letrestoriginality t1_ixttoli wrote
Fire on board is the biggest danger for a plane. People WILL smoke and airlines can't risk people starting a fire.
brazzy42 t1_ixtx1p6 wrote
In fact, back when smoking was allowed, minor fires started by cigarettes (often in trash cans) were so common that anything looking like that was not considered a very serious concern.
This led to the disaster of Air Canada flight 797, where an electrical fire near a toilet was mistaken for such a case, leading to a delayed response and a late emergency landing, the cabin already filled with smoke, so that 23 people died even though the plane had landed safely.
letrestoriginality t1_ixtxdg7 wrote
Interesting, I hadn't heard of that one, I'll be going down that rabbit hole today.
brazzy42 t1_ixu3osn wrote
Part of a long, long series originally started over on /r/CatastrophicFailure
letrestoriginality t1_ixu3r87 wrote
Catastrophic failure?! I'm in! Thanks dude :D
geekywarrior t1_ixv262e wrote
Mayday Episode on this disaster.
Frosty_404 t1_ixxm37p wrote
What kind of a cunt smokes on an airplane.
skydiver1958 t1_iy1amrj wrote
We did back in the 80's. There were smoking seats at the back. Thing is I got one first row back of non smoking. I lit up but soon realized dude in front was non smoker.I put it out and never smoked on a plane again out of respect. Of course it was banned shortly after but you are right. What cunt smokes on a plane? I will go without a smoke before ever jeopardizing a plane.. Some are cunts tho.
SEND_PUNS_PLZ t1_ixu22ji wrote
Despite the law, every once in a while a passenger goes ashtray
duckredbeard t1_ixudxln wrote
I see what you did there
chilllllz t1_ixva0db wrote
Even stevie wonder could see what he did there
MacRubys t1_ixtu8ap wrote
Because there is usually an asshole who thinks the rules don't apply to them.
IronChariots t1_ixuvqek wrote
Yeah, don't the assholes know that I'm the one the rules don't apply to?
[deleted] t1_ixtuual wrote
BuT tHe CuStOmEr Is AlWaYs RiGhT
heisdeadjim_au t1_ixtp8dt wrote
This is because people try to sneak a smoke and there needs to be a need to put it out.
OldMork t1_ixtsqs4 wrote
some planes even have a box in toilet for disposal of old timey razorblades, I just wonder how they get them onboard and who would spend time on a airplaneloo and shave?
Honey_Overall t1_ixv6l1j wrote
Prior to 9/11 they really didn't give a shit. Nobody would have thought twice about letting it on.
[deleted] t1_ixueoyn wrote
shavemejesus t1_ixva27i wrote
Would a small cup of water not work better? Or an empty soda can?
Peterd1900 t1_ixw7t5x wrote
Just because commercial flights are smoke-free doesn't mean every flight is smoke-free
BungDiggity t1_ixwopjo wrote
Task failed successfully.
stoopidshannon t1_ixxhs8h wrote
It’d be worse if they didn’t provide a place to discard and then started a fire.
BungDiggity t1_ixxjnnv wrote
Decapitated_gamer t1_ixwqrpn wrote
Don’t some airlines still allow smoking to?
Riccma02 t1_ixvu3bc wrote
If someone is smoking on the plane when they are already not allowed to, are they really going to bother using as ash tray?
nah-meh-stay t1_ixwzdaf wrote
The smokers left eye would work just fine.
[deleted] t1_ixtiza0 wrote
Your-username-must-b OP t1_ixtj6h1 wrote
How often does that happen? lol
coredump3d t1_ixtyg44 wrote
Quite a lot; especially within the States unfortunately. Too many folks brimming to spew their rights or pick up silly fights
[deleted] t1_ixtki4n wrote
Syklise t1_ixtm2js wrote
Nail clippers.
Hair? Cut it off.
Feet? Cut their nails. They'll never fly again.
Honey_Overall t1_ixtou18 wrote
That's absolutely psychotic.
[deleted] t1_ixtu3l8 wrote
You have been added to the no-fly list
Joeclu t1_ixto2wu wrote
Okay Malfoy.
EquivalentLock0 t1_ixug4kc wrote
I miss the time when you are being asked while getting your boarding pass if Smoking or Non-Smoking. Smoking of course, and I sit at the back part of the plane. Those ashtrays are there for that purpose.
mrivorey t1_ixtksah wrote
Safety, even in the event of failure (to comply with rules).