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swordsmanluke2 t1_jd01fpq wrote

While I agree that 1,000-3,500 is not exactly chump change, it's also within the means of most middle-class families.

To me, "Fuck-ton" usually implies only the very wealthy should even bother to apply.

That said, there's nothing stopping any of us from loading up MSPaint and making our own heraldry. I can make my own "coat of arms" that has pretty much the exact same impact on my life as one from the government.


OnlyNotWrongTho t1_jd12nhc wrote

My coat of arms is just a a pic of an old Ute with a ‘No root, No ride sticker on the back window, flanked by a body building kangaroo on the left and an axe wielding platypus on the right, on a field of azure.