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whaletacochamp t1_iu4cuvj wrote

Holy fuck I didn’t realize there were so many idiotic Vermonters drinking the Russian kool aid wtf the comments on this post are disgusting.


cohray2212 t1_iu4p4vl wrote

Vermonters like to think we're somehow ahead of the rest of the country on political and social issues but in reality we have just as many backwards dumbasses as anywhere else. It's a miracle our elections turn out the way they do.

That being said, r/vermont and r/burlington are brigaded constantly by a very loud minority that post misinformation and propaganda daily.


whaletacochamp t1_iu4xk0w wrote

Yeah, /r/burlington has a whole slew of issues, /r/vermont hasn't been as bad but does seem to be heading that way.

And you're right - the amount of people I know with absurd political beliefs in VT is wild. IDK if they don't vote or what but you're right, outside of the more populated areas you will especially find folks with VERY interesting political beliefs.


cohray2212 t1_iu4yj0n wrote

I like to call them "politically challenged" because so many people are normal until you hit a trigger word or topic that Fox News has Manchurian Candidated them on.

You could basically skirt a normal topic like the fact that kids should be given healthcare and food and they're totally normal. "Of course sick kids deserve to be healthy and fed" they will say. And then you bring up school lunches or the cost of insulin and their faces steel over and they get grouchy. Then the canned responses come about Canadian wait times, welfare queens etc.


whaletacochamp t1_iu51duz wrote

Yup. Makes it pretty easy to navigate if you are even slightly politically engaged/informed. Generally I already know before talking to them if they are this type. And as Im sure you know, there's no point in debating those topics with them. Especially if you have any sort of relationship with the person.


cohray2212 t1_iu53g8e wrote

Absolutely. It's a cult, they need to be deprogrammed. No debate or discourse is going to snap them out of it. It takes a professional.

My mom is one of these people. In the early 2000s it was Oprah and magnets that cure cancer that western medicine doesn't want us to know about, "toxins" and an obsession with organic food. Now it's Trump, Covid is the flu, and the vaccine is evil.

We can talk about "western medicine is inherently flawed because of the for-profit system" and we can say other countries could seek cures where there's less incentive here. We can even talk about the flaws that insurance has where there's never an incentive to cut costs because higher costs means booming business for insurance. As soon as we talk about socialized medicine it's back to square one after a few canned responses about freedom of choice and wait time propaganda and how an imaginary 50% of all money earned in Canada is taxed toward health care.


whaletacochamp t1_iu5clem wrote

Ugh, I’m sorry someone so close to you is like that.

My dad definitely has the potential to be like that but has tended more toward the liberal side of things. He will watch Fox News for the sole purposes of screaming at rhe TV for a few hours. I’m honestly amazed he didn’t have a heart attack during the Trump administration.

The funny thing is that sometimes he will pull out a SUPER ignorant and conservative point of view on something. I don’t get it lol.

I really think a lot of it comes from the older generation just taking what society feeds them on their TV channels of choice. I can’t even tell you the last time I watched cable news - instead I read a variety of mostly unbiased news sources that I seek out myself, or read stuff from a number of maybe biased sources and create my own understanding based on all the facts. Our folks are basically “they said it on TV so it has to be true!”


random_vermonter t1_iu5v12v wrote

My dad is the same way. He'll watch CNN and then switch to Fox and sometimes he'll say a liberal talking point and other times, a conservative one. He's confusing. I think he enjoys the theatrics of it.


whaletacochamp t1_iu5w9f1 wrote

Yeah that’s pretty much it. And a lot of it comes down to “politicians are all horrible!” Which is totally fair.


ranaparvus t1_iu6bc9n wrote

Adding: VOTE y’all. Don’t take your perception of VT as a democratic haven for granted. In 2016 my former bucolic VT village voted for Trump (since moved). There’s a pretty healthy Confederate, Don’t Tread On Me and white “patriot” contingent here.


cpujockey t1_iu4kv2f wrote

folks are keeping up with the status quo.

a lot of folks are pissed at the amount of spending we've been doing with regards to what's going down in ukraine - and I am one of those people. However, I believe ukrainians need freedom and putin should eat a dick. Just shitty we did not just take real action against putin and spend that money on solving shit like the homeless crisis here.


fuck putin. he's a piece of shit fossil from the past that should have coagulated into something my chevy burns.


chriswasmyboy t1_iu6gvn1 wrote

>a lot of folks are pissed at the amount of spending we've been doing with regards to what's going down in ukraine - and I am one of those people. However, I believe ukrainians need freedom and putin should eat a dick.

Have to push back hard on this very misguided and wrong statement. We were spending $300 million a day/$100 billion a year on Afghanistan and getting absolutely nothing in return for it. We were/are no safer than we were on September 12, 2001 as regards to Afghanistan.

We are now redeploying that wasted money, and spending an equivalent amount of money arming Ukraine, and supporting democracy in a society that is pro-democracy unlike Iraq and Afghanistan where we wasted trillions. Ukraine is a military beast with our help, and the participation of many NATO countries. It has exposed the Russian military as inept with very old and outdated equipment. It has weakened Putin significantly. A huge amount of Russian military equipment has been destroyed or abandoned to the Ukrainians. All the while, there are no American boots on the ground, and no American blood spilled. The US is admired in Europe for the enormous support we have provided Ukraine, their heroic president and brave people who love freedom. NATO is more united than ever, and with 2 new members in Finland and Sweden when they officially get admitted.

This is the best return on investment the US has ever made with money for military spending. What about this makes you pissed off?


airlokita t1_iu4mnpd wrote

I'm pissed too - we're not spending nearly enough. 40 billion is a rounding error.


nlpnt t1_iu6dius wrote

Personally I think it's the best bargain America's gotten in a long time.

$40 billion and no American blood (apart from one or two Americans who volunteered for the Ukrainian foreign legion) has bought us;

  • A re-energized NATO

  • Russia outed as a paper power

  • China forced to think twice about its' plans to invade Taiwan

  • The most forceful argument possible against the myths that had come back around about the so-called degenerate West ("They/them army" > was/were army).


cpujockey t1_iu4n8xc wrote

> we're not spending nearly enough.

look, we can't be the only one making REAL contributions to the war effort. We could have ended this shit a long time ago, instead we've been acting like cucks and watching ukraine get fucked from the sidelines.

I am sorry, but sending enough money to a country that could make a meaningful impact on the housing crisis just doesn't resonate with me.

What resonates me is the USA waving our mighty erect cock at putin and giving him the deepest dicking he's ever experienced.


airlokita t1_iu4obut wrote

100% agree re cucks -- totally in favor of direct action. Send them back to the stone age and keep them there.

But since direct NATO action isn't going to happen, then the taps need to be wide open.

We have a massive GDP. We can do both. Unfortunately I don't see my copious amounts of tax dollars going anywhere more useful soon.


cpujockey t1_iu4pc8x wrote

> Send them back to the stone age and keep them there.

no, this is not the fault of the russian people, but the actions of a piss baby in power. the russian people should not be held to account for the sins of their leader.

>Unfortunately I don't see my copious amounts of tax dollars going anywhere more useful soon.

Yes, but that doesn't just make it ok to dump tons of fucking cash when our own people are hurting. The US military has an operational budget that is already rubber stamped and allocated - make it their problem.


ranaparvus t1_iu6bkt0 wrote

Schooling Putin in Ukraine is a LOT cheaper than confronting him in the Arctic, which is his ultimate goal.


cpujockey t1_iu6v625 wrote

The Arctic? That's neutral ground.


Corey307 t1_iu72foa wrote

My thinking is any state that spends more federal dollars than the state pays in taxes shouldn’t bitch about how the federal government spends money. Vermont gets a lot more federal dollars per year than we pay in federal taxes, It’s more like Californians and New Yorkers are footing the majority of the bill and let’s be honest the people that scream the loudest about how government money is spent are probably getting a full tax refund because they don’t make shit.


PTech_J t1_iu5ydf3 wrote

I pass a truck with a confederate flag license plate almost every day on my way home from work.



Corey307 t1_iu727d8 wrote

I moved here a few years ago and I’ve been on pleasantly surprised by the stupidity I have encountered here. I knew not everybody was going to be progressive and educated but it’s surprisingly bad, what passes for progressivism here it’s like a first semester college student telling people how they know how to fix the world.


QDruid t1_iu4c8ei wrote

why are people angry that he’s not covered in dirt 💀pretty sure it’s allowed to have clean laundry no matter where you are,,,


Dead_Squirrel_6 t1_iu4nnas wrote

Some folk's only experience with military life is in the theater


kcdarkwindows t1_iu63aj0 wrote

I'm more upset with the instant pancakes... No war is worth fight with instant pancakes


[deleted] t1_iu8i3k6 wrote



Independent-Ad3437 t1_iu8wggg wrote

Yeah you are an expert? Dude you either drank the Russian Kool aid or have a nefarious reasons to hurt Vit Ukraine fundraisers. It is obvious that Russian trolls have been active on this site, are you agreeing with them that ukraine is filled with Nazis. Seems like you are hell bent on discriminating against Ukrainians. Vit has done so much to help the armed forces of Ukraine, he doesn't ask for thanks. People have stepped up to the plate, how about you? You are the type that likes to tear people down for the their own personal enjoyment without contributing anything positive. So If you aren't helping then f off. All you are doing is stirring up trouble for your own selfish reasons.


bigbo4ek t1_iu8rshm wrote

Are these neo-nazi in the room with us right now? :)


GuardBusy9030 t1_iu4488w wrote

Thank you kievit!


kievit4ukraine OP t1_iu44fx1 wrote

I sent them a pack of pancake mix. I never thought they’d end up actually making them.


SeasonalBlackout t1_iu57equ wrote

Did you include the real maple syrup? You're a saint! Heck yeah I'd make pancakes out in the field. They'll remember that for a while I bet.


starwolfcommand t1_iu4e7py wrote

hope he and his friends enjoyed! awesome post, keep it up dude!


TheFancyFlannel t1_iu43nmq wrote

Fucking rad 🤙 Слава Україні!


Internal-Fudge8578 t1_iu4z9zc wrote

I came here to chuckle about the term “Vermontese” but this comment section is a little too contentious for that.


random_vermonter t1_iu5upgs wrote

I was thinking, are there people sending real Vermont maple syrup to Ukranian soldiers? There should be a thing. We can kick out the imposter syrups and help the Ukranians win this war.


NEKdenizen t1_iu4hczq wrote

Хороша їжа , хороші люди. Слава Україні!


Cobdain t1_iu4m356 wrote

Solid flair, keep up the good fight. Please excuse some of our more rabid commenters. They literally have rabies, and think Putin is cool because trump performed fellatio on him


ceddton77 t1_iu4vnfa wrote

Tastes like freedom


Marcellooooo t1_iu7euvs wrote

It was a very proud moment when I saw a bunch of VT maple syrup in the packages UA soldiers were opening up on the front lines!


mybadvideos t1_iu7kkun wrote

Sometimes I like to tell people that Vermont is liberal libertarian and New Hampshire is conservative libertarian.

That's only partially true though because it seems both states are blue or blueish in the urban areas and very red once you get outside of those areas. I suspect the urban rural divide is a nationwide phenomenon. I'm from MA. Sigh...


[deleted] t1_iu8hu1r wrote



Independent-Ad3437 t1_iu8oj2l wrote

Obvious Russian troll is obvious. Russians and Putin supporters are always the ones that bring this up but without any context. Maybe mention that the Russian Wagner group is lead by a devout neo Nazis who is friends with your hero Vladimir Putin. But you people will never admit that because it doesn't fit your narrative.


potato-balls t1_iu6ocix wrote

You all are praising a Nazi


Corey307 t1_iu71o6a wrote

Fuck off Vladimir, the Nazis are literally committing genocide in Ukraine they’ve even admitted to it.


JoshNumbers t1_iu6ho93 wrote

Ukraine is a pedophile country. #3 producer of child porn in the entire world. Learn more:


That_High_Life t1_iu6xauu wrote

Hey dawg just by looking at your comments its easy to see that you are mentally ill and need help. If anyone cares about you please ask them to help you to stop being the huge piece of shit that you appear to be.


JoshNumbers t1_iu7oka7 wrote

stalker bot reply, glowing and federal. Your input has been discarded. 🗑️

Edit: For some reason I can't reply to the post below this. He's spewing weak insults because he can't dispute the source I linked 💅


That_High_Life t1_iubatto wrote

If anyone cares about you, you should ask them for help. The fact that nobody cares about you should be a wake up call to try to become a better person. I'll pray for you, son.


MisterBowTies t1_iu610qb wrote

I feel so bad for them. They are in such a bad situation they have to resort to maple syurp from VT because all their good stuff from NH is gone.


[deleted] t1_iu4v2ms wrote



kievit4ukraine OP t1_iu4vtv4 wrote



[deleted] t1_iu4x7q8 wrote



MarketplaceMallBTV t1_iu545ym wrote

You mean how Russia respected the already established borders in 2014?


[deleted] t1_iu56l6c wrote



Kyzer t1_iu6do19 wrote

US and European powers staying out of the Worlds business is how Hitler came about. History repeats itself unless we learn from the past. Putins military actions read exactly how Hitler started his military actions. No one stood up to stop Hitler until it was too late. Read a book.


hideous-boy t1_iu411qy wrote

this dude has an Azov patch. Think we can try supporting Ukraine in this sub without boosting neo-Nazis maybe?


kievit4ukraine OP t1_iu43alk wrote

The idea that Azov is a neo-nazi group is a widely popular belief spread by Russian propaganda in order to justify war crimes in Ukraine. Don’t fall victim to it, be better.


ScotsDale213 t1_iu5tdxg wrote

As far as I know, azov is, complicated nowadays. Part of the national military they may be they have had allegations of ties to far right groups, and allegations of torture. Both with enough evidence to make it hard to determine either way. With others arguing they’ve been tampered and disciplined now as part of the military. Personally I don’t like them much, but they fight for Ukraine so I’m ambivalent, I’m just worried what may happen if Ukraine wins and Azov remains, lionized by the war. Personally I hope if Ukraine wins they just get quietly retired as hero’s, instead of remaining


meinblown t1_iu456jl wrote

Just because they are Neo-nazis doesn't mean they can't hate ruzzians. Not everything is black and white. I can hate both of them at the same time. Be better.


kievit4ukraine OP t1_iu47tnb wrote

No, you don’t understand. Azov aren’t neo-nazis. And Ukrainian problem with neo-nazis is way smaller than in US or Germany


meinblown t1_iu48j1i wrote

They may not be neo-nazis publicly, but their ranks are literally filled with them.


kievit4ukraine OP t1_iu498k2 wrote

You served in Azov? No. So you have no way of knowing. That’s Russian propaganda you’re spreading. Does it pay well?


TheFancyFlannel t1_iu4c7zy wrote

Don't worry about these idiots. The sad part is, they do it for free.


meinblown t1_iu4jjgc wrote

It's not just ruzzian propaganda. The azov reserve unit has been well known to be populated by neo-nazi members. They were labeled a terrorist organization long before Russia invaded Ukraine, even before ruzzia's 2014 invasion of Crimea.


kievit4ukraine OP t1_iu4k9o7 wrote

It “has been known” thanks to Russian propaganda


KITTYONFYRE t1_iu4aekf wrote

by that argument you don't serve in azov either so how can YOU say one way or the other? I mean, my gut feeling is to agree with you, I'm not actually throwing my hat in this ring, I am completely ignorant on this subject and know absolutely nothing about these groups. just pointing out that your argument sucks and is logically inconsistent. there are plenty of high quality arguments you could make instead.


meinblown t1_iu4jn1z wrote

He is a bootlicker, leave him alone.


KITTYONFYRE t1_iu54jiv wrote

well actually my gut says you're a moron and I agree with him but that's because I am simply liberal and that is the liberal viewpoint, not because they have a compelling argument. "you're not in azov lol u can't have an opinion" is dumb as fuck, because they also did not serve in azov. there are plenty of high quality arguments they could have made, choosing a shitty one just to try to "win" the argument is dumb. people will just completely ignore a fundamentally dogshit piece of logic if they agree with the conclusion, which is stupid as hell.

analogy I pulled out of my ass: if someone says "ham sandwhiches are great because they are blue" I will say "that's a dumbass argument for calling ham sandwhiches great, even if the conclusion that ham sandwhiches are great is true". then ham sandwhich lovers will hate me. I'm not making a comment on the greatness of ham sandwhiches here, I'm making a comment on the logic used to reach that conclusion, which is faulty in the above comment.

u/kievit4ukraine I hope this comment clears up that I am not disagreeing with you nor am I agreeing with this chode lol, but just that I want higher quality discourse, so that people like meinblown has less of a handhold to grab onto.


kievit4ukraine OP t1_iu59ae5 wrote

It’s funny how people would expect me to fly across the Atlantic 2 times a week for 6 month, loading and unloading thousands of pounds of cargo every time, fundraising millions of dollars and dealing with all sorts of bureaucratic obstacles, while participating in all kinds of debates regarding Azov carefully crafting arguments in the language I’ve never even learned.

I just wanted to share a nice moment with you guys. I do regret my decision. Have a great day.


Distinguished_Parrot t1_iu4ylev wrote

> but their ranks are literally filled with them.

So are the III percenters, Proud Boys, NSC-131, Cliven Bundy's militia, and the January 6th seditionists. What's your point?


meinblown t1_iu56bhl wrote

My point is, fuck neo-nazis. Is that hard for you to grasp?


[deleted] t1_iu46rpt wrote

Asking in good faith here: according to this article that patch is the new one. They dropped the old Nazi-like symbol. Does that make a difference?

Apparently, as of 2016, a Ukrainian Jewish organization was supportive of the Azov unit. More generally, is it naive or incorrect to think that the unit has been de-politicized since being brought into the Ukrainian National Guard?


hideous-boy t1_iu489fd wrote

  1. It's just optics. Replacing a symbol that made them look bad doesn't change what the regiment stands for. The wolfsangel will still hold the meaning it does to them and will probably still appear all over the place.

  2. That organization's justification isn't that Azov isn't filled with Nazis, it's that Russian aggression matters more and that they aren't officially a neo-Nazi militia. To the first point I would argue that Russia can be successfully fought without empowering far-right bodies. To the second, who cares if it's official or not? Azov still has the exact same people in it and attracts the same kind of person. It's like arguing that because the Greek police are an arm of a democratic government that they can't have deep ties and allegiances to the neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party.


Human802 t1_iu4as3d wrote

“Russia can be fought with out empowering far right” a statement like this indicates you don’t know what happened when Russia first invaded in 2014, and far right militia were the only forces ready to fight them. Azov was one of these, and it was then integrated into the rebuilt national military. Also should be noted that connections between the far right and the military is true in most countries, certainly true for the US.


wiryeasternpromise t1_iu4593m wrote

Which one is the Azov patch? Because I don't see it...

Edit: nvm found it. Looks like a new insignia rather than a wolfsangel. Call it positive progress on the symbolism front?


sorrycharlie88 t1_iu3x40a wrote

Judging by the American flag on the sleeve and the multi-cam pattern I think it's safe to say that's an American fighting in Ukraine


kievit4ukraine OP t1_iu3xfhk wrote

It’s completely unsafe to say. This guy is Ukrainian


sorrycharlie88 t1_iu3yiui wrote

What's with the American flag and American camo then


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iu4r5q9 wrote

The camo answer is pretty obvious. It's by far the easiest pattern to get gear in aftermarket. If you want top of the line shit because you're going to be living in it and fighting a war in it, you're going to be wearing multicam.

As for the flag? Who knows. Maybe he's happy to be getting American supplies and it's just a show of solidarity. Maybe it came with the uniform and he just threw it on there for kicks. Maybe it's a political statement, trying to show that Ukraine is aligned with the West.


sorrycharlie88 t1_iu59t05 wrote

Good answer to a simple question, thanks.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iu5foll wrote

Sure. It's also common for units to swap patches when they train together. Not everyone does it, but every time I've trained internationally at least one person has come to swap patches with me. People like to collect them, usually they'll put them all in a shadowbox when they retire. I know the US sent a lot of training teams to Ukraine around 2017-2018 I believe, it's entirely possible he trained with them and the patch was a gift. There could very well be some 18x American SF guy with a matching Ukrainian flag patch somewhere.

There are pictures of Ukrainians wearing all kinds of goofy patches they've collected from the NATO forces sent to help train them up. There's one floating around with a Ukrainian wearing "Don't Mess With Texas" patch lol.


meinblown t1_iu45ck1 wrote

Dude is just wearing swag like he works at Applebees.


sorrycharlie88 t1_iu474tb wrote

He has an adequate amount of flair for now, plenty of time to add more during an endless war I suppose.


mycophdstudent t1_iu49x9j wrote

Your valid question got downvoted. This is why I usually look for the most downvoted comments on Reddit to find the most intelligent ones.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iu4rgvp wrote

Is that why you spend time on the Joe Rogan subreddit? Because you're a real critical thinker? Fuckin' lol.


mycophdstudent t1_iu4ug38 wrote

Oh SNAP you cyberstalk and slander because you have no argument.


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iu4vry1 wrote

"cyberstalk" you're killing me dude lol


mycophdstudent t1_iu4x9q5 wrote

Keep rationaling your creepy behavior like a creep would. 👍 Digging into peoples profiles to glean info is creepy.


MightyKushiel t1_iu59hs9 wrote

“Digging” is a bit of reach when it’s right there. You’re on a public social media forum, anything you post is free game. A majority of people do it and the fact that you’re trying to label it as “creepy” says a lot about such deflective behavior.


sorrycharlie88 t1_iu5a0ob wrote

These war mongers are so deluded. What happened to the anti war left? It's like these kids live in opposite world.


thehunt882001 t1_iu45us8 wrote

That’s a pretty clean and brand new looking uniform. And those shoes barely look worn. Must be a slow day on the front lines today


kievit4ukraine OP t1_iu47nm2 wrote

You’re offended?


Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_iu49wc8 wrote

Imagine being offended that someone has clean laundry.


TheFancyFlannel t1_iu4cyc4 wrote

Unreal lol. If this sub were actually representative of the state, Vermont would be a terrifying place to live.


thehunt882001 t1_iu48o3a wrote

Not at all. I’m glad so much of our tax money goes to new costumes and by the looks of it manicures. Safety glasses right out the box


b1ack1323 t1_iu4m38b wrote

Imagine thinking having a border state of Russia as an ally is a bad thing and not a logical strategic move…


yggiw t1_iu4e9xc wrote

psssh thats rookie spending. here in the US we spend, on average, $136k a year per soldier. assuming you’re Ukrainian, thank you for you service! and by service i mean sacrificing your people for the good of the world military-industrial complex! a few people are getting verrrry rich off this war, thank god


timberwolf0122 t1_iu4ltwh wrote

He’s not in a WWI trench dude


Dead_Squirrel_6 t1_iu4o4no wrote

This idiot watched Black Hawk Down once and thinks he knows what military uniforms should look like, haha


timberwolf0122 t1_iu4ox7f wrote

I wonder if he looks at old WWII photos or cottage from Iraqi and says the same about people in clean uniforms?


MuddyGrimes t1_iu4zmt6 wrote

LMAO clean uniforms and new shoes didn't magically dissappear from Ukraine when they were invaded...


Corey307 t1_iu72kn5 wrote

Unlike Russian forces the Ukrainians have decent supply lines and yeah it would make sense to clean and change your clothes once in a while or have a spare set.


Vermonter623 t1_iu3x5g8 wrote

It’s cute how the western media forgot about this When that sweet sweet natural gas started to get threatened, the media was like ‘yay nazis!!’ And the useful idiots scream ‘Slava Ukraine!’


kievit4ukraine OP t1_iu3xe33 wrote

You drunk?


Optimized_Orangutan t1_iu3xlbr wrote

No, he's just a useful idiot.


cpujockey t1_iu4jnc9 wrote

> useful idiot

im seeing this phrase a lot lately.


Optimized_Orangutan t1_iu4k2kg wrote

I used it to make fun of the original poster, but you will see the accounts parroting Putin/fox news propaganda using it a lot. It's projection like usual. Convince the rubes spreading your lies that everyone else are the crazy/stupid ones and there is less chance they will realize it's actually them.


cpujockey t1_iu4kipi wrote

I hope this shit in ukraine ends soon - those folks have seen enough bullshit and suffering.

they deserve their freedom, putin can suck a dick. hope his cancer gets him soon.


Cobdain t1_iu4ldva wrote

We can all hope, right?


cpujockey t1_iu4lttr wrote


the amount of suffering he has caused the ukrainian people is disgusting. additionally, the way this whole thing has fucked things up all over the world is really starting to piss everyone off. he's def got a target on his back.


SalemsTrials t1_iu47dx7 wrote

Neo nazis or not, I don’t give a fuck about the natural gas. It’s the children being murdered in the streets and thrown into a mass grave with their raped mothers that bothers me. You do you though


Bradcopter t1_iu651b0 wrote

Hey dude, the US has a Neo-Nazi problem too. Doesn't mean we shouldn't support people who are fighting against genocide.