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sTroPkIN OP t1_itsozxh wrote

>On the advice of a passing sailor, the woman's husband inserted the stem of the sailor's pipe into her rectum, covered the bowl with a piece of perforated paper, and "blew hard". The woman was apparently revived.


topbunn t1_itsp169 wrote

Can you imagine what baywatch would’ve been like if this actually worked?


rothotindisguise t1_itsp5fo wrote

Note to self never go near bodies of water when I time travel. Or do!


Yard_Sailor t1_itsrkvm wrote

This is the thanks I get for trying to resuscitate some asshole.


State_Dear t1_itssq38 wrote

I can see a couple of Doctors having a number of drinks one night and making a bet...

I bet I can get people to think pumping tobacco smoke up a drowned persons ass will revive them... (Hick)

Your full of sh#t,,, ok it's a bet..


NomadShogun13 t1_itst4t3 wrote

Is that where " don't blow smoke up my ass" came from..?


thisissomefella t1_itsvrk6 wrote

No such thing as "near drowning". You can drown or not drown. You can non-fatally drown or fatally drown.


Perused t1_itsxcrb wrote

Blowing smoke up someones ass?


ICPosse8 t1_itsz3lx wrote

I don’t think you need meth or drugs to be involved when someone is literally blowing air up into your asshole. If she’s alive that’d be enoug.


grat_is_not_nice t1_itszbly wrote

The vagus nerve is responsible for many autonomic functions, and runs from the brain stem to the colon. Digital rectal stimulation of the vagus nerve has been used to resolve intractable hiccups.

My theory (and I am not a doctor) is that inserting a bellows/pipe stem and introducing air into the rectum can stimulate the vagus nerve, which in some cases was sufficient to trigger a gasping/coughing/breathing response.

It almost certainly failed in many cases, as well ...


imnotmarvin t1_itszuyj wrote

Just wondering how that went down the first time. "Oh, no Bill just got a bunch of water in his lungs. Better blow smoke up his ass to save him".


thisissomefella t1_itt07za wrote

"Near drowning,” “dry drowning,” “wet drowning,” “delayed drowning,” and “secondary drowning” are not medically accepted diagnoses,3,4,19 and many organizations and lifesaving institutions around the world discourage the use of these terms."

The second link...


glad_reaper t1_itt1f82 wrote

Yes. Like "leg removal surgery" isnt a medical term.

Near drowning is liquid asphyxiation. So is dry drowning, drowning, etc.

Its just like how nobody can die from COVID, a car accident, etc. They die from "complications of...."


thisissomefella t1_itt2668 wrote

Mmmk well it's outdated, not a medical diagnosis, and discouraged from use by Healthcare professionals. So basically you're saying its the term because laypeople continue to erroneously use it. Drowning is the event, it can be fatal or non-fatal.


cadillacbee t1_itt32iz wrote

If I'm ever on my way out and can't reach my smokes, jus blow one up my ass please


glad_reaper t1_itt34go wrote

You know what isnt outdated? Laypeople terms when speaking to the general public.

Yes MD can dx liquid asphyxiation on pt 5yo m. Might rx antibiotics to deal with posssible aspiration pneumonia of pt. Then report to parents.

Or a doctor could tell the parents their son was near drowning. Antibiotics might be prescribed because large amount of liquids entering the lungs could cause pneumonia.

There is a reason nobody reads directly off the floater chart or patient's file.


tutuncommon t1_itt3k80 wrote

The weirdest side effect of having smoke blown up one's ass is the compulsion to vote Republican.


glad_reaper t1_itt41es wrote

Lmao ok bud. $10 says your doctor doesnt speak to you with doctor talk. They will not say "wow you must have rhinovirus" or "you have purulent discharge OS so I'm going to dx you penicillin PO BID 10 dys"


Jsf8957 t1_itt4l0w wrote

I looked into it more and while tobacco enemas were indeed very real, they are unlikely to be the origin of the phrase “blowing smoke up someone’s ass”. The enemas were used in the 18th and early 19th centuries but fell out of vogue when in 1811 it was proven that tobacco was toxic to the heart. The phrase “blowing smoke up somebody’s ass” seems to have been coined sometime around the 1960s with the first appearance in a published work in 1965. By then nobody was using tobacco enemas anymore and there’s no evidence that they played any role in alternative medicine movements around that time.


thisissomefella t1_itt4o34 wrote

So first you said the term was a medical term. I showed you it isn't. You said my source didn't say that, so i spoon fed it to you. Then you moved the goal post by saying essentially it doesn't matter anyway because its a common term. Apparently you have no knowledge of outdated terms that can be inaccurate, unhelpful, or offensive. Luckily I'm free to be finished with this conversation and you're free to continue being wrong. Have a good evening.


LCDJosh t1_itt80ui wrote

Was this followed up with leeches and cocaine? Jesus Christ old time medicine was fucking dumb.


ramriot t1_ittdgbw wrote

Now I know your just blowing smoke up my ass with this story.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_ittehpb wrote

An early 1900’s Lysol ad in a National Geographic recommended their product as an effective douche. Those were not the ‘good old days.’


TheRealBobbyC t1_itteoen wrote

Come on. You’re just blowing smoke up my ass


proxyproxyomega t1_ittfefq wrote

even funnier, the unnerving part is not the blowing of the smoke up the ass, but whoever thought of it in the first place and how they got there. like, the husband wouldn't have just thought "lets blow smoke up her dying ass, just cause". he would have seen or heard of it before from someone else. and that person would have seen or heard from someone else. or maybe it was common to smoke enema yourself back then, and the rush it gave gave them ideas...


Moose_Hooves t1_itthcbf wrote

Is this where the expression “You’re blowing smoke up my ass” comes from?


clue42 t1_ittnvep wrote

A stimulant administered in a surprising and fast acting way. I could see how it could wake one up.


TheSaltyTar t1_ittogj7 wrote

Agreed, that what I ALWAYS wonder about stuff like this. Someone had to be first. Someone thought this and then acted it out.

But consider this.

That someone told someone else.

And that person tried it themselves.

I want to be a fly on the wall for that conversation.


kelldricked t1_ittozhy wrote

Scientist discoverd that pigs can breath through the anus and are researching the same thing for humans since it would help a lot with fighting some lung diseases…

So who knows?


KrakenMcCracken t1_itttzks wrote

“Honey, I’m glad you’re feeling better after your near drowning, but your ass tastes like shit.”


yIdontunderstand t1_ittwytp wrote

Bro, I'm not stupid.. Don't try and blow smoke up my ass...


Royal_Bumblebee_ t1_itty8ab wrote

Doctor what are you doing?..

...I'm giving the victim a tabacco smoke enema because he nearly drowned.



theservman t1_ittydnl wrote

Back when saying "I'm not here to blow smoke up your ass" was a negative thing.


schnellzer t1_ittyx3l wrote

I once saw a girl overdose on GHB at the tail end of a party. Her boyfriend, without panicking, took a hit of meth and blew it into her lungs. My friends now refer to their trailer triage as the meth of life.


Due_Platypus_3913 t1_itu3eem wrote

“Blow smoke up/out your ass has a REAL basis?Holy Shit!


srv50 t1_itu4bb5 wrote

That where the expression “Blowing smoke up his ass” comes from?


cgerrells t1_itu6vxv wrote

Just blowing smoke up your ass. Now I know where this came from.


StuiWooi t1_itu9n6o wrote

What on earth was with old timey doctors and their fondness of enemas 🤣


InsideMajere t1_itufz97 wrote

Back when medical school was basically a bunch of coke-fueled drunks playing Mad Libs


tuckerhazel t1_ituz2k4 wrote

This is why appealing to authority doesn't work folks.


VeryJoyfulHeart59 t1_itv0m35 wrote

The linked article says that doctors got the idea from North American Indians. I've got to wonder how that conversation started.


soda-jerk t1_itv7487 wrote

I'm more interested in the first person to make the jump from "Oh no, this person can't breathe", to "Better shove stuff up their ass until they wake up".

Was it the sailor? Did he just make that shit up on the spot? Why would you trust some random dude when he offers you his smoking pipe, and tells you to stick it in your wife's ass?


kiardo t1_itvjylq wrote

does that mean the video I saw the other day of a crackhead getting crack smoke blown up his ass was drowning.


Jsf8957 t1_itvsv20 wrote

Point is there is no (proven) link between the practice of enemas and this phrase. The phrase popped up in the 1960s with no apparent references to the old “medical” practice. People connected the dots and claimed that it was the origin of the phrase, but there’s no evidence for it beyond the fact that it seems to fit. It’s probably an example of false etymology.


nyrothia t1_itvt6sm wrote

since you technically can ass-to-mouth breath to resussicate someone, the oxygen within the exhaleing smokers breath may be enough...


SplashedAcid283 t1_itw5zbo wrote

During the prohibition era, folks would strap animal hooves to their feet so that authorities wouldn’t be able to track them. I was pretty sure that story was just blowing smoke up my ass though.


LadybugGal95 t1_itw8pm9 wrote

When I was a kid, I practically lived at the pool. When I would get water stuck in my ear and nothing else worked, one of my parents would blow tobacco smoke in it. Immediate relief with a perfect track record. I don’t know why it always worked and it’s probably a horrible thing to do but………


bombjon t1_itwjrwf wrote

Are you blowing smoke up my ass?


ktka t1_itwvcq7 wrote

I think they caught a doctor trying to sodomize a drowned body. "What? No! I am trying to give him an enema!"


iluvsexyfun t1_itwxhsu wrote

If you think that is weird you should read about people treating COVID with horse dewormer.

Talk about blowing smoke up peoples asses.


Jef_Wheaton t1_itxrahu wrote

Do you listen to the Skeptic's Guide to the Universe Podcast? (This was one of the choices on "Science or Fiction" recently.)