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Obsolete_Alarm t1_izfec7q wrote

Today I learned a Bible fact from someone who has 666 in their username. This is Reddit.


al666in OP t1_izfesx9 wrote

In my defense, I was researching Hell when I stumbled on the fact!

The King James Bible standardized calling everything "Hell" when there are four distinct locations described (Hades, Sheol, Tartarus, and Gehenna), and none of them are the "Lake of Fire" concept that gets referenced in Revelations.



TorsionDifferential t1_izffp2j wrote

Change three things and name it after yourself. Barely an inconvenience.


al666in OP t1_izfgj1w wrote

It was a 2 hour youtube lecture that I can't seem to find again, a non-theological Bible Study thing that was exploring the concept of the "Cosmic Devil," the folklore version of a Lucifer-figure that just doesn't actually show up anywhere in the Bible.

Unfortunately, searching youtube for variations on "Cosmic Devil lecture" just serves up a bunch of bonkers conspiracy pages.


TS__Eliot t1_izfgus7 wrote

This isn’t exactly true, the King’s Press and the Scottish Bible Board are the only ones with Letters Patent to print the Authorised Version, which is the KJV with Apocrypha and without annotations or illustrations, any printer is allowed to print and sell the KJV without the Apocrypha or by attaching some annotations, a commentary or illustrations, they’re usually called Family Bibles or Illustrated Bibles and in my experience are the vast majority of copies of the KJV in England and Wales and Scotland.


boots_n_cats t1_izfh1no wrote

The title is highly misleading. There are absolutely new copies printed in the UK, a couple of publishers have the authorization to do so. It’s a bit of an odd anachronistic thing but that’s true of tons of stuff in the UK, given it’s 800 years of legal continuity.


al666in OP t1_izfhfe4 wrote

Ugh, here's TS Eliot showing up to "WELL ACTUALLY" my post.

You know what I think about the Wasteland? Waste of Time. You attributed to Pamela Colman Smith's modern Tarot designs to the classical deck. Sloppy!

TS Eliot loves to pretend he's British, but he's from Missouri, just for the record. He's a bad poet and a poser.


al666in OP t1_izfn6aj wrote

Shoel is the Jewish underworld, Hades is the Greek Underworld, Tartarus is the Greek Cosmic Prison for spirits (I think it's Titans in the original myth, the Bible references it as a prison for naughty angels), and Gehenna is a literal burning trash-pit outside of Jerusalem, where unwanted corpses were tossed, and human sacrifices and cult activity was notorious. 90% of the Jesus quotes about "burning in Hell" are referencing the trash pit, but "the worm never hungers in Gehenna" just doesn't have the same punch when you're trying to scare the sin out of people.


HasAStory4Everything t1_izfoopp wrote

I doubt Jesus would agree with this. And last time I disagreed with Jesus, he smacked me in the face with a burrito.


al666in OP t1_izfp01t wrote

Are you suggesting that I'm also /u/TS__Eliot? Because I would never shit-post under that name. The User did try to clap-back with a Greek and Latin insult, but then deleted their comment before I had a chance to make fun of them for being antisemitic, and also for writing a terrible opinion piece on William Blake.

God I hate TS Eliot so much


Maybethistimeitllbe t1_izfz3hc wrote

Yet another reason to get rid of this archaic institution.

"Do you mean the monarchy or Christianity?"



jwg020 t1_izghis4 wrote

Giant Horse Cock Bible coming soon to the UK.


Thanatos030 t1_izgox2u wrote

Fun fact: the same is (was) true for Hitler's "Mein Kampf", where publishing rights of it were inherited to the German state Bavaria, until it fell into public domain in 2016, 70 years after the author's death.


KKing650 t1_izgs66v wrote

Just such a shame it turns out it was all just made up.


AllReflection t1_izh5rco wrote

I worked with Cambridge University Press long ago and I think they were authorized. Their original charter came from Henry VIII.


Sea-Amoeba-3388 t1_izhdmkq wrote

Bloody layabout royals slouching around on golden chairs drooling globs of swan over priceless artworks and printing bibles with impunity. Up against the wall with them.


al666in OP t1_izhexzw wrote

Nah, that was the highlight of the post! I couldn't find the original Vonnegut quote about Eliot, but the Missouri line was stolen from him.

I love talking shit on Eliot, worth every downvote.


Killianti t1_izhhdnj wrote

Does anyone care about the King James version anymore?


mikearuba0 t1_izhmacr wrote

oi! u got a loiscence for that eternal soul?


bigbadfox t1_izi43rs wrote

Oh i love this kind of thing. Are there any other fun old British laws, off the top of your head?

I'll trade you an American one. In Kentucky, it is illegal to have an ice cream cone in your back pocket. Not like, an ice cream bar in a wrapper, like an actual waffle cone with scoops of frozen diary.

Bonus fact? It's for an actual logical reason. Whether it's a good reason or a stupid one is up to you.

Back in the day, people would tuck an ice cream cone into their back pocket, and walk past a horse they wanted to steal. The horse, wishing to enjoy the frozen treat, would follow the nefarious thief home. Naturally, if this vagabond just jumped on and rode off, someone might see and they' get in serious trouble. But if that horse FOLLOWED them home and someone saw, well what could he wrong with that? The idea was to garner some amount of plausible deniabity.

So, eventually they just said no ice cream cones in back pockets.


CrestedBonedog t1_izk19lt wrote

That sums it up perfectly. The KJV is an absolute work of art on par with Jerome's Vulgate translation and has had enormous influence on the English language and culture.

In fact a Catholic edition of the KJV was just recently published showing its influence to the present day.