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MyAccountWasBanned7 t1_jciozya wrote

They also use tax money to build stadiums, despite being run and owned by billionaires. Basically, they're an evil corporation. And by "basically" I mean "literally".


chadenright t1_jcj2jwn wrote

And America worships them for it!


Stiffard t1_jcj313j wrote

We really like to worship a lot of evil shit over here.


chadenright t1_jcj3d4u wrote

Go to church every Sunday, listen to the pastor tell you who you should hate. Then catch a beer and the game, watch some kid wreck his life with a concussion. The bloodier and more brutal the sport, the better.


akmalhot t1_jcjg6x9 wrote

I have no problem the way they used to do it, for example in Pittsburgh when the city)state out up like 15% of the money and it cost 280 million total

Now they are building monstrosities and asking for all the money. Buffalo does not need to spend 1.4 billion on a stadium

Insane and criminal


DrB00 t1_jckjkg0 wrote

The worst part is that they then charge outrageous prices for tickets, food, and beverages.


WendysNumber6 t1_jckcm1d wrote

Maryland said it was too expensive to build a light rail in Baltimore connecting it's most impoverished neighborhoods to jobs but has gone ahead with 1.2 billion in funding for stadium district revitalization. No new stadiums just upgrades...


TeamWonderful7670 t1_jckcfxm wrote

The "NFL" doesnt do that, individual owners do. There are some owners that dont as well.

However it was the NFL, the organization, that covered up brain damage for years and sued to not pay any healthcare for the players who had their brains bashed in.


Sassinak333 t1_jcl338s wrote

This is why San Diego lost the Chargers. SD voted on whether or not use tax money to re-do the stadium. They voted no. So the Chargers moved to LA.


flaminate_strutching t1_jciqixt wrote

Yeah, and that isn’t even the racist part where they wouldn’t pay out brain damaged black players as much because they claimed that black players are naturally less intelligent and therefore had less capacity to lose than white players.

That only ended a few years ago because of lawsuits.


Scho567 t1_jckk3wm wrote

Wait what the actual fuck. Would that actually work??


saanity t1_jckxhzu wrote

Systemic racism is a cancer in the US. Every single aspect of American society including healthcare, housing, education, to stupid things like tipping is the way it is because of racism.


Scho567 t1_jckxuz7 wrote

I just cant process that it worked in court? If that makes sense

Not from the US so maybe I’m naive as to how “deep” this all goes


Asha_Brea t1_jch63n9 wrote

Insert Phillip J. Fry Shocked gif here.


kshump t1_jciefsx wrote

Don't you worry about concussions, let us worry about blank.


Swaynee t1_jci1y6s wrote

movie called concussion


Procrasturbating t1_jchxgws wrote

This is why I don't watch anymore. Don't want my kids playing football either. I mean if they really want to I will be supportive, but I am trying to expose them to different things.


chadenright t1_jcj2nt0 wrote

Not giving your kids brain damage is probably a good long-term strategy for their success.


Malphos101 t1_jckgv6d wrote

Keeping your child from life altering brain injuries is much better parenting. There are plenty of sports with significantly lower chance of lifetime injury.


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_jci1xh9 wrote

Concussions and sub-concussive trauma both cause short term damage to the brain, but they may also result in long term damage such as CTE or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy.


wwarnout t1_jch6ul1 wrote

Are they still tax exempt? If so, that exemption should end immediately


TeamWonderful7670 t1_jckcrgw wrote

The NFL organization technically made no profit until it changed how it was organized in 2015. Until 2015, individual teams made the profit and were taxed that way.


xtossitallawayx t1_jchs3gi wrote

Their tax exemption status is a great example of people hearing something, not checking any details, and then repeating what they think like they are CPAs.

>Are they still tax exempt?

You could have spent 0.001 seconds on Google and gotten your answer.

>If so, that exemption should end immediately

Since you don't even know if it is still in place, it is good to know you have an informed opinion on it.


TAL1X t1_jcicvk3 wrote

Protip: when presenting information to an audience, try to avoid acting like an arrogant dickhead. This will help the reader better resonate with your point. I hope that helps!


For_Never_Dreams t1_jcjy170 wrote

Excuse me. Being condescended to by strangers on the internet is my favorite kink.


Admirable_Remove6824 t1_jclazdw wrote

Dude just get leather, ropes and chains like the rest of us. Your kink is way out there.


terrifying_clam t1_jcig31g wrote

Can we just stop playing American football? I know 3 people who went D1 for it. None made it through college without a career ending injury. Lost scholarships and all but one dropped out of it.

I know so many friends who have chronic pain due to a football related injury. It's so fucked. And we let kids do it.


D45ers t1_jcivfm6 wrote

They’re modern gladiators. It’s part of the sport and it’s popular. Its not going away


Porkamiso t1_jck5yr7 wrote

will go away in our lifetimes. bank on that. lawsuits eventually will kill it. once we get it out of high schools its only a generation untill people stop caring


linchey1 t1_jcj731r wrote

Uhh, no? It’s the most watched thing in America by a wide, wide margin.


pm_me_ur_demotape t1_jcil48o wrote

Why does everyone get mad about concussions in football, but MMA just keeps on trucking?


kirkoswald t1_jcj25jh wrote

I wouldn't think mma would have the same rates. In mma you get concussion and knock outs but not week after week like contact sports


Djidji5739291 t1_jcj93y3 wrote

Very true, arguably a defender in English Football could see more trauma playing every week the whole year than a martial arts professional having 1-2 fights a year. Besides some bloody fights and refs not ending the fight I find it watchable. But it‘s also a different context, you decide to become a professional fighter then you‘re signing up to get fked up. Football players are supposed to play ball in both Handegg and Football.


Intelligent-Vagina t1_jckpfbm wrote

You misspelled boxing.

MMA actually has LESS concussions becos the target area ist focused on the head like in classic boxing.

In mma there is also grappling which often takes over, ie less brain damage risks.


weedysexdragon t1_jcjpy5i wrote

There was more money made in two weekends of the nfl than in all of the MMA for the year.


pm_me_ur_demotape t1_jckgl9t wrote

Yeah, which makes me think there would be more leniency for the NFL than the UFC.


Porkamiso t1_jck61ny wrote

mma will also dissapear in our lifetimes. the people that run it are the worst of us


MasChingonNoHay t1_jcj4ytr wrote

I some work a company that offered a technology that could measure impacts through foam or padding that can be used in helmets. Would help NFL learn about how hard the hits really are on the head. It was pitched to the NFL. They didn’t want anything to do with it.


Flemtality t1_jck3g9r wrote

Damn. Now I regret all of that tax money I gave to the NFL to build all of those stadiums.


bebop1065 t1_jckibha wrote

They are still doing it albeit subliminally.


PeachSnappleOhYeah t1_jci6vlz wrote

the NFL is a shit product. Most games are decided by an interpretation of a call late in game. it's rare that refs don't decide games, actually.

i still watch, but the game is shit.


DrastabTar t1_jcjd7a4 wrote

I think what you are trying to say is that the games are rigged, by the league, through the refs.

Players don't have to be involved when a holding or PI call can cancel a score or keep a drive alive.

The whole thing is rigged, has been for a long time.


PeachSnappleOhYeah t1_jcl2ewi wrote

i doubt they are rigged. but too many games are decided by a referee's interpretation of a rule. too many reviews. it happens in the playoffs, too. it just cheapens the game. close games are almost always decided by a borderline flag.

there's just too much referee involvement in the game, IMO.


Admirable_Remove6824 t1_jclbmcp wrote

Then there’s the guy bitching about the no calls that cost there team. It’s part of the game. Ref are human.


Admirable_Remove6824 t1_jclbndj wrote

Then there’s the guy bitching about the no calls that cost there team. It’s part of the game. Ref are human, mostly.


chadenright t1_jcj2rqy wrote

Your evil overlords thank you for your contribution to their bottom line. And remember, ads are wholesome, players are young gods, and viewing is a family-friendly event!


weedysexdragon t1_jcjq0m2 wrote

It’s also about 12 minutes of game spread over three and a half hours.


Synkope1 t1_jcif3fi wrote

Don't worry, when they finally agreed to pay a settlement to the players, they made the threshold for black players to get money higher than for white players.


vsop221b t1_jcj90rb wrote

So now we have a surplus of politicians!


Toad32 t1_jckeuag wrote

Concusion ball.

I played 2 years in high school, was good enough to maybe pursue a scholarship. I was knocked crazy atleast 50 times. Unconscious 3 times. Get up and play harder is the mindset.


Granum22 t1_jcj4d0j wrote

And Highschools and Colleges around the country looked to them and their recommendations on how to handle concussions.


ShadowLiberal t1_jckbb17 wrote

Stuff like this are why I wish Theodore Roosevelt had straight up outlawed football a century ago.

The story behind that for those who don't know is that Football used to be an even more brutal game then it is today. To the point that multiple people would sometimes die in a single game. The carnage was so awful that President Theodore Roosevelt threatened to outlaw the sport entirely if they didn't change their ways.

So now instead of people dying on the football field they instead carry lifelong injuries such as brain damage their entire life.


kronicfeld t1_jckum6y wrote

The NFL is a very solid center to a Venn diagram of most of the things wrong with American society.


WanderingWilderbea5t t1_jci7pbt wrote

Pfft as if the player don't get paid enough to take the risk. Who the hell is is dumb enough to still be crying about this?
