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qpwoeor1235 t1_iunsihl wrote

Did anyone else get aroused by the dancing brooms


Omnipresent_Walrus t1_iunxggc wrote

I think you are legitimately the only person


tamarask t1_iumdc5i wrote

My small town theater first got surround sound for Jurassic Park. It was glorious.


anrunerd t1_iupjzow wrote

I think the 52 speakers is just not correct. The linked wiki article says 54, but if you dig into the article for Fantasound, it has a detailed breakdown and no version ever had more than 8 speakers:


Sdog1981 t1_iuogiz8 wrote

I wonder what people thought about it when it happened. Queen talked about hating recording in stereo the first time because it did not "sound right".


pickleer t1_iupa2vs wrote

That movie scared the hell out of me when I was 5 and the huge sound was a big part of it!


I_AM_METALUNA t1_iunejdy wrote

I want to listen to it on my quadraphonic blaupunkt


trentsim t1_iuohzv4 wrote

You can call for whatever you want


[deleted] t1_iumj4iw wrote



CallsOutStupidity t1_iumnl4w wrote

I and surely others have never seen this post. You ever consider that maybe you are on Reddit too often?

I do however always make a point of downvoting those incessantly whining about "reposts", about which there are far more legitimate instances to worry.


tricksterloki t1_iumpuxs wrote

I'm upvoting it just because of you! Also, because my kids love Fantasia, and, though I already knew this, I doubt most others did.


[deleted] t1_iunls1r wrote

That movie was sooo boring.


chaospudding t1_iunqp9c wrote

This was my favorite move when I was like 4-6, played the VHS so much the tape started to break. My mom always had to stop it before I got to the last bit with the demon because it was too scary.

In hindsight I think little me just loved dinosaurs that much that I was willing to sit through the rest of the movie to get to that bit.


[deleted] t1_iunsgfv wrote

Yeah for little kids the animations would be enough entertainment.


[deleted] t1_iumbbsq wrote



OneBlueHopeUTFT t1_iumsdk5 wrote

Are you only capable of hating one sound per ear at a time?

When you listen to music do you only hear drums and bass and can’t hear any other instruments?


InappropriateTA t1_iumiym5 wrote

You have 2 ears that provide spatial awareness. Surround sound allows you to hear things all around you.

When you are watching something and you can hear the on-screen characters’ dialog like it’s coming from right in front of you, while hearing sounds of the jungle setting that the characters are in coming from behind, beside, and above you, it’s pretty immersive.