
bernardhayse t1_iufg8qa wrote

You dont blame any fuckin side? Theres literally audio of John Erhlichman talking about disrupting the hippie and black communities with heavy handed drug policies. Like there's no debate about their intentions so idk why you're trying here.

Black people were absolutely more likely to be caught in possession of crack because their communities were heavily policed by design. Go google this shit. Wtf? And being denied homes hurt their wealth, you know what's easier to get than coke when you're poor?

The fact that you deny the existence of redlining is hilarious. I'm done with this convo.


bernardhayse t1_iuf0yop wrote

Structural racism is definitely in your line of business. You must be familiar with redlining and which go hand in hand with the poor school systems.

Companies may hire black people but to say they are getting fast tracked is way off. Nepotism is rampant in positions of power with businesses. Small business hire people they know, I know from experience.

And there was a concerted effort starting with the Nixon administration to disrupt the family structure in black and hippie communities all the way through to Clinton. You are familiar with the crack epidemic and denial of home loans during the 50s when the vast majority of americans accumulated their wealth?