noon. No one noticed I had left before lunch hour.


t1_j2esesp wrote

Sounds like something that would happen at a dispensary :)


t1_j2b4z39 wrote

If anything bad happens, reply with, "why so angry? I thought stoners were cool and mellow. Let it go."


OP t1_j2b61lv wrote

I’ll tell you right now that working with a bunch of sober potheads is not what you think it is. Everyone’s stressed as hell and don’t even get me started on the customers! They are either the best person you’ve ever met or the worst, and there is no in between.


t1_j2b7wqc wrote

Ha.. that is entirely my point! It's a way to stick them without a good response. Lol.. i know from experience as my college roommate was one of the biggest dealers around, and despite the stereotype of laid back stoners, these people were some of the moodiest people around. Cannabis is so easy to get nowadayz most people are level now, but I love flipping switch on my friends when they get moody. 4:19 Tim is not like 4:21 Tim. Lol


t1_j2bdpy0 wrote

How did i get downvoted from sharing real experience about cannabis and people? Damn, somebody needs a little dab.


t1_j2bv1sz wrote

Because everything you wrote reads as passive aggressive and the general sentiment of your comments are really bad advice for a workplace regardless of it they likely smoke pot or not.

A simple "Yeah, I fucked up" is a lot better than pretty much anything else in a situation like OPs or for most workplaces in general. Substitute that with whatever language is appropriate for your workplace.

Taking ownership of your mistakes is just the easiest way to diffuse most workplace fuck ups.


t1_j2bvfi7 wrote

I guess TIFU by offending someone on reddit.


t1_j2d6a4i wrote

As a pothead it didn't come off passive aggressive to me. Didn't come off as anymore than a funny story. People on Reddit just have no sense of humor. The downvotes actually backup what you said even more. Lol

But don't let downvotes bother you. They mean nothing and are usually from people who just give them out for no valid reason.

Anyway hope you and everyone have a good day. But don't let a few bad apples get you down.
