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marmorset t1_iufis8f wrote

I'm mixed race, I only look white.

Black people commit crimes at a higher rate, it's a fact. That's the problem, not that black people are incarcerated for committing those crimes. Acknowledging reality isn't racist. And there are obviously problems, but if things are terrible for blacks in the US, I'd be curious to know why Nigerians are the most successful immigrant population.


bernardhayse t1_iugdtbi wrote

Because they were targeted for disruption, fool.


marmorset t1_iuieqq8 wrote

Lies and name calling, I see we've reached the end.


South_Data2898 t1_iufm1i1 wrote

"I only look white, but black people are just more criminal", says the totally not racist white person patting themselves on the back for how progressive they are.

Edit: Awww, da poor widdle racist troglodyte got their feelings hurt and blocked me. Hahahaha.


marmorset t1_iuieeh6 wrote

Why don't you stop being a racist and liar? There's no racism involved in what I wrote and you're restating what I said. You're dishonest.