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GreyPilgrim1973 t1_j63ux9a wrote

For those wanting to avoid alcohol, I gotta say that Guinness Zero fucking nailed it.


clementynewoolysocks t1_j65h8hw wrote

My son-in-law lived on it while he was deployed in Kuwait. Was his companion for many a soccer match.


pangcukaipang t1_j66vsmy wrote

I've tried it before because I'm curious and you're right it's great. Unfortunately I can't get it anymore where I live.


GreyPilgrim1973 t1_j66wcp8 wrote

We have one bar and grill that Carey’s it, and I think only one grocery store; and only since last summer


UnknownQTY t1_j681tmx wrote

Huh. I’ll have to give that a shot while I avoid drinking during my wife’s pregnancy (in solidarity).


PanikLIji t1_j63rze8 wrote

Do they generally drink a lot of beer or alcohol in general, or are they specifically Guinness freaks?


exporterofgold OP t1_j63sb1f wrote

A lot of beer, but Guinness is really popular in Nigeria. It's the only beer my grandma takes, lol.


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_j63v3c7 wrote

Nigeria was a former British colony and Guinness was exported to Nigeria during colonial time then they set up a plant in Nigeria and Guinness consumption continued to grow.


I_Mix_Stuff t1_j640bku wrote

and they have a population of 213 million, the largest in Africa


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_j645xew wrote

and even with 80 million Muslims that is still a large market.


dw444 t1_j65cn93 wrote

Muslims drink too. Enough that most Muslim countries either have legalized alcohol (Turkey, Malaysia), thriving black markets (Pakistan, Iran), or both (UAE, Qatar).


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_j65dimq wrote

While some do, the Qur'an explicitly forbids drinking.


dw444 t1_j65dyup wrote

I’m aware of that, having spent the first 2/3 of my life as a Muslim, most of it in arguably the most overtly religious, to the point of having an extremist majority, Muslim majority country on earth. Alcohol was always one phone call away, and you could get pretty much anything under the sun, whether you’re in a big city or a small town. Villagers dying or going blind from low quality moonshine was a common news story. That country was 96% Muslim.


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_j65ev8e wrote

and Jews can also get their hands on bacon.


dw444 t1_j65h2yy wrote

Which they regularly take advantage of. It’s almost like it’s human nature to want to engage in what’s forbidden, especially when it feels good.


badamache t1_j65py1y wrote

Does it forbid drinking, or just excessive drinking that clouds the mind?


Mammoth-Mud-9609 t1_j65r2zd wrote

O you who have believed, indeed, intoxicants (khamr), gambling, [sacrificing on] stone altars [to other than God], and divining arrows are but defilement from the work of Satan, so avoid it that you may be successful.


Nuffsaid98 t1_j68b5v7 wrote

Christianity forbids sex before marriage. Lots of that goes on in Christian countries.


bolanrox t1_j64ci9e wrote

ironically i guess, the first person i knew to drink Guinness was a Muslim.


dw444 t1_j65huie wrote

Pretty much all of my Guinness/alcohol consumption happened in my Muslim days. In the ten years that I haven’t been a Muslim, I’ve had about as much alcohol as I would in 6-8 months back in the day.


badamache t1_j65ptnk wrote

Yes. I know many Muslims who are closet drinkers.


ShortMonth9031 t1_j65hxjx wrote

They have the first/largest Guinness brewery outside of Ireland so effectively it's like a domestic beer to them.


NorthernerWuwu t1_j67r94s wrote

It doesn't hurt that there are a lot of people and the population skews very young.


1320Fastback t1_j63td8s wrote

I love Guinness. Is my go to beer.


MustacheEmperor t1_j67191w wrote

I spent a week in the Turks and Caicos once during the summer, which is the off season, and I remember the only drinkable beer available on tap was Foreign Extra.

So when I remember my sweltering tropical Caribbean beach vacation the flavor I associate with that memory is a dark Irish beer.


[deleted] t1_j63yzwr wrote



tetoffens t1_j63zwbd wrote

That's a type of beer.

The section on their own website about their products is literally titled "Our Beers."


deathandtaxes1617 t1_j64227c wrote

And if they're like other West African countries they mix it with coke or Pepsi lol. Foreign Extra Stout is great idk why they ruin it like that.


woeful_haichi t1_j647750 wrote

Congo rather than Nigeria, but I’ve always loved the Guinness ‘Sapeurs’ commercial.


alivin t1_j64dd5l wrote

Thanks for that :) Now that I'm in the US I don't watch tv, and some times I miss quality commercials. For me the can at about 58f is the way to go.


hapygilmour57 t1_j643aom wrote

I had a Nigerian Guinness once, it was fucking strong as hell!


Barry_Benson t1_j64hypo wrote

Saint Patrick is also the patron saint of Nigeria


aethiestinafoxhole t1_j64er4t wrote

The foreign stout is delicious! Wish it was easier to find in the US


turken1337 t1_j64n4or wrote

Went to a Nigerian restaurant and ordered a Nigerian Guiness which they brew in Nigeria. Beside that I learned that Nigerian food is dope, their Guiness was even better than the original IMO.


JoeSicbo t1_j63y3z3 wrote

Foreign Extra Stout…


No-Marsupial6836 t1_j64a7co wrote

Same in Belize. Formerly British Honduras. They only have Guinness as their only legally imported beer.


[deleted] t1_j68tcgi wrote



No-Marsupial6836 t1_j68vqpl wrote

belikin and lighthouse are local beers.. i forgot about redstripe, but nobody really like redstripe here. occasionally they have heinekin too. you see what i mean about lack of choice though.


nialltg t1_j676se7 wrote

I was wondering why there was Guinness from Nigeria in the afro-caribbean aisle in my supermarket. Now i don’t need to google it!


Tonyhillzone t1_j63z13u wrote

I live 2 minutes from the St James Gate Guiness brewery in Dublin. The smell can be annoying at times, especially as I don't drink alcohol.


CrazyRabb1t t1_j64z3ko wrote

Why don’t you write them a letter and ask them to move?


StefTakka t1_j67phlo wrote

They've only got 8736 years left on their lease. Just wait for them to leave.


edcrlwyndcreausceigh t1_j643uqi wrote

Thank you op this is the type of information I love to see, how do you find this about other products? Or how can I get more detailed info about it like age, race, gender & more


TheBlazingFire123 t1_j65etlb wrote

It’s also funny because half the population is Muslim and they can’t drink. Also half are children. So that leaves only 1/4 of the population- 50 million people to surpass the ~200+ million Americans who can drink


Somto_Duba t1_j65mm6q wrote

Third? Thought we were 1st. Knew we weren't living up to our potential.


jhowlingwolf t1_j66mib9 wrote

What is crazy is that about 40% of their country is Muslim. Non-muslims are doing their part for Guinness.


SphericalBitch2020 t1_j66to3f wrote

While I have never been to Nigeria and can't vouch for their sorghum beers tasting like stout. They traditionally brewed various foodstuffs in iron pots with resulting richly tasting liquid. Because of the amount of iron absorbed into the slightly acid fermented product, the risks of iron overload are real, plus liver cancer.

I just wonder if this traditional habit explains their liking for Guinness?


Adam-West t1_j67jvyh wrote

Worth saying that it’s not the same as the Guinness that’s canned in Ireland. Hard to describe how it’s different. It almost tastes a bit like it’s got a bit of black table in there or something. If it wasn’t for the branding you wouldn’t think its the same company that makes it.


SeanG909 t1_j68nzmo wrote

Yeah Nigeria actually respects the drink. We Irish and Nigerians are bound together by a shared love of the greatest stout ever conceived.


Chocolatebougie t1_j68vt0d wrote

I was in Nigeria a few months ago (I’m American.) Had the best beer I’ve ever had there: Orijin, made by Guiness Nigeria. Can’t find it anywhere near me back here in the states. If anyone has any ideas where to find, let me know.


bolanrox t1_j64bya4 wrote

export Guinness.. damn that shit is rough