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chaos021 t1_j1y1jnk wrote

Did your mom really not know who she married?


littlegirl14 OP t1_j1y1nug wrote

I mean she did, but he’s been going to therapy for a bit now and I guess she didn’t realize how bad it still was. Plus I have 2 step-siblings so that kinda complicated things.


Dec8rSk8r t1_j1y2len wrote

Based on the description of him, sounds like you did her a solid. Who says that to someone's kid?


___Phreak___ t1_j1yeelf wrote

Her divorcing him sounds more like a win all around than a fuck up


HamesTheNames t1_j1ygfwc wrote

Don't think you fucked up, you didn't choose your step father but your mother did. If anything this will be a win in a future as your mother has shown her true colours by siding with you her daughter. I wish you all the best and I hope your stepfather finds it deep within his heart to apologize to you.

I'm a stepfather myself and I would never ever treat my wife's son anything BUT my own son. In fact he is my son regardless what anyone says. Stay strong and keep this strong and close connection with your mom and I'm sure itll all work out


TucuReborn t1_j1yggku wrote


It's a very clearly abusive step-father, and she seems to have needed the wakeup call on it. Losing a child, emotionally or otherwise, can be incredibly hard. Losing them because your partner is a piece of shit gives you a bright, neon target to channel all that frustration and lights them up as the piece of shit they are.


marshy266 t1_j1ykfeu wrote

You didn't fuck up. You cant fuck up by being honest unless you're trying to hurt somebody.

Your mum could have followed up on it and contacted you/your dad, she could have left the guy. There's little fault here other than your stepdad who sounds like a PoS .


Amanystya t1_j1ym44l wrote

You didn't fuck up. Your step-dad did by being an all-around narcissistic, manipulative piece of shit. I empathize with your mother because it can be very difficult to leave an abusive relationship, but at the end of the day you also have to think about your own safety and future. You shouldn't force yourself to live in an abusive environment because it's more convenient for everyone else.

Hopefully this will be the wake-up call your mother needs. Some people don't change and if he's like this now, think about how he might be 5-10 years down the line. Only a real toxic piece of shit would stop a mother from having a relationship from her own child. I know that moving on is never easy, but sometime being a parent means you have to make difficult sacrifices for the future of your children.

Also you never know. In a few years time she might meet the perfect soulmate. Life is too short to spend it with someone who doesn't respect you or your family.


VoxR4710 t1_j1yrs4k wrote

Sounds like fate brought good fortune through a bad time.

"If the truth kills them, let them die"


moistnote t1_j1yuajj wrote

Only thing you fucked up was the formatting of this post.


schnurble t1_j1yzi44 wrote

OP, you did not fuck up. Stepdad did.


Legitimate_Roll7514 t1_j1z3jle wrote

I hope she does divorce him. Any decent parent puts their children first.


violinlady_ t1_j1z3vpa wrote

Congratulations to you. He sounds like an arsehole.


Cichlidsaremyjam t1_j1z5x63 wrote

How did you fuck up here? You outted a terrible person. Yea, your mom feels bad for not seeing it but come on shes a grown adult, at some point she has to pick up on things on her own.


louise_mcsass t1_j1z7wm7 wrote

You didn’t fuck up. You just made your mom see the reality she was clearly avoiding. Please don’t blame yourself. Your parents are meant to protect you, not ignore abusive behavior so that they can continue their relationship with an abuser.

I hope you find healing and peace.


HamDiesel t1_j1z93k4 wrote

This is no misunderstanding. When I was 13-14 I had a similar experience. My step mom was a horrible person, on many levels. I was supposed to do the weekly switch as well, and I got to the point of finding any reason not to go to their house. Stay at friends, lie and stay at my mom's, whatever I could do.

I am nearly 38 years old. And this still affects me today.

The best thing you can do, is speak your feelings. Get it all out there. Parents are blind to a lot of what kids feel, because kids often have trouble expressing their true emotion and feelings.

Eventually, you will be more powerful than your step-dad.

Don't think, "oh no I ruined my mom's happiness". If he treats the woman's children he supposedly loves the way you say. It might be far worse for her. You telling her what happened, and how you feel might be what she needs to take the blinders off.

Be intelligent, strong, and don't be afraid to do what you need to.


ASVPcurtis t1_j1zac1f wrote

You didn’t fuck up the step father should have been supportive but he was anything but supportive. Good call on leaving!!


littlegirl14 OP t1_j1zy5su wrote

They’ve been together for 8 years now, it’s not like she doesn’t know how awful he is to us kids. But she doesn’t want to leave because then the kids won’t be taken care of properly, and I guess he has good days when it’s just them.


NerdOnTheStr33t t1_j204je7 wrote

No fuck ups here, well... Not on your part anyway. You might benefit from R/raisedbynarcissists


AdvonKoulthar t1_j20fl61 wrote

Strange how eerily similar people can be, I have a coworker who was in mostly the same situation. But something I’m more fine pointing out to a stranger is why put so much weight on your mom’s relationship without considering your position? Why wouldn’t your mother take into account her childrens’ feelings? It seems more like she was just lacking information, not that you’ve done anything wrong.