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Mntnrunner516 t1_j8nxjy3 wrote

This is why you don't trust police. They're all like this.


Ok-Doughnut5760 t1_j8p5s1s wrote

Even if they don't explicitly hold those same beliefs, they have to know that they have KKK members among their ranks. And they stay silent. That blue wall of silence is criminal in so many ways. Let's also go after qualified immunity.....


bobrossjiujitsu t1_j8ofvn4 wrote

Hmm, I wonder if we can we make broad, sweeping statements like that about some other really large groups of people. How about dentists - they're pretty, weird, am I right? Or maybe skateboarders? Pokemon enthusiasts? Jews?


Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j8oglog wrote

You're free to go look up the statistics on how many cops are also abusive to their families. Once you start there, you can tell me how many skateboarders are also family abusers.


bobrossjiujitsu t1_j8on0vy wrote

So all skateboarders are drug-addicted anarchists? And all Pokemon enthusiasts are regressive man-children living in their parents' basement? Despite my obvious biases, I'm sure that's not the case. And I'm equally sure that at least some police officers are brave people who sincerely want to protect their communities - and don't beat their wives.


Definitelynotcal1gul t1_j8oot22 wrote

You did not look up the statistics, I take it.


EastHesperus t1_j8os6u2 wrote

He clearly didn’t. Otherwise he might be surprised with how many cops do beat their wives. But when it comes to things like reality or data or facts, people like this don’t want to hear it. They want to stay in their protected snowflake make believe land where they’re always right, despite the facts.


raz0rsnak3 t1_j8ow1td wrote

You don't need statistics to invalidate statements such as : "ALL people of X Group are like that".

That is the definition of stereotypical and prejudice.


EastHesperus t1_j8p5d9z wrote

Ok, fair point. You win. Not ALL cops are like this. Only over 40% of cops beat their wives. So if you bump into a cop, it’s close to the same statistics as flipping a coin if they go home and beat their spouse.


Plus-Birthday1987 t1_j8pa9g1 wrote

you should cite your source(s) when posting things like that.

…you do have the sources available, right??


EastHesperus t1_j8pe2g5 wrote

Here you go. This source also has a list of numerous sources on the issues.


raz0rsnak3 t1_j8skqui wrote

You kidding me? The stats you provide say in the first scentence "40% of police officer families experiance domestic violence." And you're equating that to "40% of all cops beat their wives"...

You're just parroting studies and taking a superficial look at the data. What about cops that experianc domestic abuse at the hands of their spouse? Yeah, that's lumped in that 40%...

Thanks for the data reference, but your interpretation of data (objectively) needs a lot of work.


EastHesperus t1_j8ssqjh wrote

So let me get this straight.. your argument against this is that it’s possible that the spouses are being abusive towards their cop spouse? 10% of all families report domestic abuse, whereas 40% of cop families reported abuse. Either the common connection to this high number are the cops or the highly unlikely chance that all these cops are marrying abusers. That makes no sense. Bad argument. Bad whataboutism. Your skewed and biased look into the data needs work.


raz0rsnak3 t1_j8u1967 wrote

Skewed and biased? Your studies that you reference are garbage, and your logic is garbage. I could poke a thousand holes is your 'argument' that '40% of all cops in the US are wife beaters' but just that statement alone is moronic. You're using stats (poorly) to validate your narrative. Waste of time...