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t1_ja3qwls wrote

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t1_ja3uac7 wrote

You’ll never find figures for snowpack because it changes daily. Snowpack in March or snow pack in January… as I mentioned in a prior post, only a few years ago it snowed in Oct. and stayed the whole winter, sometimes we have a green Christmas. Vermont is known for having crazy weather, trying to read into any given winter or even 5winters is a fools errand.


t1_ja3v9id wrote



t1_ja3vvqv wrote

Are you going to average up daily snowpack for the past 100 years? It’d love to see that information, you should make a webpage with that data. I’ll edit my comment when you do ;)


t1_ja3wp1f wrote



t1_ja3xo44 wrote

I never said anything about a daily record, in fact I said you wouldn’t find those figures BECAUSE it changes daily. If you wanted to look at annual snowpack (which is what it seemed you were wondering about) you’d need to average it out for every year you wanted to look at and aggregate that… But you take it however you want sunshine.


t1_ja3semt wrote

The idea that you would simultaneously receive more snowfall but have a lower snowpack makes no sense. This is proven by the simple fact that a melting snowpack would mean more days above 32F, but that also mean more precipitation falling as rain. That’s not what is happening


t1_ja3ts00 wrote



t1_ja3vfic wrote

Does the precipitation above 32 generally add to the snowpack? Does snow on the ground melt at any temperature above 32? There’s your answer. Yes it can snow slightly above 32 but that doesn’t refute the point about increased snowfall.