So I subscribe to a wine delivery service, basically I put $20 away every month and about once a year I order a case of wine. Well today was the day I received my wine wooo. I had gotten a bottle of champagne in the case and was feeling celebratory/ have orange juice in the fridge so I figured let’s mimosa. Well I really only wanted one so I grabbed a wine stopper and attempted to store the bottle in my fridge. I tried to put it on multiple shelves and the door but it didn’t fit. Eventually I decided no big deal I’ll just put it laying down and it will be fine. Welp I lay it down and turn around to talk to my child turn back around to grab ingredients for his second breakfast and boom champagne blast to the face. Moral of the story don’t store champagne sideways. I’m an idiot I know. Now it’s in a bucket of ice on the counter and I’m not sure what to do because I have no desire to be drunk during the middle of the day but also do not want to waste a whole bottle of bubbly. Sighs glad I had eye drops on hand. Maybe I can bake a champagne cake? Who knows.
Tl:dr blasted in face with champagne from improper storage. Stuck with an opened bottle of champagne that’s I don’t know what to do with.
Ben_Thar t1_j4c4er9 wrote
I hate it when that happens