HaCo111 t1_j67okpz wrote
LPT: the loafers at Walmart are about the best bang for your buck you can get from shoes. They are like 8 dollars and look ok enough that I wore them to my last job, which was a fancy office job. Next best value is the brahma boots for 20.
As a guy, just steer clear of thrift store shoes. My wife has a ton of great thrift store shoe finds but every single time I have tried (when I could actually find something I liked in my size) there was something irreparably wrong with them.
ShoesRWeird t1_j67otot wrote
thanks for the advice
HaCo111 t1_j67qkwa wrote
Also, fuck anybody making fun of you for wearing thrift store or cheap clothes. I make well into the six figures for salary and I am currently wearing thrift store pants, a thrift store shirt, thrift store hoodie, and 20 dollar walmart boots.
ShoesRWeird t1_j67qrhl wrote
It's a small town and were the black sheep family in the neighborhood that everyone likes to talk about
Oakcamp t1_j67wx0y wrote
(In all seriousness OP, I know it's cliché to say this,but pay no mind to these young idiots. By the time you've forgotten about them, they'll be feeling existential dread every night once they realize what insensitive pricks they were)
Rakalope-88 t1_j68c40v wrote
Don't take criticism from people you wouldn't take advice from.
Fuck those people dude. Tell your mum about your shoes too, you can't go around with painful feet.
nivek_c t1_j68desr wrote
Been there before, fuck em. Wait till you get out of there one day and meet some people from larger cities and realize "all those assholes back home are really just ignorant losers in the grand scheme of things"
BlakeDSnake t1_j68f9q7 wrote
Fuck those shallow superficial turds. I never had brand name stuff growing up because my parents were too thrifty to buy ‘em.
40 years on, I am doing better financially than 80% of those high school turds. I went to a reunion last year and wore nonbrand shit the whole weekend. I had a great time and we all laughed at what jerks we (they) were about how important it was to wear “THE” right clothes.
maciver6969 t1_j68hg77 wrote
Ignore the ignorant and petty fools, one day if you keep your head right will end up as their boss.
FlippyWraith t1_j68lezx wrote
Fuck em, thats what I say
grandlizardo t1_j68j7tk wrote
Men generally don’t dump their stuff until it is beyond hope…. Veteran thrift store shopper
ak1308 t1_j67z2ov wrote
You can find good shoes in thrift stores for men as well, but it really pays to know what you are looking for. I have found some one of my nicest pairs of shoes there, but have not found any decent sneakers ever.
I find that buying used from people (app/website etc) is usually a better bet when it comes to shoes though.
tennesseean_87 t1_j68hkzy wrote
I’ve gotten $400 dress shoes in great shape for $2.50 at a thrift shop. I still have them over a decade later. You have to shop where the rich people get rid of their stuff, especially when someone passes. Not gonna find trendy young people stuff, though.
caceman t1_j68c34i wrote
I just donated a lightly used pair of steel toed Timberland work boots to goodwill. Hope someone puts them to good use
YouPeopleAreGarbage t1_j68kjk4 wrote
Because most guys wear shit until it falls apart and only have a few pairs. You have sneakers, boots, and dress shoes. Maybe sandals. What more do you need?
Women have a bunch, so the wear and tear is spread around. You also won't see a guy get rid of a shoe because it's slightly damaged or because he simply doesn't like it anymore.
The only reason you're probably seeing men's shoes at a thrift store is because the owner has died.
painfulletdown t1_j68mau5 wrote
Have worn many $100 athletic shoes and have the money to get any I want, but still go with the $15 ones from walmart. They last me for years and feel great with the caveat that I don't play sports anymore.
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