Blutarg t1_iqobbw9 wrote
And marquis de Lafayette was named after Fayetteville, Arkansas!!!
s_arrow24 t1_iqobo0v wrote
But I thought that was named after Fayetteville, TN?
heelspider t1_iqobq4r wrote
The one in NC is unofficially known as Fayettenam.
VisualGiraffe1027 t1_iqodw0q wrote
There’s a Fayetteville in AL, AK, GA, IL, IN (twice), MO, NY, NC, OH, PA, TN, TX, and WV
TheWrongFusebox t1_iqofmdv wrote
It’s Fayettevilles all the way down, son.
tjbanks85 t1_iqog4eh wrote
Yup, Ft Bragg. When I was in HS Fayetteville 71st always had some insane army brats on the wrestling team.
GarysCrispLettuce t1_iqoihuw wrote
They all need to get a room!
WebbityWebbs t1_iqojfnq wrote
Maybe because there would not be a United States of America without the heroic intervention of one General La Fayette. He was a hero of both the American and French Revolutions. It’s popular to slander the French in the US, but we would likely still be an English colony without the French supporting the colonials.
Present_Creme_2282 t1_iqom4le wrote
Which in turn is named for?
RombieZombie25 t1_iqomcac wrote
it's turtles all the way down
Dakar-A OP t1_iqonwiw wrote
That's a great fun fact!
AnselaJonla t1_iqoo92h wrote
America's favourite fighting Frenchman.
nkhasselriis t1_iqoobjb wrote
I used to live right outside of of Fayetteville, NC.
JJohnston015 t1_iqosz10 wrote
Some time back I was on vacation in North Carolina and I learned that Fayetteville, which I thought would be pronounced "Fayetteville", is actually pronounced "Fedvul".
refugefirstmate t1_iqoxlwk wrote
TYL you can trace Americans' migration from the oldest states across the frontier by what they named their towns - beginning right with Plymouth.
Ludwigofthepotatoppl t1_iqoxxos wrote
Been thru once to see a friend graduate. Full of car dealerships, strip clubs, and pawn shops packed with military gear.
leadchipmunk t1_iqp19jq wrote
It's an American website from an American company with the majority of users being, get this, American. Would you get upset about Wykop being Polish, Tianya Club being Chinese centric or Pikabu being Russian centered?
domestic_omnom t1_iqp5rh0 wrote
Was stationed at LeJeune but we flew into Fayetteville after Afghanistan.
It was like the Army version of Jacksonville. It was the exact same, but different.
domestic_omnom t1_iqp63b2 wrote
Like Jacksonville. Logic would tell you it's like Jacksonville. But it's pronounced "Jay-vul"
Significant_Sign t1_iqp81ff wrote
That is so gross to me.
~a person from Louisiana
[deleted] t1_iqpaz25 wrote
dontyousquidward t1_iqpbdgl wrote
wow I live here AMA
f1ve-Star t1_iqpctgw wrote
I too have watched Hamilton.
leadchipmunk t1_iqpewzs wrote
It isn't inconsiderate to think that the majority of people will understand you.
I'm not aware of OP leaving his/her country to post this.
Reddit is an American website as the company is American, as are the majority of its users (see first point above).
And it's not my post, so yeah, that would be really hard for me to do.
hatersaurusrex t1_iqpia8z wrote
Same in Tennessee - where we have many cities that end in -ville.
Fayetteville is pronounced similarly: 'Faytvul'
Nashville? 'Nashvul'
Knoxville? 'Knoxvul'
Shelbyville? Basically sounds like 'Shovel'
hatersaurusrex t1_iqpimjy wrote
Why did you type your response in English? Couldn't you have been considerate and translated it to several other languages so as not to cause any inconvenience to your readers?
This r/EnglishDefaultism needs to stop.
JeffCarr t1_iqple75 wrote
Oh, dope! Jacksonville is easily one of the top 10 swamp cities in northeastern Florida.
domestic_omnom t1_iqpmbj6 wrote
I was referring to Jacksonville,NC; where USMC base Camp LeJeune is located.
But yeah I hear Jville FL is swamp land.
jthanson t1_iqq1fpq wrote
Anyone interested in Lafayette should read Mike Duncan’s book, “Hero Of Two Worlds.”
AdminsAreLazyID10TS t1_iqq60f1 wrote
Some people paid a bare minimum of attention in school, you know.
ripvannwinkler t1_iqq9p9v wrote
Fucking young people. Everything's a movie or a tv show or a tiktok clip.
shawikkywoo t1_iqqc3vt wrote
TIL there's also a Fayetteville in Armenia, Turkmenistan and North Croatia.
AdminsAreLazyID10TS t1_iqqcfca wrote
Plus, they keep walking on people's lawns!
AnselaJonla t1_iqqi1qb wrote
Some people did not study American history in school.
OakParkCemetary t1_iqqj558 wrote
OakParkCemetary t1_iqqj8ak wrote
Shelbyville? Those sons of bitches stole our lemon tree
OakParkCemetary t1_iqqjao0 wrote
If you or someone you love spent time at Camp Lejeune you may be entitled to financial compensation
OakParkCemetary t1_iqqjj8m wrote
But....I thought you loved the USA! From your own post history: "Every time an American complains that the USA is a shithole I want to punch him or her (not literally but you get the point). I am from Mexico and there is a reason so many of us immigrate to the USA. Crossing the border from Mexico into USA is like going from a literal war zone with no infrastructure into a modern country where you can walk outside at night freely. Seriously, if you're American quityerbitching. You wouldn't survive a week in Mexico on a Mexican salary. Other than a few developed places like Monterrey this entire country is a failure."
WebbityWebbs t1_iqqm5ib wrote
Cool, I haven’t. But that is very nice for you.
WebbityWebbs t1_iqqmcyz wrote
Fair enough. It’s frankly illegal to teach American history is parts of America now. Although, American and French Revolutions were a pretty big deal in world history. They basically paved the way for the modern world order.
AnselaJonla t1_iqqmkcv wrote
I didn't learn American history for a very good reason: I'm not American and didn't attend an American school.
WhileHereWhyNot t1_iqqnuig wrote
Perfect situation to use named after
Dakar-A OP t1_iqqwmeh wrote
Good point lol!
psycho9365 t1_iqr1l6r wrote
We played a playoff football game against 71st and the fuckers had like a 280 pound fullback.
They'd throw him the ball in the flat and I swear the ball made a noticeably different noise when it hit his hands. Like a thump because there was so much meat on those paws.
Ok-Spinach9250 t1_iqr2twq wrote
maybe if you have a really thick southern accent, but I’m born and raised in NC and everyone I know says Fayetteville not Fedvul
JJohnston015 t1_iqr3bj3 wrote
Maybe the'yre saying Fedvul, but you're hearing Fayetteville because you know that's what they're saying, since you were born and raised there.
falco-holic t1_iqr3rsq wrote
I’d say more like Faytvul but yeah pretty much
Source: live in Durm
Ok-Spinach9250 t1_iqr4dqe wrote
Lol no. I know what you’re talking about, that some people say Fedvul, but again as someone from there I’m telling you that is only the most southern people, not most people. If you went to one of the more rural counties, then sure yes I bet a bunch of people say Fedvul. Wake county where I’m from, no. We say Fayetteville w 3 syllables, not Fedvul - I do know a few people that say Fedvul but it’s older very very southern folks, not the norm
bmack24 t1_iqr4jt0 wrote
Who woulda thought Fayetteville NC was contagious, sorry to the rest of the country
JJohnston015 t1_iqr5z9s wrote
Ha! Go have a cold one at the 11'-8" bridge for me.
Rokhnal t1_iqrb1ib wrote
Grew up in Sanford ~45 minutes away, this is exactly correct. People do, indeed, call it Fayettenam.
Rokhnal t1_iqrbc4e wrote
...I didn't even realize I said it like this until it was pointed out. Saying all the syllables just feels...weird.
Nogohoho t1_iqrtoar wrote
Or listen to his podcast "Revolutions" and enjoy his involvement in both the American and French revolution.
mikegt_98 t1_iqrv2wj wrote
You’re the only true North Carolinian in here. There’s only one Fayettenam and there is definitely only one Bragg boulevard
ILL_Show_Myself_Out t1_iqrzpzs wrote
In all seriousness isn’t he named after Fayette, France? Doesn’t his name mean “the Marquis of Fayette?”
[deleted] t1_iqs5s50 wrote
CrieDeCoeur t1_iqsb4p5 wrote
...which in turn is named for Fayetteville AR.
flannicus90 t1_iqseiea wrote
Sounds like an excuse to me. /s Realtedly, if you don't mind, how was your home-country's teaching of its own history, and where was it? As an American from the Midwest, this is one of my favorite questions to ask folks.
AdminsAreLazyID10TS t1_iqsfaoz wrote
Funny, we learn basic British history, and the American Revolution is also British history, if you will recall.
Can't imagine why the UK doesn't mention a Frenchman who was a key figure in freeing both America and the French peasantry.
VotingIsImportant t1_iqsgkd8 wrote
Colombia, not Columbia.
VotingIsImportant t1_iqshtym wrote
Shut up, nawlins.
It's a joke, I know it is pronounced New OrLEENZ.
VotingIsImportant t1_iqsi1ed wrote
NC also has Cherryville. Locals pronounce it Churrvul.
AnselaJonla t1_iqsiz69 wrote
Until GCSE years, history is rotated with geography and religious education as a "humanities" block. At GCSE you pick one.
As you can imagine, having maybe two hours a week on history for a third of the year (well, two sixths in my school) means you can't go into depth about the UK's long history.
In primary school it was general details, about various historical eras, sanitised to a pre-teen safe level. Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, etc.
In secondary school you got stuff like the Tudors, Industrial Revolution, a sanitised view of the Empire, World Wars. At pre-GCSE there wasn't much about America at all.
I can honestly say I've learned more about the Napoleonic Wars (and a bit about India) from Bernard Cornwell/Sharpe, the World Wars from Sabaton, and the American Revolution from Hamilton.
I am over a decade past school age though, and I didn't take GCSE History because one of the teachers was an awful person.
CrownedW4rr10r t1_iqspdzj wrote
What about Springfield? 🤔
wewinwelose t1_iqstxgc wrote
Yes they were making a joke but I love your username
offeringathought t1_iqsuv1w wrote
Vienna VA is named after Vienna NY. Originally named Ayr Hill, the town was renamed in the 1850s when William Hendrick, a doctor, offered to move to the area on the condition that the town be renamed after his hometown in Vienna, NY. I guess having a doctor in your town was a pretty big deal in 1850.
[deleted] t1_iqv1q38 wrote
Pluto_Rising t1_iqwn6h7 wrote
His hood name was Markie Dee. He was actually arrested during the French Revolution when it went sideways, and came near execution.
DBDude t1_iqx36eh wrote
DBDude t1_iqx3fbk wrote
Every major Army post has a Bragg Boulevard equivalent.
NumberOneInTheHood t1_ir1mhzi wrote
Fayetteville is confirmed herpes. It just keeps on giving
NumberOneInTheHood t1_ir1mw1s wrote
Fuck yeah Conley! Wife went there and I was out in the sticks of Ayden grifton learning how to sell drugs haha
[deleted] t1_ir1oxd6 wrote
EffortlesslyLearning t1_ir5ym4z wrote
EffortlesslyLearning t1_ir5yr2c wrote
The city of Philadelphia is essentially "fluffy"
Silvernaut t1_iry087i wrote
Probably the same reason there’s a Fayetteville AND Lafayette, in NY
Dakar-A OP t1_iqo8hcl wrote
Fayetteville AR: "County commissioners chose the name Fayetteville because 2 of the commissioners, James Buchanan and John Wooddy, hailed from Fayetteville, Tennessee."
Fayetteville TN: "The city was named for Fayetteville, North Carolina, where some of its earliest residents had lived before moving to Tennessee."
And Fayetteville NC is named for the Marquis de Lafayette from the revolutionary war.
There are two other Fayettevilles, in WV and GA, but both of those are named for the Marquis as well.