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Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iu4rgvp wrote

Is that why you spend time on the Joe Rogan subreddit? Because you're a real critical thinker? Fuckin' lol.


mycophdstudent t1_iu4ug38 wrote

Oh SNAP you cyberstalk and slander because you have no argument.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iu4vry1 wrote

"cyberstalk" you're killing me dude lol


mycophdstudent t1_iu4x9q5 wrote

Keep rationaling your creepy behavior like a creep would. 👍 Digging into peoples profiles to glean info is creepy.


MightyKushiel t1_iu59hs9 wrote

“Digging” is a bit of reach when it’s right there. You’re on a public social media forum, anything you post is free game. A majority of people do it and the fact that you’re trying to label it as “creepy” says a lot about such deflective behavior.