I'm wondering if anyone has experience with any of the handyman or odd job apps out there. Thinking about trying it to supplement my income, but I'm not sure how big they are in Vermont. NEK specifically. If anyone knows, which one(s) have the biggest user base in Vermont?
RoyalAntelope9948 t1_jclr1kb wrote
Put a post on Front Porch Forum. It's a good place to start.
happyonthehill802 t1_jcltqu9 wrote
If you're good, i wouldnt even consider an app. Just put yourself out there.
Start an llc, get some insurance, a few business cards, and advertise on facebook/craigslist/local gas station, etc
Get a second line for business calls, i made the mistake of using my personal cell once. Never again.
Meatloaf0220 t1_jcm2qya wrote
Word of mouth is your best friend. Contractors are booked up with medium and big projects (new construction, renovation/additions, kitchens/baths) that it’s hard for them to pick up smaller projects and rot repair/maintenance stuff. Talk to your neighbors, get some cards made up and hand them out. See if your town has a Facebook group I always see people asking for handyman services on ours.
Rich_Swing_1287 t1_jcmh802 wrote
Front Porch Forum for sure.
Also, do you have any experience building front steps? Need to replace mine. Plus a hundred or so other handyman jobs I've been putting off.
odkevin OP t1_jcmivzx wrote
Simple 3,4,5 steps I can do. But I was more thinking along the lines of mobile mechanic work. I've had a handful of single job customers and 2 regulars. I was looking for ways to get my name/card out there to people I wouldn't otherwise meet, make some contacts, plus on the apps I've read about I could choose jobs that are within my wheelhouse, rather than have someone call me and I have to say "that's outside if my skills"
Beefandsteel t1_jcmtvaz wrote
I started by responding to FPF posts. From there it was all word of mouth. I actually asked people to NOT post about me as I was all ready too busy as it was. This was in Montpelier at the time and I had no problem whatsoever finding work. Show up when you saw you will, do quality work, and treat people right.
Commercial_Case_7475 t1_jcn3a1b wrote
I second everyone else's suggestions about word of mouth and Front Porch Forum. I just want to encourage you to really go in on this, as any trade is in high demand these days. Not only is it really rewarding work, but it pays well and is very secure in the long run. Try things that are a little beyond your comfort zone, it's okay to learn while you work, there's always a first time for everything. As long as you are honest and dedicated, people will support your business and be more than happy to pay you to do things that they cannot do. That's what's great about a resilient rural community, people trading their skills with each other.
CindyLou-802 t1_jcn3os0 wrote
Thumbtack !
Velveteenrocket t1_jcn8i45 wrote
Just post on your local Facebook group. Some of these new folks don’t know how to screw in a lightbulb.
suzi-r t1_jcnxs3b wrote
Have cards, too. Some don’t do FB. Your reputation will bring you work, and if you’re good, tons of it.
Not_the_sharpest_1 t1_jcvqtip wrote
In addition to Front Porch Forum, you could also try Nextdoor
missmirjan t1_jclgvvc wrote