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TrumpterOFyvie t1_jebjnqm wrote

>but the two concepts are intrinsically linked - reverence for lily white skin back in those days was intrinsically associated with white supremacy in every place where white supremacy existed

No it wasn't, it was intrinsically linked to pale skin being seen as a status symbol given that rich and privileged people had the palest skin through non exposure to the sun, as I've explained before. White supremacy was not a concept in the minds of ordinary people at that time, as much as you wish it were.

>not to mention the fact that the reverence for lily white skin furthered white supremacy in places where it didnt have a strong foothold

It might well have done, yes. But white supremacy wouldn't gain any kind of foothold among ordinary white people until they started mixing with non white people and developing ignorant (and sometimes superstitious) ideas about them.

>now if you had said that the concepts existed separately from each other that would have been closer to true - but still debateabl

Well they did, because the admiration of pale skin back then was a way for ordinary white people to discriminate against each other, not other races.

>youre right there - its not like anybody in europe ever heard of the dark skinned moors that invaded christendom in the 7th century despite being mentioned in half the novels of the era

This doesn't mean that ordinary people in the UK had mixed with black people to form ideas of racial superiority, no. Again, it was all about class.


SeiCalros t1_jebkf7y wrote

>White supremacy was not a concept in the minds of ordinary people at that time, as much as you wish it were.

in the 1920s? half a century after the american civil war? ten years before the aryan supremacist nazis took power in germany? the decade AFTER 'racist' was included in the oxford english dictionary?

i gotta say bruv despite your confidence i am getting the impression that your understanding of history is quite unburdened by the facts of history