joytothesoul t1_j9wbht6 wrote
Beautiful! I love the raven pair that patrol the North Branch Nature Center.
NecroDaddy t1_j9wc4fi wrote
Very nice. Make sure to post it to r/corvids. They would like it.
VTtoOR2 t1_j9wcjno wrote
We’ve started seeing cardinal pairs at our feeder, would love to see your take on a beautiful red bird!
cager87 t1_j9wjsa3 wrote
I love it!!!!
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_j9wm1mz wrote
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_j9wm5q8 wrote
Thank you 🙏 and I love the North Branch Nature Center!
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_j9wm69y wrote
Thank you 😊
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_j9wm7al wrote
Ohh will do!
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_j9wma66 wrote
So many cardinals at my house, maybe I will draw them next 😊
Well-I-Wonder t1_j9wmw1k wrote
pretty bird
HineyButthole t1_j9woo1v wrote
I love this. Have you ever drawn anything for a tattoo?
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_j9wphui wrote
Thanks ☺️ I haven’t drawn specifically for a tattoo but I have had some folks get my work tattooed
Twigglesnix t1_j9wqwtl wrote
Do you do commissioned pieces?
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_j9xpx4i wrote
When I can and if it aligns with my work.
[deleted] t1_j9y22tr wrote
Twigglesnix t1_j9y3b9p wrote
Cool, just DM me, I want to support Vermont artists and I need some meaningful stuff for my home.
No-Ganache7168 t1_j9yi78m wrote
That would make a gorgeous tattoo
CaptainHoey t1_j9z38c5 wrote
Something about hearing ravens in the quiet, cold, snowy woods really gets me. Love this.
putinecrusher t1_j9z42ah wrote
Beautiful!! Where can I get a print??!!
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_j9z7alc wrote
That’s a favorite experience of mine too
[deleted] t1_j9z7lk6 wrote
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_j9z7naq wrote
And thank you!!!
nixxon t1_j9zq91g wrote
Wow. Brazen.
BettyLouWho318 t1_j9zws26 wrote
Watercolor? Great work, love the ravens, they flock over my house in huge numbers, it’s crazy how loud they get.
[deleted] t1_ja03mcz wrote
TheSpamReporter t1_ja0tsj6 wrote
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_ja159ap wrote
It’s digital but I used a watercolor “pen”. They do make so much noise!
Telesc0peEyes OP t1_ja15b7a wrote
I’m in Windsor county
[deleted] t1_ja2ue92 wrote
oddlyshapedmeatball t1_j9w9qkr wrote
Why tf is this being downvoted this is great