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[deleted] t1_j8bcxda wrote



Thor4269 t1_j8bjf2q wrote

It was also the name of a highly disappointing MMO by NCSoft


exsea t1_j8co465 wrote

also a popular unique starting chest gear in POE


Daveallen10 t1_j8bddrm wrote

That is a good episode


[deleted] t1_j8bdqi6 wrote



Isteppedinpoopy t1_j8bh1wt wrote

Especially paired with the previous episode- One More with Feeling. They make a saga and get the whole season rolling.


clarkrd t1_j8cfhhq wrote

Bunnies aren't just cute Like everybody supposes! They got them hoppy legs And twitchy little noses! And what's with all the carrots? What do they need such good eyesight for anyway? Bunnies! bunnies! It must be bunnies!!


Azz13 t1_j8fijxk wrote

It's also an iconic unique item in path of exile.


QristopherQuixote t1_j8bohob wrote

Look up Piaget's stages of cognitive development. The truth is we are born pre-wired to learn certain things very quickly. Immanuel Kant was also a big proponent of this type of theory, which he spelled out in his very long and boring treatises. For example, we have a cognitive and neural framework biased to learn language. However, there is a critical period that ends between 6 & 8 that after which it becomes much harder to learn a new language. We even have specific areas in the brain that where meaning and grammar are processed (the Broca area is for the production of speech and Wernicke area is for comprehension of speech). Language also shapes the way we organize our thoughts and process information. We are not born with concepts or ideas, but our mind is configured to integrate some types of information quickly and in specific ways. Our mind/brain is a combination of native abilities and how they are developed based on stimulation.


mtntrail t1_j8chaey wrote

Good concise explanation. In grad school in the ‘70’s (speech pathology) the combined language learning centers were termed the LAD or language acquisition device. Some combination of neural systems that acquired language with minimal exposure. I always thought it was a bit of a cop out, the ability was well known, but the exact structures involved were not, hence kind of a black box explanation.


garlicroastedpotato t1_j8c1m6k wrote

It comes from a period of time when logical empirical thought were things. But the truth is, we're actually a bit of both. We have genetic knowledge (for example a baby knows how to cry without first having to learn it from experience). And we have things we learn.

Plato was the guy who pushed innatism hard. His argument was that all of the ideas are just out there floating (THE FORMS) and when we learn we're not learning new things but remembering things that already exist.


AnchorKlanker t1_j8bdzpg wrote

Read Stephen Pinker's book, The Blank Slate.


waterbogan t1_j8bydhy wrote

Second this its a terrific book, and gives a really good understanding of human nature. One of the ten best books I've ever read


GingerMau t1_j8cb6mm wrote

I used to think there was some merit to tabula rasa theory.

But then I had kids.

They had clearly defined personalities and tendencies from day one.

Not saying I know why. Is it chemical? Genetic? Spiritual? Who knows.

But anyone who has spent any time with newborns can probably confirm that they are not born with blank slates.


MateDude098 t1_j8dbhdp wrote

You can see it in sports as well. Some kids just get it instinctively. Like Messi or Ronaldinho. They just demolish their playgrounds with skills 10 levels about their peers.

Some kids learn how to play instruments 10x quicker than some other. Tabula Rasa theory is a nice theory that aims to fight class distinctions (you are rich and powerful not because you were born different /better but because you had environment that enabled this. The slave next door would do just as well if he had the same opportunities). But in reality, it's definitely not true.


braiser77 t1_j8bjj0b wrote

The truth is probably somewhere in between.


BitingArtist t1_j8bta32 wrote

The mind is definitely born with instincts. My god, like a baby is born and immediately starts suckling looking for a tit. Figure it out.


snazzynewshoes t1_j8bx7i9 wrote

Did Kant describe this in his A Critique of Pure Reason back in the 1780's?


Pluto_Rising t1_j8edb85 wrote

Yes, but Hegel refuted that with his newly discovered I Just Kant.


Electrical_Country28 t1_j8cltrs wrote

TIL where the name of a piece of armour from Path of Exile comes from.


purchankruly t1_j8c8l0f wrote

Very fascinating read indeed. I’ve always wanted to ask a newborn, “what were you thinking about 6 months ago?”


monkeypox_69 t1_j8cg8gy wrote

Obviously they haven't seen baby geniuses


jimmyjone t1_j8cktw1 wrote

The question would be - what, exactly, would they have beliefs and ideas about?


D3monVolt t1_j8cpx31 wrote

I think we are born empty minded but with genetic skills from our parents to learn some things better than others. My mother is good with languages, my father is good with maths. My grandfather is a focused thinker.

So, my language skill developed focused on just one language to be really good, instead of spread out over 5 like my mother has. And my math skill is purely on the theoretical application with throwing numbers around but not physics or so, which my father was also good at in his school time.


Died5Times t1_j8ddgo8 wrote

My cow dogs would hav me believe innatism. They are born to herd. They know what to do n how to do it as soon as they can walk. Theyre also very protective and will punish other dogs for acting out. Its very wild to see for the first time.


spoke2 t1_j8dzu15 wrote

See: 43rd President of the United States


Innard-Piece t1_j8fa8hk wrote
