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HeadPen5724 t1_jaaatch wrote

If you work manual labor then you’re closer to poor white republican? I’m not sure you could be anymore offensive or ignorant.


somedudevt t1_jaadblu wrote

It’s not ignorant. Or offensive. Poor white people skew more Republican than others, and they tend to work lower paying or manual labor jobs. EVERY Republican I know works a manual labor job, they take pride in “working hard” and say that people in office jobs are lazy. They do things like construction, carpentry, landworks, granite shops, mechanics, truckers. It’s not ignorant to be honest and say that those jobs skew more low income, low education, and in Vermont white and that those people make up the base of our Republican Party. Basically people in the “trades”


HeadPen5724 t1_jaafakv wrote

A.) you need to meet more republicans, or even just look at what the Republican members of the legislature do for a living.

B.) equating manual labor to being poor or white is offensive and ignorant 🤦‍♂️

C.) what percentage of POC work manual labor jobs or are poor in Vt? What % of white people? I don’t think your assertion is even remotely close to being accurate.


somedudevt t1_jaafzq0 wrote

Policy makers are not average republicans stop being stupid. Pretending that the base of the Republican Party is not poor white non-college educated working class people is moronic. Working manual labor in Vermont means you are white (95% of the population is so fuck off this is a fact) manual labor also pays less than white collar jobs, this is a fact, while some make good money in the trades, on the average a person working construction, or as a mechanic is not making what a person who is a banker, or doctor is making, they tend to be lower middle class.


HeadPen5724 t1_jaalu5e wrote

You said every Republican you knew worked a manual labor job. Don’t tell me to stop being stupid when you make idiotic comments like that….