
South_Data2898 t1_iuk3una wrote

Covid aid for native Americans? Fuck that. Basic healthcare? Fuck that too. Education assistance? Double fuck that, don't want the browns to get too uppity and start asking for more rights.

Want to build an oil pipeline right through their backyard? By all means, have at it.

Oh yeah, they can have some feathers too. Wonderful.


South_Data2898 t1_iufm1i1 wrote

"I only look white, but black people are just more criminal", says the totally not racist white person patting themselves on the back for how progressive they are.

Edit: Awww, da poor widdle racist troglodyte got their feelings hurt and blocked me. Hahahaha.


South_Data2898 t1_iuecln6 wrote

>America is a relatively good country to be a minority in in spite of our culture

Lol. How fucking oblivious are you? The US has ~25% of the planet's prison population, ~33% of which is comprised of black people, when they are ~15% of the population in the country as a whole.

Get your head out of your ass dummy.
