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Bigred2989- t1_iu2ofwl wrote

A British anarchist named PA Lutty published guides on how to make submachine guns without heavy machinery. He was arrested for illegal firearms production but died of cancer before being prosecuted, and people in the UK who have downloaded his guides have been raided by law enforcement. No idea how it's treated in the US, but the more recent debates over 3D gun files rings similar.


OcotilloWells t1_iu2z4e1 wrote

I'm sure it's fine in the US. Generally knowledge is fine, it's when you make things like this that it becomes a problem. There are exceptions.


cC2Panda t1_iu4n49x wrote

The FBI might show up at your door anyway. After the Boston bombing there was an uptick in people saying they got FBI visits after looking up how to make a pressure cooker into a bomb.