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R50cent t1_jdvebfn wrote

They just need bodies desperately, and I get why, they're a company that handles kids with special needs and families... but it seems like the sort of thing you'd pay people well to do. I can get a job working in a warehouse somewhere in northern Vermont shlepping boxes or doing data entry for right around the same amount, and I guarantee it doesn't come with half the stresses a Howard center job would. They need to think about that, but I sincerely doubt they will... Again, Burlington companies really seem to be missing some things in regards to the job landscape around them and in other places, and I don't understand why.


CallingAllDemons t1_jdvran2 wrote

They can think about it all they want but if their budget comes from government appropriations then they can't do anything about it so long as funding stays level.


druunavt t1_jdw1n7z wrote

Parents and self advocates have been pushing for the state to increase wages for these employees. The agency doesn’t get to set them. It’s a Medicaid thing. It absolutely sucks; these should be professional level paid positions.