Knee_Deep_In_Muff t1_it54nrt wrote
JimProphet t1_it57k69 wrote
Massive Monopoly, after she married one of the Parker Brothers.
Washburnedout t1_it583kt wrote
Sarsaparilla Sorry!
5050Clown t1_it5alab wrote
Fat-Ass Trivial Pursuit had a few hits.
EMPulseKC t1_it5fi82 wrote
Gargantuan Go was a big hit in Japan.
[deleted] t1_it5gakp wrote
Never forget the most underated band : 52 Pick Up
geunty t1_it5lghx wrote
and Thicc Craps!
Xanthus179 t1_it5q910 wrote
Dumpy Uno had one decent song but his career reversed after that.
thedracle t1_it67f6j wrote
Lardo Ludo
GZAofTheMidwest t1_it58beo wrote
Let's face it, none of them hold a candle to Husky Horseshoes, can we agree on that?
big_macaroons OP t1_it5hvqt wrote
Didn’t he start a band with Heavy Hungry Hippo…?
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